Global Learning Course

Assessment Matrix

Faculty Name:

Course: HSA 4150 Global Healthcare Systems and Policy

Academic Unit: CNHS Degree Program: BHSA Semester Assessed:

Global Learning Student Learning Outcome Addressed / Assessment Method /

Assessment Results

Global Awareness: Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the interrelatedness of local, global, international, and intercultural issues, trends, and systems. / Assessment Activity:
Discussion Question(s):
Discussion Question #1:
- Describe in detail, two basic categories of global health policies. Give an example of local, state, federal, or national legislation that reflect each category.
Evaluation Process
Rubric (Needs Improvement, Meet Standard, Exceed Standard).
-Student construct meaning beyond the literal level e.g., drawing inferences, confirming and correcting, making comparisons and connections, and drawing conclusions.
- Student responds to questions with full and specific knowledge, and often uses literary language in their response (e.g., themes, imagery, symbolism, motifs, etc.)
Minimum Criteria for success: Rubric (Needs Improvement (0-3), Meet Standard (3.5-4), Exceed Standard (4.5-5)). Minimum criteria 3.5 out of 5
Sample: All Students enrolled in course
/ To be assessed each time course is taught
Course Learning Outcome
Students will describe specifically the differences between the different global healthcare systems and policies that are interrelated by their mission, vision, philosophy, values, organizational structure, service delivery, financing, and standards on health outcomes, for various populations.
Use of Results for Improving Student Learning
To be assessed each time course is taught
Global Learning Student Learning Outcome Addressed / Assessment Method /

Assessment Results

Global Perspective: Students will be able to conduct a multi-perspective analysis of local, global, international, and intercultural problems. / Assessment Activity/Artifact:
Students will complete an essay addressing three questions (5 points each) total 15pts. The essay will address the following question (s):
-Name and describe some global healthcare policies.
-Identify and discuss factors influencing global policies and the varied stakeholders (e.g., government, doctors/healthcare professionals, lobbyists, drug companies, organizations and agencies) involved within the policies.
-Briefly describe three types of technology and information management used in global healthcare systems and policies.
Evaluation Process: Rubric score (Exemplary, Meet Expectations, Developing, Poor, not apparent)
-Student gives very specific information. –Student addressed all essay question(s) components.
-Student clearly illustrates critical and reflective thinking.
-Student gives well thought out response
Minimum Criteria for Success:
On a 15pt scale Minimum criteria for success is 10.5 out of 15.
Sample: All students enrolled in course / To be assessed each time course is taught
Course Learning Outcome
-Students will compare Global healthcare systems’ and policies’ via multiple perspectives: technology, information management, and evidence-based practices developed and used within the different healthcare systems.
Use of Results for Improving Student Learning
To be assessed each time course is taught
Global Learning Student Learning Outcome Addressed / Assessment Method /

Assessment Results

Global Engagement: Students will be able to demonstrate willingness to engage in local, global, international, and intercultural problem solving. / Assessment Activity/Artifact:
Group Paper and Presentation (Participation)
Students will evaluate and assess a global healthcare system and policies (e.g., evidence based practices, cultural competency, and system leadership)
Evaluation Process:
Rubric (Exemplary, Meet Expectations, Developing, Poor, not apparent)
- Students papers will demonstrate logical and subtle sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs; transitions are used to enhance organization.
-Student paper consist of depth and complexity of ideas supported by rich, engaging and pertinent details; evidence analysis, reflection and insight
-Student paragraph has thoughtful supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea.
-Student presentation had an exceptional
amount of valuable material and was extremely beneficial to the class.
-Student presentation was well organized, well prepared an easy to follow.
Minimum Criteria for Success:
Rubric On a 20pt scale Minimum criteria for success is 14 out of 20
Sample: All students Enrolled in Course / To be assessed each time course is taught
Course Learning Outcome
Students will analyze and solve problems involving cultural competence within local, global, and international healthcare systems.
Use of Results for Improving Student Learning
To be assessed each time course is taught