Research-Based Interventions for Tier 2 or Tier 3 in Reading

*Prioritized based on level of effectiveness per column

Phonemic Awareness / Phonics/Word Recognition / Vocabulary / Fluency / Comprehension
Phonics Lessons by Fountas & Pinnell
(books for grades K-1) / Leveled Literacy Intervention by Fountas & Pinnell / Leveled Literacy Intervention by Fountas & Pinnell / Leveled Literacy Intervention by Fountas & Pinnell / Leveled Literacy Intervention by Fountas & Pinnell
Focused guided reading-a reading group with a specific focus on a skill deficit area(s) in reading (decoding-word work, guided reading with a book to practice skill, repeat word work) / Phonics Lessons by Fountas & Pinnell (K-3) / Phonics Lessons by Fountas & Pinnell (K-3) / Focused guided reading-a reading group with a specific focus on a skill deficit area(s) in reading (fluency-word work, guided reading with a book to practice skill, repeat word work) / Focused guided reading-a reading group with a specific focus on a skill deficit area(s) in reading (comprehension-questioning, making connections, guided reading with a book to practice skill, repeat)
DRA Word Analysis – phonemic awareness tasks:
e.g. Tasks 1, 13 (rhyming skills); Tasks 8, 14, 18, 21, 34, 39 (segmenting skills), Tasks 12, 25, 33 (blending skills); Tasks 19, 20, 24 (deleting/substituting) / Words Their Way
(Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction) / Words Their Way
(Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction) / Great Leaps / DRA Progress Monitoring Routines 15, 16, & DRA Inferential/Analytical Questioning
DRA Progress Monitoring Routines 1, 2, 3 (blending) / Great Leaps / Focused guided reading-a reading group with a specific focus on a skill deficit area(s) in reading (vocabulary-word work, guided reading with a book to practice skill, repeat word work) / DRA Progress Monitoring Routines 5, 11, 12, 13, 14 (paired reading, rereading, choral reading, timed reading) / Florida Center for Reading Research
-Go to the section “for educators”
-activities are separated into grade level spans
*Printed copies are available in the bookroom
Florida Center for Reading Research
-Go to the section “for educators”
-activities are separated into grade level spans / Focused guided reading-a reading group with a specific focus on a skill deficit area(s) in reading (decoding-word work, guided reading with a book to practice skill, repeat word work) / DRA Progress Monitoring Routine 10 (oral vocabulary) & DRA Inferential/Analytical Questioning / Florida Center for Reading Research
-Go to the section “for educators”
-activities are separated into grade level spans
*Printed copies are available in the bookroom / The Savvy Teacher’s Guide: Reading Interventions that Work by Jim Wright at
“Techniques to Build Text Comprehension”
(e.g. “Click or Clunk”; Advanced Story Map; Keywords: Main Idea Maps; Mental Imagery; Prior Knowledge; Questioning
Benchmark Phonics Kit – phonemic awareness tasks (rhyming/segmenting/ blending/delete/substitute) – choose resources based on the skill the intervention is being provided for / DRA Word Analysis –letter/word recognition & phonics instruction tasks:
e.g. Tasks 2, 3, 11 (initial sounds), Task 5, 6 (letter recognition), Tasks 25, 26, 32, 33 (blends, vowel patterns); Tasks 9, 17, 22, 29, (high frequency words) / Florida Center for Reading Research
-Go to the section “for educators”
-activities are separated into grade level spans / Readers Theatre
*Available in the bookroom / Close Reading
Starfall to be used with other interventions / DRA Progress Monitoring Routines 4, 6 (word parts, chunking, syllabication), 8 (nondecodable words) / Benchmark Word Study Kit – choose resources based on the skill the intervention is being provided for / The Savvy Teacher’s Guide: Reading Interventions that Work by Jim Wright at
“Techniques to Promote Reading Fluency”
Assisted Reading Practice
Listening Passage Preview
Paired Reading (R. Buddies)
Repeated Reading
Nursery Rhymes / Florida Center for Reading Research
-Go to the section “for educators”
-activities are separated into grade level spans / Close Reading / Choral Reading
Mirror (mouth sounds) / Benchmark Phonics Kit – phonics/decoding/word recognition tasks – choose resources based on the skill deficit / Frayer Model for building vocabulary / Whisper Phones to be used with other interventions
Games to be used with other interventions – e.g.
Name Game
ABC roll & cover
ABC bean bag toss / The Savvy Teacher’s Guide: Reading Interventions that Work by Jim Wright at
“Techniques to Promote Error Correction” / Poems for Two Voices
Incremental Rehearsal (9+1) to be used with other interventions
Starfall to be used with other interventions

Resources that some schools have purchased to assist with interventions (remember that all interventions should be implemented with fidelity):

Sounds Sensible

System 44


Read 180

Wilson Fundations/System

Reading Recovery

Tier I Literacy Instruction Framework:

Literacy Block (90 minutes)

  Modeled Writing (12 minutes)

  Small Group Reading (30 minutes)

  Individual/Small Group Writing Conferences (30 minutes)

  Mini- Lesson/ Read Aloud (18 minutes)

*Teachers can provide 4 reading groups or 4 writing groups if is more appropriate for the students.