/ Ashwell State School
Telephone: 5464 1184 Fax: 54642 539
Website: / 35 Reinke Road
Edition 5

Date Claimers


20School Photos(rescheduled)

21Principal’s Meeting

22P&C Meeting 8am

28EXCURSION: St Helena Island Year 3-6 class

June19- 21Rosewood Show

22Semester One Reports home23, 24, 25Parent- Teacher Interviews


LAST DAY of Term 1

Principal’s Desk

Congratulations to all of our students for the wonderful performance at our recent Small Schools’ Cross Country. The weather was perfect, the grounds spectacular, and our students’ participation and conduct was magnificent. AND… the winner is ASHWELL STATE SCHOOL!!

We sent away a record number of our students to represent our small schools’ cluster at the District Cross Country at Boonah Golf Course. Well done to: Summer, Luckee, William, Cody, Jalan, Rhys, Ryan, Zac, Gauge and Josh! Thank you to all of the parents whom were able to join us in the sunshine, to help us cheer on our team. EXTRA GOOD LUCK goes out to Ryan and Josh whom have now been selected in the Fassifern District

Cross CountryTeam to compete at the Metropolitan West Regional Trials to be held at Limestone Park later in May!

AND… our Small Schools’ Cross Country simply would not be the same without all of the support our school community- parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and our amazing P&C. The weather was certainly on our side… however, it was extremely encouraging to have such a strong support base to cheer our students on in the challenging cross country event. The school spirit at Ashwell SS always makes me feel very proud and privileged to be a part of our school… and it was commented on throughout the school event, and again by other schools at the District Cross Country event. Some of our parents really outdid themselves with shakers and support t-shirts, I shall have to find out where they obtained those fantastic shakers!!


In every school there are a number of students whom are identified, by their parents upon enrolment, as having significant medical conditions, e.g. asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis and allergies, etc. At Ashwell SS we are no exception. There are a number of students with individual medical needs. To ensure that the school is best equipped to support your child/ ren and to respond in emergency situations it is essential that the school be provided with an ACTION PLAN.

An ACTION PLAN is provided by your child’s Doctor- GP, pediatrician or other medical specialist. The ACTION PLAN provides the school with specific information outlining the steps to follow in order to respond to a medical emergency- e.g. anaphylaxis or asthma attack. The ACTION PLAN also provides information regarding any preventative medications or other medications that you child is currently prescribed.

If you have identified your child/ ren as having a serious medical condition, e.g. asthma, please ensure that you provide a paper or electroniccopy of their specific ACTION PLAN to Justine in the office as soon as possible. Should the ACTION PLAN outline specific medications which are needed to respond to emergency situations- it is essential that parents provide this medication in originalpackaging with pharmaceuticallabelling for the child- to the school.

If you have any queries please contact the school.


I am delighted to invite all ASHWELL SS students to join in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge.

As well as being fun, the challenge aims to boost children’s literacy skills by encouraging students to read widely for pleasure and learning, to develop their imagination, and to cultivate a passion for literature.

Last year, more than 108,000 students and 700 schools registered in the program. More than 77,500 students successfully completed the challenge reading 1.65 million books.

The reading period for the 2015 Premier's Reading Challenge commences on Tuesday 19 May and closes Friday 28 August.

This year, the Premier has challenged all state and non-state school students from Prep to Year 2 to read or experience 20 books, Years 3 and 4 to read 20 books and Years 5 to 9 to read 15 books.

Prep to Year 2 students can experience books through shared reading, listening to stories or reading picture books. The aim for the 2015 challenge is to reach a total of two million books read.

All students will be bringing home a Premier’s Reading Challenge Recording Sheet to keep a track of the books read throughout the challenge. Should the form become mislaid at any time, please see Mrs Riddell.

Every student who completes the challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier and all students receive a Certificate of Participation. It will be my great pleasure to present these certificates during the Premier’s Reading Challenge Celebration Weeks to be held 9 – 20 November 2015.

For more information about the Premier’s Reading Challenge, please visit:

You can play a big part in your children’s future by encouraging them to be part of this positive initiative.

I look forward to seeing as many of our students as possible embrace the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge.


This week our Year 3 and Year 5 students have participated in the NAPLAN assessment program. It is

expected that the school will have interim whole school data- not individual student data- sometime at the beginning of Term 3. It is anticipated that parents will have NAPLAN reports towards the end of Term 3.

I was extremely proud of how the students managed the somewhat challenging week- including how the other students supported the students undergoing the assessments. Well done, girls and boys… and now it is back to business as usual.

Term Two Teaching and Learning Overviews

Overviews will be forwarded home with students on Monday- we are awaiting specialist teacher input at this stage.


This morning our P- 3 classroom was visited by our local Fire Truck. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were incredibly attentive and interested in all that they had to learn. Our visiting firefighters confirmed what we already know about the students at Ashwell SS- that they are wonderfully behaved students. The firefighters comments were,

‘This is the best behaved school that we have ever been to!’

While we do know… it is lovely to hear from members outside of our school community.


On Thursday May the 28th, our Year 3-6 students will be participating in a fantastic excursion to St Helena Island. This excursion is intended to compliment the History unit of work on the settlement of Moreton Bay. The students will be transported from schooltoManly by bus and transported across Moreton Bay by catamaran. While the day is long, the excursion is a wonderful opportunity to be a part of our region’s local history. To keep costs to a minimum the school is contributing almost half of the cost per child.

All students involved will have a received a letter, permission form, itinerary and list of requirements today. Please return the Permission Forms and money to school as soon as possible.

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students for their fantastic efforts!

WK / CLASS / Student / Award
3 and
4 / P- 3 / Tahlia / Persistence with NAPLAN
Brooklyn / Persistence with NAPLAN
Hudson / Persistence with NAPLAN
3 and
4 / 3- 6 / Zac / Leadership and Public Speaking as Sports Captain
Maisyn / Organized and Ready to Learn at All Times
Alex / Showing Persistence in Mathematics

Warm regards,