Travel Trainer Development Worker

Closing date/time: 4pm Friday 3rd July Interview dates: Friday 17th July & Monday 20th July

1. Personal Details
Title: Forenames: Surname:
Post code:
Tel No: / Mobile No:
Email address:
2. Current or Most Recent Occupation
Title of post: / Dates from/to:
Full-Time/Part-Time (delete as appropriate) / Present salary:
Brief description of duties:
Name and address of employer:
a) Please give reasons for leaving current post and notice required.
b) How many days’sick have you had in the past twoyears?
c) Have you had any serious illness in the last two years? Yes/No (delete as appropriate)
If yes please give details:
3. Previous Employment
(Continue on separate sheet, if necessary).
Dates from/to / Employer / Salary / Title and brief outline of job / Reason for leaving
4. Secondary Education
Please give details of schools, colleges attended, names, addresses and qualifications gained.
Dates from/to / Name and address of school/college / Exams taken / Grade
5. Further/ Vocation Education
Please give details of colleges, universities, training courses and qualifications gained.
Dates from/to / Name of college/university / Title of Course / Qualifications Obtained
6. Other relevant skills
List any qualifications, skills or abilities.(Computer skills, languages, etc.).
7. Supporting Statement
(Continue on separate sheet, if necessary)
Please ensure you give actual examples from your previous work experiences or other activities to demonstrate your ability to meet the requirements of the job description and how you would fulfil each point on the person specification.
8. References
Please give the names and addresses of two referees, one of whom should normally be your present or last employer. Please indicate if you do not want either to be contacted unless you are offered the post.
Name / Address / Relationship
9. Criminal Convictions
The post which you are applying for will involve working with a vulnerable people, therefore it is necessary for us to ask the following:
Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes/No
Do you give consent for the Voluntary Services Lewisham to seek relevant clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Scheme (DBS) regarding your application? Yes/No
10. Declaration
By signing and returning this application form, I consent to the Charity obtaining, keeping, using and producing information relating to my application and I understand that if I am appointed this application will become part of my personal file and if I am not appointed all manual and electronic files will be deleted after a period of six months, all in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
If it is found that any information provided in my application is false or I have knowingly concealed any fact concerning my eligibility for the post, my name will be withdrawn as a candidate. If I have already been appointed to the post when such a discovery is made, I will be liable for dismissal.
I certify that the information provided in this application (and any additional information enclosed) is correct.
Signed:………………………………………….……. Date: ____/____/____

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