Saturday October 04, 2014
- Called to order at: 12:15pm
- Attendance: Tracy Hawkins, Carina Weisbach, Darla Mohan, Alexa Benzie, Aaron Gamble, Alex Senneker, Dwight Holmen, Mitch Jentink, John Machielse, Keith Hopkins, Lynn Hopkins, Tammy Fraser, Roxanne Valgaldson, Kelcey Walker, Jennifer Steeves – Klimke, Carina Weisbach, Dean Hawkins, Drake Berehowsky, Shawn Walker
- Regrets: Jenn Kabeary
- Financial report
Mitch went over our statement of surplus and accumulated surplus for the year which ended August 31, 2014. There were no discrepancies.
Moved to accept financialreport – Carina Weisbach Seconded Tracy Hawkins - Carried
- Officials Chair
Keith and Lynn Hopkins
- There is some officiating information located on the website for those wanting to learn more about it. There are a lot of advantages when you officiate including being on deck with your child for swim meets.
-We are hosting a swim meet December 6, 2014. It will start later in the day. Approximately 35-40 volunteers are needed for this swim meet including photographers, officials, runners for food etc.
-We are having an officials/timers clinic on October 18 in room C at the LSCO which will run about 1 hour.
- Coaching questions
-Will there be a coach at the Medicine Hat meet? Alexa and Alex will be at the meet.
-The line of communication between the Spartan manager to the parents and coaches needs to improve. Replies to emails cannot wait 48 hours. The turnaround must be much more efficient. Coaches could improve on communication with parents.
-Will there be goals and objectives for swimmers? Practice race times should to be recorded so the swimmer can get faster.
-Many questions arose around swim meets and how to register their swimmer
- There is a parent handbook on the Spartan website to help answer some questions.
- The drop off date for committing to a swim meet is 10 days prior to the meet.
- Email your coach if you want your swimmer to compete in a meet. Your coach will place your child in the races that best suits him/her.
- Does the swimmer have to pay for the meet prior to, the day of or following the meet?
-What is considered a competitive/non competitive swimmer?
- Delta and higher would be considered a competitive swimmer
- If you swim only 1 xper week, you are not considered a competitive swimmer.
- Coaches are doing a great job. Swimmers are improving and gaining more confidence in the water. Asking questions and offering advice is not intended to attack the coaches. It is geared to improve communication, build positive relationships and improve the swimmers and the club as a whole.
- Election of New Executive
- President
- – Mitch Jentink has agreed to act as President for another year
- Treasurer
- Moved: Mitch Jentink nominated Carina Weisbach to act as Treasurer, Seconded: Tracy Hawkins - Carried
- Secretary
- Moved: Carina Weisbach nominated Tracy Hawkins to act as Secretary, Seconded Mitch Jentink - Carried
- Officials Chair
- Moved: Carina Weisbach nominated Keith and Lynn Hopkins to continue acting as Officials Chair, Seconded – Jennifer Steeves-Klimpke - Carried
- Member at Large
- Jennifer Steeves-Klimpkevolunteered to become a Member at Large
- Member at Large
- Darla Mohan volunteered to become a Member at Large
- New Business
Thank you to John and Stephanie Machielse for all your hard work over the years with the Spartans. Your hundreds of hours of volunteer work have not gone unnoticed and it is much appreciated.
- Date of next meeting
Executive meetings with some exceptions will be held on the 1st Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the LSCO meeting room.
Next meeting Thursday October 16, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the meeting room at the Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO)
- Adjournment. 1:00 p.m.