School of Business

Internship Program

Internship Syllabus BUSI 499/BUSI 299/BMIS 499/ACCT 499

Residential and Online

Table of Contents


Course Description 3

Objective 3

Prerequisites 3

Assignments/Course Requirements 3

Requirements: 3

Assignments: 4

Policies 4

Grading Policy: 4

Conduct Policies: 4

Contact Information 5

Associate Dean Keith Wargo 5

School of Business 5

Megan Miller GSA 5

Due Dates 5

Fall: 5

Spring: 5

Summer: 6

Student Internship Agreement Form Exhibit A 7

299 Zero-Credit Internship Registration Form Exhibit B 11

Internship Reflection Paper Rubric Exhibit C 12

Student Evaluation of Employer Exhibit D 14

Check-in Rubric Exhibit E 15

Student Internship Checklist Exhibit F 16

Course Description

An internship program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop and discover what their interests and talents are, while obtaining the necessary skill set to ultimately achieve their desired career goals.

The Liberty University School of Business internship course is specifically designed to allow students the freedom to choose their internship company as well as the desired work load while providing full faculty and advisor support should the student need it. The course will consist of a series of periodic discussions about what the student has learned and experienced as well as a final paper summarizing the learning objectives the student achieved while doing the internship.


The objective of the internship program at the School of Business is to enable students to successfully enter whatever job market they choose, being fully equipped to perform to the best of their ability while portraying the humility, honor, and glory of God in all of their endeavors. In order to achieve this goal, the student and their internship supervisor will be asked to list several learning objectives to be performed throughout the duration of their internship.


The following are the prerequisites for all internship courses as listed in the Predetermination Internship Evaluation form (PIE) that each student must fill out prior to enrolling in the class:

·  Junior or senior status

·  Completed at least 15 hours in business courses

·  2.5 minimum GPA (some employers require higher)

·  Declared major

·  Current CSER status, or only one semester behind (for residential students)

Assignments/Course Requirements

Each student will be required to complete several assignments as throughout the course. The assignments are designed to monitor the student’s adherence to the learning objectives agreed to by the student and their internship supervisor. In addition to the assignments measuring the effectiveness of learning objectives, they are also designed to hold students accountable for their performance during their internship. The following is a list of the assignments required to be completed for the student to obtain credit for the class. These assignments can also be found in the Student-Check List located in Exhibit E at the end of this document.


Each intern has the potential to earn anywhere from 1-6 credit hours depending on the total amount of hours worked. Each 60 hours worked equals 1 credit hour. The amount of hours worked will be determined by the student and their internship supervisor. Therefore, to earn a full 3 credits, students will need to work 180 hours during their internship.


·  Attend SIA Approval Meeting with Professor Keith Wargo

·  Complete 4 student Check-ins in Blackboard (Exhibit F)

·  Complete a Student Evaluation of their Employer (Exhibit D)

·  Complete a Final reflection paper on the learning objectives for the internship (Exhibit C)


Grading Policy:

The following is the breakdown of the point value allotted to each assignment. There is a total of 1,000 points possible for the class.

Assignment / Point Value / Total % of grade
SIA Approval Meeting / 50 / 5%
Check-ins (4) / 50 points each (200 points total) / 20%
Student Evaluation of Employer / 50 / 5%
Employer Evaluation of Student / 200 / 20%
Final Paper / 500 / 50%
Total / 1,000 / 100%

Grading Scale:

A = 900-1000

B = 800-899

C = 700-799

D = 600-699

F = 0-599

Conduct Policies:

It is the expectation of the School of Business that our students will behave in a respectable and professional manner at all times. It is important for students to remember that they represent their fellow peers and the entire school when they are conducting an internship. It is our expectation that our interns, as representatives of Liberty University, will demonstrate the same Christ-like behavior in their professional environment as they would in their classes. Therefore, we expect our student interns to:

·  Be dependable in attendance, punctuality, and completion of all assignments and tasks

·  Maintain a professional businesslike appearance when working

·  Show good judgment and initiative when performing all tasks

·  Maintain a humble, willing, and cooperative attitude towards all co-workers and supervisors

·  Demonstrate professional written and verbal communication skills

Contact Information

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Associate Dean Keith Wargo

Phone: 434.582.2917

Office: DH 1066

Office Hours: M-F 11:00am-12:00pm


School of Business

Phone: 434.592.7321

Office: DH 1045

Office Hours: M-F 8:00am-5:00pm

Megan Miller GSA

Phone: 434.592.6933

Office: DH 1045

Office Hours: M-F 9:00am-1:00pm


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Due Dates

Each semester will have its own dates where assignments will be due. This will include all assignments that need to be completed in Blackboard as well as the deadlines for the internship application process.


Application Process / LUO / Residential
Meet with Professor Wargo / Before August 5th / Before
Complete and return SIA form / August 5th / October 15th / August 5th / October 15th
Attend Workshop / N/A / N/A / Before 1st day of class / Before October 15th
Fill out employer evaluation form and post to Blackboard / Last day of class / Last day of class / By the last day of class / Last day of class
Post final paper to Blackboard / Week of December 7th - 14th / Week of December 7th - 14th / By the last day of class / Last Day of class
TERM / A / D / A / D


Application Process / LUO / Residential
Meet with Professor Wargo / Before December 15th
Complete and return SIA form / December 15th / March 11th / December 15th / March 11th
Attend Workshop / N/A / N/A / Before 1st day of class
Fill out employer evaluation form and post to Blackboard / Last day of class / Last day of class / By the last day of class
Post final paper to Blackboard / Week of May 6th - 10th / Week of May 6th – 10th / By the last day of class
TERM / A / D / A / D


Application Process / LUO / Residential
Meet with Professor Wargo / Before April 5th
Complete and return SIA form / April 5th / June 17th / April 5th / June 17th
Attend Workshop / N/A / N/A / Before 1st day of class
Fill out employer evaluation form and post to Blackboard / Last day of class / Last day of class / By the last day of class
Post final paper to Blackboard / Week of 12th-16th / Week of 12th – 16th / By the last day of class
TERM / A / D / A / D

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Liberty University Undergraduate Internship Program

Career Center • 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg, VA 24502

434-592-4109 • •

Student Internship Agreement Form Exhibit A

I. Student Information

Student Name (include maiden name if applicable): Student ID #:

Mailing Address (First line):

City: State: Zip:

Phone: Email: @LIBERTY.EDU

Major: Class Year (JR/SR):

International Student (check one): YES NO Have you been convicted of a felony (check one): YES NO

Internship Semester: Course:

Course Credit Hours: Required Work Hours (See online internship handbook):

II. Faculty (FIA) Information

Faculty Intern Advisor: Department:

Phone: Email:

III. Internship Organization Information

Internship Organization:

Organization’s Mailing Address (First line):

City: State: Zip:

Supervisor: Title:

Phone: Email:


Internship Start Date: Internship End Date: Total Agreed Upon Work Hours:

Is this position (circle one): Unpaid Paid

(If paid, please provide or explain the amount of compensation, gift, stipend, or value of trade):

IV. Student Internship Description & Learning Objectives

Duties/Assignments (job description):

(Together with your site supervisor identify what your duties and assignments will be while at work with your internship organization. Attach additional sheet if needed.)

Learning Objectives:

(Together with your faculty internship advisor, identify three objectives that you plan to accomplish during your internship. The objectives should indicate skills/knowledge that are specific, measurable, realistic, and achievable. The purpose is to show what portions of your discipline you will incorporate into your internship.)

V. Internship Guidelines for Students

If accepted into the Liberty University Undergraduate Internship Program, the intern will have the opportunity to participate in training and observation at the internship organization in accordance with this Agreement. The intern understands and agrees to abide by all requirements, provisions, terms and conditions of this Agreement in consideration of the opportunity to participate in an internship program at this agency.

PERSONAL CONDUCT – The Intern agrees to:

·  continue to uphold high moral values, as he/she will be representing Liberty University as an intern;

·  become familiar with the Liberty Way in order to have a complete understanding of how to follow the Internship Guidelines;

·  the policies of the Liberty Way specific to the administration of eight or more reprimands being applicable to his/her internship;

·  an immediate dismissal from his/her internship position, as well as disciplinary action in accordance with the Liberty Way, upon the accrual of 16 or more reprimands.

RELATIONS WITH OTHERS - Intern agrees that:

He/she is under the honor code of the Liberty Way in regard to personal matters with other interns, and if he/she:

·  should witness what is considered to be an infraction of school policy, it is his/her responsibility to first confront the student and request that the intern report immediately to the Experiential Education Coordinator, and then report the alleged infraction and those involved to the Experiential Education Coordinator;

·  fails to uphold the code by ignoring major infractions of school policy by not giving full disclosure, he/she will be deemed as responsible as the person who violates the school policy, and will receive appropriate discipline. A violation of school policy is considered a betrayal of the Liberty Way and is treated as such;

·  has a personal problem with his/her employer, or any other person with whom he/she is affiliated as an intern, he/she should try to politely resolve it directly with the person involved, and then if necessary, he/she should contact the Liberty University Faculty Intern Advisor responsible for his/her internship or the Experiential Education Coordinator who will make further contacts.

INTERNSHIP POLICIES - Intern agrees that:

·  he/she will fulfill his/her obligation to the organization according to the terms delineated on the internship agreement, and that if he/she is dismissed by the organization because of unprofessional practices, the internship shall be and have unsuccessfully completed the internship requirements, he/she may receive a failing grade for the course and may also be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Liberty Way;

·  an internship course may be dropped without academic or financial penalty only in those instances wherein Liberty University determines that the organization has significantly departed from the terms of the Student Internship Agreement;

·  the internship course assignments and hours worked must be started and completed within the semester registered;

·  the Faculty Intern Advisor will address questions about assignments, credit, or the academic quality of the internship site;

·  internship fees are assessed at the current tuition rate per credit hour;

·  intern (student) agrees to pay $100 late fee if turning in contract after April 30th for an internship in the summer or fall term or November 30th for an internship in the spring term. If internship position is not awarded until after deadlines, then late fee can be waived with a letter from the internship site supervisor of the organization.

·  falsification of any portion of this document will result in immediate dismissal from the Liberty University Internship Program and may constitute further disciplinary action from the Office of Student Conduct.


·  Indemnity. The undersigned student and parent and/or legal guardian each, jointly and severally, hereby releases, waives his or her rights to recover against, and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Liberty University, and all of its operators, and parent, subsidiary and related entities, and its and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, servants and insurers (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Indemnitee”) from and for any and all claims or causes of action for any losses, damages, property damage, property loss or theft, costs, expenses (including attorney’s fees and opinion witness fees), complaints, personal injury, death or other loss arising from or relating in any way to student’s participation in the Internship, including, without limitation, student’s travel to, from and during the internship, and wrongful acts of others that are harmful to the student.

·  Waiver. The undersigned student and parent and/or legal guardian each waive any and all claims that may arise against Liberty University, and all of its operators, and parent, subsidiary and related entities, and its and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, servants and insurers as a result of or in any way related to student’s participation in the Internship, including, without limitation, student’s travel to, from and during the internship, and wrongful acts of others that are harmful to the student, including but not limited to claims alleging negligence, gross negligence, and/or willful and wanton negligence. The undersigned student and parent and/or legal guardian each further agree to waive the protection afforded by any statute or law in any jurisdiction the purpose, substance and/or effect of which is to provide that a general release shall not extend to claims, material or otherwise, which the person giving the release does not know or suspect to exist at the time of executing the release. This means, in part, that the undersigned is releasing unknown future claims.