Pharaoh Hound Club of America
Board Conference Call Meeting, February 20, 2014
Members present: Pam Haig, Sheila Hoffman, Linda Witt, Stephen Sipperly, Rita Sacks, Robert Newman, Denise Gentile, Meredith Wille Absent: Jane Hodnett
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by president, Robert Newman.
Recording Secretary Report (Sheila): Sheila moved we approve the April and September 2013 board minutes as published. Pam seconded. Unanimously passed.
Corresponding Secretary Report (Rita): Seven inquires since the first of the year. This is more than usual. We still need feedback from the breeders who are on the breeders list whether referrals are helpful and if they have been contacted.
Treasurer report (Jane): 2013 year-end treasury balance was$36,070.85 of which $13,030.01 in the rescue fund. Report was forwarded to the board.
Rescue Committee (Pam): Nothing new. Several of Jan Ault’s dogs are being placed by Kim Grega.
Health Committee (Stephen): 2013 non-repliers to the health survey have been shared with the board. CHIC reports and OFA percentage reports continue to come in and luckily our incidence of occurrence for what they track is low.
Education committee (Rita): Meet The Breed in Orlando went well. Thanks to Laurie for managing and Dominic for setting up the display. There are no scheduled judges education events at this time. Rita is still working with AKC on the copyright issue for the wording to go into their “Meet The Breeds” book. Sheila reported that she has purchased the AKC breed video for education seminars and will send the bill to Jane.
Website (Cynthia): Cynthia is still our webmaster so please remember to share updates for the website with her.
Ways & Means (Sheila): Nothing new.
Audit (all): This year’s audit should be conducted during the Western specialty weekend with Robert, Greg Witt and Theresa Harper.
Old Business:
Western 2014(Robert): April 25-27 at Lake Mathews Kennel Club in Chino. CA. Specialty judge will be George Boulton and supported entry judges are Charles Trotter and Lori Nelson. Pam will be available for ringside tutoring if needed.
Eastern 2014 (Stephen) The Eastern will be held in Wrentham, MA on June 28 with supported entries through the weekend. Ray Filburn Jr. is judging the specialty.
National 2014 (Stephen): September 11-14 in Cape Cod. National judge is Carol Reisman; Thursday is Judy Webb; Friday is Dan Smyth, and Sunday is Diane Malenfant. Meredith will send a list of leftover trophies from last year to Stephen. Working with PHONE (Julie Gwin) to covertrophies for one day of the supported entry – Denise to follow up with them.
It is the 30th year of AKC recognition and 25th year of National Specialty. Darlene Dimor has done two logos and we will use them both. Annie Hammer will put together a presentation of winners from past 25 years and plan to have a Parade of Champions to commemorate these anniversaries.
Mentoring Program has been approved and applications will now be accepted. Need to check if it is on the website. Should be under members only section.
Conversion of Past National VHS tapes to DVD (Sheila) Approximately half are completed at a good deal with 20% discount coupon with a total cost to this point of under $300. The company that filmed the last Cape Cod specialty is offering that DVD for 60% off. All agreed the club should purchase this one as it will still keep us under $1000 cost allotted for conversion.
To – Do List – Recording secretary (Sheila) will pull together the list of open items from the past two years (include revising the Bi-laws).
New Business:
Points of Order: Need to put email voting and options into our bi-laws. Issues need to be handled with a motion especially when they concern club funds.
Preferred Judges list: Stephen had purchased the list of Pharaoh Hound approved judges from AKC for $25.00. Robert asked Sheila as recording secretary to send out the ballot. We need to update the list every three years. In the past ballots went to Stephen; club records/votes should go to the club recording secretary. Stephen will forward the list and letter to Sheila to mail out and tally.
AKC sent a letter about Crufts invites for this year to Robert and Rita. Robert forwarded to Stephen for this year’s National.
Fund-raising – the rescue fund is very healthy so we need to consider funds helping out with specialty funding. Sheila to have Andrea send out a mass email soliciting donation for the Western fund.
Morris & Essex dog show – This show is now only run every five years and the next one will be 2015 in Summerset, NJ. A big show with lots of PR and many supported entries. It is usually the same weekend as the Montgomery Terrier show in October. The club offers $1.00 per dog, provide rosettes and medallions. Anyone entering gets a box lunch included. Pam moved that PHCA host a supported entry at this show in 2015. Linda seconded. Unanimously passed.
Discussed hosting National with the Western and it was agreed that it makes sense if the coordinator wants it to go this direction. This is especially good if we do not get any other proposals.
AKC has announced a CAT eligibility age limit has been reduced to 6 months. All agreed this is a bad idea and many lure operators are not willing to work with this as it could be very dangerous to the dogs running. Stephen will check with Dominic since he is on the performance committee for coursing to see what prompted this change and share that the club is against this change.
We need a new newsletter editor! We will put the word out to the membership to see if anyone is willing.
There will be four days of all-breed coursing near Atlanta over the Memorial Day weekend – 2 AKC and 2 ASFA hosted by GANG. They are asking for specialty trials to be held during this time. Pam moved that PHCA support one AKC and one ASFA Pharaoh Hound only specialty trials hosted by GANG over Memorial Day weekend in GA for which she will supply the trophies. Seconded by Stephen. Unanimously passed.
Stephen moved to adjourn the meeting,Denise seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned at 8:38 PM.