Madisonville Community College
syllabus Spring 2008
Course: ET 150 Mining Law 8001 78748
Section #: 8001
Class #: 78748
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Instructor: Rick Caskey
Office number: 103
Office phone number (270) 824-1762
Office hours: 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Course description:
This course teaches the theory, intent, construction and application of mining law pertaining to coal enacted by the state and the federal.
Course Objectives:
A. Students will identify the regulations governing safety in coal mines.
B. Students will identify the duties of a mine foreman in the state of Kentucky.
C. Students will identify the duties of a pre-shift examiner in the state of Kentucky.
D. Students will recognize safety reporting requirements.
Critical Thinking:
Students will be engage in critical thinking activities by case scenarios of various mining citations and required to analysis, synthesis, and rationalize data available. The students will be assessed as groups and individuals according to procedures and precautions necessary for complying with the regulatory agents.
ET 150 Mining Law
I Duties of Pre-Shift examiner
II Duties of Mine Foreman
III Duties of Shift Foreman
IV Duties of Section Foreman
V CFR Title 30
A. Part 70
B. Part 71
C. Part 75
D. Part 77
VI Kentucky Revised Statutes
A Chapters 351
B Chapters 352
VII Kentucky Administrative Regulations
A. Chapters 2
B. Chapters 3
C. Chapters 5
D. Chapters 7
E. Chapters 8
Textbook Required: Printed Material
Instructional Supplies: Pencil, Paper, Safety Glasses
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
59-blow F
· Grades based on performance and written exams.
ADA PolicyIf you have a documented disability and need any type of accommodation, you are required to register with the Disability Resource Coordinator. Contact Valerie Wolfe, Disability Resource Coordinator, in Room 112 of the LRC building or at (270) 824-1708. The Disability Resources Office provides accommodations for students with permanent or temporary documented disabilities. This includes, but is not limited to, students with physical or psychological disabilities, learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, and other health problems.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to be in class every time it is scheduled to meet. This class should be treated like a job. If you can not attend, call in and let the instructor know why you are going to be absent.
Late Work Policy
Students are expected to turn in assignments the next class period after their absence. One letter grade will be deducted for every class day the assignment is turned in late. Some assignments can be sent electronically to the instructor. These will be expected on the due date no mater what.
Make-up Policy
Students will be expected to make up any in class work as soon as feasible with the instructor's OK. Anyone missing a test will be required to take a makeup test consisting of essay questions covering the material.
Withdrawal Policy
Students may withdraw from a class at their discretion with a "W" prior to the completion of the eighth week of classes. This date is ______. The last day for a student, at the discretion of the instructor, to officially withdraw from a class and receive a grade of "W" is ______.
Homework Help Online is a free online tutoring service that can be accessed through Madisonville Community College's homepage. Go to Select "Current Students" and look at the list under "Academics." In the list you will click "Online tutoring" (Live Homework Help). This will take you to the service which is available from 2:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. seven days a week. provides services from grades 4 to college.
Student Code of Conduct
You can locate the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) Student Code of Conduct at
To satisfy the general education requirement of writing across the curriculum, "Instructors in all courses are expected to call attention to proper English usage and may penalize for errors and/or require the rewriting of papers which do not meet acceptable standards in English." (Senate Rules, Section V, 2.3.3)
Course Requirements (applies only to technical courses)