Shasta College

Application for Sabbatical Leave

Name / Division:
Length of leave requested: / One Semester: / Fall / Spring
OR / One Year
Length of service in District and beginning date:

Type of service rendered (teaching courses in present assignment, counseling, etc.):

Explain why this proposal cannot be carried on in the summer or by faculty development project but can be done better during the academic year.

Have you ever been granted a sabbatical leave? / Yes / No
If so, when?

Type of leave requested: (Check one or more and give details on the appropriate supplementary form or forms.)

1. / Advanced Degree/Post Graduate Study / 2. / Documented Study/Research
3. / Working in One=s Field of Expertise

Submit an abstract statement on how your leave will be implemented, and how your activities while on leave will benefit the students and Shasta College (additional explanation may be made on attached documents and as described in Instruction #4).

The information included in this application and supplementary documentation is accurate and I do agree to submit the required written and oral report upon return from my leave, if approved.

Applicant=s signature: ______Date: ______

Revised 10/3/97

Sabbatical Leave Supplement

Advanced Degree/Post Graduate Study

Name / Division:

1. Name of school or schools being considered. Proof of eligibility for acceptance must be provided to the District by April 15 for a leave for the following school year or by the preceding calendar year for a spring semester sabbatical. A letter of admissibility could be submitted with this application or by the above dates.

2. Course of study. Identify program, courses, credits, etc., as best they can be predicted at this time.

3. Relationship of this study to your current assignment. Provide a detailed description.

4. Reason for returning for advanced collegiate study (new assignment or revision of existing assignment, degree or credential to be acquired, advanced research, etc.).

Note: Any appended letters from colleagues and/or supervisors detailing how the proposed leave will be of value to students, to the department, and to the District, will be considered to be part of this application.

Revised 10/3/97

Sabbatical Leave Supplement

Documented Study/Research

Name / Division:

1. Research Project. Outline the project and list research objectives.

2. Research methods, procedures and techniques. Outline how the research objectives will be achieved.

3. Location where research is to be conducted. Provide specifics and list locations in chronoligcal order.

4. Institutions and services that will be used during the course of the research. Indicate formal and informal affiliations. Include, where possible, copies of correspondence from the institutions concerned (letters from libraries, academic departments, individuals, etc., indicating their cooperation with you).

Sabbatical Leave Supplement - Documented Study Research - Page 2

5. Research products. Describe teaching or student materials or copies thereof (books, pamphlets, papers, slides, specimens, models, equipment, etc.) that will be deposited in Shasta College for the use of teachers and/or students as a result of this sabbatical leave?

6. Benefit to the College. Provide specific examples.

7. Conferences or other activities that will be attended. Provide names, locations, dates and descriptions. Include conference announcements, letters of acceptance, etc., if available. (Documentation of attendance at these conferences should be included in your post-sabbatical report.)

8. Independent study not involving specific conferences or meetings. Describe as above, with attached letters showing approval of the plan by the schools and/or other agencies involved.

Note: Any appended letters from colleagues and/or supervisors detailing how the proposed leave will be of value to students, to the department, and to the District, will be considered to be part of this application.

Revised 10/3/97

Sabbatical Leave Supplement

Working in One=s Field of Expertise

Name / Division:

1. Name of employer and location of the job assignment. Estimate the amount of compensation.

2. Proposed position and outline of duties.

3. Benefit to the College. Describe in detail how this leave will benefit you and the College in your current assignment.

Note: Any appended letters from colleagues and/or supervisors detailing how the proposed leave will be of value to students, to the department, and to the District, will be considered to be part of this application.

Revised 10/3/97

Instructions for Completion of the

Application for Sabbatical Leave

1. It is recommended that a candidate review the Academic Master Contract Agreement, Article 6.0 LEAVES, Sabbatical Leave, to be certain that he/she understands the various provisions of the college policy. Some of the most important provisions are:

a. Sabbatical leaves are granted to enable recipients to be engaged in programs of research and/or study, thus to become more effective teachers within their disciplines and to enhance their services to the college.

b. Types of Sabbaticals:

(1) To pursue an advanced degree or appropriate post-graduate study within one=s teaching discipline at an accredited university or college,

(2) To conduct documented study and research that is conducive to improving learning and teaching effectiveness and program design related to the bargaining unit member=s assignment.

(3) To work in one=s field of expertise to acquire new techniques and materials consistent with current industrial, business, and/or professional practices.

c. A bargaining unit member is eligible to apply for either a one-semester or one-year leave of absence for the above purposes after completion of each six (6) consecutive years of certificated service to the District. The bargaining unit member shall be employed at least one-half time during a particular year in order for that year to qualify as one of the six.

d. Sabbatical Leave applications will be evaluated primarily in terms of the value of the leave to the students and to the District. That is, applications shall be judged not only in terms of professional value to the applicant, but in terms of what the applicant may contribute following his/her return to the District through improved classroom teaching/counseling, leadership, and curriculum development. Among applications of equivalent merit, the bargaining unit member applying for a first sabbatical leave shall have priority over a bargaining unit member applying for a subsequent leave. In determining priority, the number of those on leave during any given year shall be so balanced among the faculty as to preserve continuity in the educational programs or services of the college.

e. No later than March 1, the Sabbatical Leave Committee shall forward to the Superintendent/President all applications, noting those not recommended for approval and ranking those recommended for approval.

After taking into consideration all of the factors listed in section of the Master Contract Agreement, the Superintendent/President will also develop a recommendation regarding sabbatical leaves.

Recommendations of both the Sabbatical Leave Committee and the President/Superintendent will be presented to the Board of Trustees in April.

Instructions for Completion of the Application for Sabbatical Leave - Page 2

f. Bargaining unit members granted a sabbatical leave for one semester shall be paid 100% of the salary that they were paid when the application was made (adjusted by appropriate step and contractual salary increases).

Academic employees granted sabbatical leave for a period of one school year shall be paid not less than 85 percent of the annual salary that they were paid when the application was made (adjusted by appropriate step and contractual salary increases).

Prior to beginning the Sabbatical Leave, a Leave of Absence Agreement, setting forth conditions of the leave and requiring two full years of service immediately following return from sabbatical leave, must be signed by the bargaining unit member. A bargaining unit member who fails to fulfill these conditions or to render two full years of service subsequent to the leave, will be required to reimburse the District for any salary and benefits received during the sabbatical leave.

2. Applicants must acquire the appropriate sabbatical leave application forms from the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.

3. Three types of forms are available. Use one or more of these forms as appropriate. The types of leaves have been identified as:

1. Advanced Degree/Postgraduate Study

2. Documented Study/Research

3. Working in One=s Field of Expertise

4. Applicants must complete all sabbatical leave forms with supporting documentation and return them to the Academic and Student Affairs Office during the month of January (both one-year and one-semester applications are due at this time). INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

4.1 Applicants must provide a copy of their application to their supervisor and request that she/he provide a written statement, no later than January 31, to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, regarding the effect on the curriculum, program, and operation of the department/Center should the sabbatical leave be granted. A copy of this statement shall be circulated to each department or Center member 48 hours prior to submission to the Vice President.

4.2 Applicants are encouraged to solicit letters from colleagues and administrators detailing how the proposed leave will be of value to students, to the department, and to the district. Such letters, if appended to the application, will be considered to be part of the application.

5. Each employee returning from sabbatical leave shall file a written report, pursuant to (1) and (2) of the Academic Master Contract Agreement.