Class: Spanish 3NS Hour: 6:00-7:50 p.m. Days: TTH
Instructor: Dr. Daniel Gutiérrez Phone: 559.301.6128 E-mail:
Room: AV1 247 Office Hours: Feel free to see me for help or advice after class.
The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus as necessary. All changes will be communicated to students.
Course Description: Beginning course in Spanish for bilingual or monolingual native speakers designed to
develop reading and writing skills. This course emphasizes concise and correct oral communication through
awareness of interference, syntax and vocabulary development. Hispanic literature and culture are covered.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the semester, you will be able to:
A. demonstrate, distinguish, and utilize the appropriate vocabulary, grammar and idioms to reflect standard language used by the educated native speaker in Latin America and Spain.
B. compose in a variety of modalities: personal and professional letters, descriptive, narrative, expository,
and analytical essays, and research documents.
C. read and comprehend Spanish language newspapers, magazines, short stories, and essays with greater facility.
D. engage in conversations in Spanish by being consciously aware of the varieties and accents within the language, of English interference, of code switching, and of other commonalties of oral expression,
E. meet and get to know other native speakers of Spanish through face-to face contact or through personal correspondence, the Internet, or travel.
F. formulate and relate in Spanish thoughts and ideas about personal readings.
G. distinguish and discuss aspects of Hispanic cultures inside the United States, and compare and contrast these cultures with those in Hispanic countries.
· El mundo 21 hispano: Español para el siglo 21. Curso intermedio. Samaniego, Rojas, De Alarcón, Rodriguez
· El mundo 21 hispano: Cuaderno para los hispanohablantes. Rodríguez, Samaniego, Rojas, De Alarcón
· Diccionario Larousse. Del español moderno.
· Also purchase a stapler and red pens.
· Please purchase a three-ring binder and spiral notebook for taking notes, writing homework assignments, and keeping handouts. (Keep an organized binder).
Se habla español. Spanish is the language of communication in this class, and I expect you to make every effort to
use Spanish and avoid English. Socializing in English during class hours is not permitted.
Your final grade in this class depends on your production and the quality of your work, not on what you know
when you enter the class. If you have already mastered the material in this class, you should be in a more
advanced class.
Your grade will be based upon a number of points you have earned taken as a percentage of points possible, then
measured against the following scale:
Percentage of Points Earned / Letter Grade90% or higher / A
80% or higher / B
70% or higher / C
60% or higher / D
Below 60% / F
Quizzes: 4 (25, 25, 25, 25) 100
Tests and Final Exam: 4 x100 400
Participation and Class Work 170
Homework: Chapters 1-4 (40 points per chapter) 160
Cultural Presentations 2 x 50 100
Essays 2 x 35 70
Total Points: 1000
Attendance and Tardiness: Daily attendance for the full duration of the class period is mandatory and will affect
your final grade. Since active participation and class preparation are essential to meeting the goals of this class, you
must be present. See me or call me regarding emergency situations of illness. Make sure you link up with a reliable classmate who can take notes and bring your homework to class if you must be absent.
If you arrive tardy to class you probably have been marked absent. See me at the end of class so that I change “absent”
to “tardy” in my roll book. This is your responsibility. Two tardies or early departures from class are equivalent to
one absence, so please be on time and stay until class is dismissed. If you miss the equivalent of three days of instruction, you will be dropped.
Periodic quizzes: Oral or written quizzes are announced ahead of time. If you are not present for a quiz,
you may not make it up. Be prepared!
Tests and Final Exam: There will be a written test at the end of each lesson, approximately every three to four weeks; four chapter tests will be given. We will try to work through all four chapters. Test dates will always be announced in advance. You may not make up any make a missed tests, so do not be absent on test days.
Cultural Presentations: Oral performance will be judged by two cultural presentations and other oral tasks during the semester.
Homework and Preparation: There will be homework for every chapter. Late homework will not be accepted.
Participation and Class Work: Participation and Class Work is an important component of the grade. Since we focus on speaking and writing during class, you must be present to acquire those skills. Don’t sit back and wait to be called on—instead volunteer a response to a question. When you volunteer, no penalty is attached to a wrong answer. Each day you will receive points for participation and class work done in class and for using Spanish only. Your failure to attend class and participate in an informed fashion will lower your grade.
Homework: All homework assignments for each individual chapter will be due at the beginning of class on the day of a chapter exam. Please staple your work and make sure to have your name on all work you turn in to the instructor.
Dropping Class: If you wish to drop this class, it is your responsibility. Petitions for reinstatement are also the responsibility of the student.
Credit / No Credit: If you are really concerned about your grade, consider switching to Credit – No Credit; the
deadline to apply is the end of the fifth week of the semester. The units count toward G.E and your degree, but CR-
NC does reduce the grade pressure a bit.
Note: If you have a verified need for an academic accommodation or materials in alternate media (i.e. Braille,
large print, electronic text, etc.) per the Americans With Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act,
please contact your instructor as soon as possible.
It is recommended that you record names and phone numbers of at least two other class members.
Nombre y teléfono Nombre y teléfono
Nombre:______Número de teléfono: ______
Cuestionario: Constesta las pregunstas con respuestas detalladas. Usa el espacio disponible.
1. ¿Cómo aprendiste el idioma español? ______
2. ¿Qué idiomas hablas? ______
3. ¿Cuáles son tus metas profesionales? ______
4. ¿Tienes algún talento o habilidad especial? ______
5. ¿Tienes más clases? ¿Cuántas unidades piensar tomar este semester? ¿Qué otras responsabilidades tienes? ¿Tienes suficiente tiempo para cumplir con las obligaciones del curso?______
6. ¿Tienes alguna necesidad especial? ______