Adult Kickball Rules and Regulations

All rules and interpretations will be covered under the Kickball Association (KA) and Amateur Softball Association (ASA) with the following emphasis and exceptions listed below. The Recreation Director sets the rules and reserves the right to interpret the rules in the best interest of the Lincoln Recreation Department Adult Kickball League.

  1. Player Eligibility: Players must be at least 16 years old to play. Anyone under 18 will not be able to play without the signed consent of a parent/guardian on file at the Lincoln Recreation Department.
  2. Team Rosters: All team managers shall file a roster listing the players’ first and last name, address, and phone number. This roster must be in the Rec Office by the entry deadline. All changes to the roster must be done at the Rec Office.
  3. Minimum Players: Teams must carry a minimum of 10 players on their rosters.
  4. Maximum Players: Teams may carry a maximum of 16 players on their rosters. More than players must be approved by the Recreation Director.
  5. Adding/Dropping Players: Players may be added and/or dropped from the roster, but their names must be listed on the roster before they ca participate.
  6. Games: Once a game is scheduled, it will be played per the date, time and place listed. No postponements or changes in the schedule will be allowed, unless made by the Recreation Director due to facility availability or inclement weather.
  7. Forfeited Games: If a team is not on the field with at least 7 players at the scheduled start time the official has the right to call the game. The field can then be used for practice or a pickup game. Forfeited games will not be rescheduled and will reflect a loss at the end of the season for tournament purposes.
  8. Rain-out Games: Rain-out games will be rescheduled by the Recreation Director when there is an available field.
  9. Game Time: Games will be scheduled 1 hour apart with games lasting approximately 50mins.
  10. Home Team: The first team listed on the schedule is the home team and will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
  11. Lineups: The lineup must be presented to the umpire or home team scorer at least 5 minutes before game time. Lineups must consist of 5 men and 5 women, and must alternate gender throughout the batting order
  12. Minimum Players: A game may be started with 7 players; however, at least one -half of the team on the field MUST be women (i.e. 7players/at least 4 women… 9players/at least 5women). If there are not 7 eligible players present, then the game will be forfeited.
  13. Maximum Players: A team may have a maximum of 16 players listed on their lineup if the batting order maintains a male/female rotation.
  14. Pick-Up-Players: A team may add a maximum of 2 non-rostered players to reach a total of 7 playersif they are eligible to play by the above standards. No one under the age of 18 is permitted to play before the Rec Office has received a release from their parent/guardian. Pick-Up-Payers must be approved by the official and the opposing team prior to the start of play.
  15. Automatic Outs: Automatic outs will not be charged for a team playing with less than a full lineup. Automatic outs will be charged for each missing female in the batting lineup.
  16. Free Substitution: Substitutions may be made by gender only. A male mist be substituted for a male, and a female must be substituted for a female.
  17. Game Officials: An official will be provided by Lincoln Recreation Department for all games. If an official fails to report, a substitution official will be assigned by the Recreation Director, upon agreement by both teams.
  18. Game Length: No new inning shall start after 50 minutes or 7 innings from the recorded starting time unless teams are tied. It there is a tie, the game will continue until a winner can be declared.
  19. Run Rule: A maximum of 10 runs can be scored per half inning per team. The 10-run rule shall be in effect any time after the completion of 4.5 or 5 innings, 15-run rule after 3.5 or 4 innings, or the 20-run rule after 2.5 or 3 innings.
  20. Balls: The official game ball is an 8.5” rubber playground ball. This will be provided by Lincoln Recreation Department.
  21. Shoes: Athletic shoes are required, no barefoot kicking. Rubber cleats are allowed. No metal or ceramic spikes or cleats will be allowed on the field.
  22. Uniforms: Shirts, shorts or pants, and shoes must be worn at all times. Teams are not required to have matching uniforms.
  23. Pitching: The offensive team or the team “at-kick” will use any of their own players to be the pitcher. The pitch must be conducted underhand with a maximum of 2 “bowling steps”. It is recommended that the ball be rolled flat and not bouncy. At no time, shall the pitcher cross the pitcher’s plate, and must stay behind the 1st-3rd diagonal line after the pitch. The pitcher shall not interfere the defense or the kicked ball, this will result in a penalty. Penalty: the ball is dead, the batter is out, all runners will return to the bases occupied before the pitch.
  24. Catcher: If you choose to field a catcher, the must stay in the designated area. This is determined by extending the first baseline backwards from home plate 2yards. The catcher not staying within the designated area will result in a penalty. Penalty: Warning to the catcher and an option to re-kick.
  25. Count: An “at-kick” will consist of 3 pitches. If the kicker does not put the ball in play on the 3rd pitch the kicker is out. This includes foul balls, missed pitches, and pitches not kicked.
  26. Kicking: All kicks must be made by the foot, and must occur in the kicking zone. Kickers may not stop the ball with their foot and then kick the ball.
  27. Double Kicking: If the Kicker makes double contact with the ball
  28. In front of home plate, results in an out
  29. Behind home plate, while in foul territory, the ball is foul and the kicker is not out
  30. Bunting: Bunting is not allowed. All kicks must be full strength or reach the 1st-3rd base diagonal minimum kick line. Penalty: The ball is dead, the batter is out and all runners will return to the base the occupied before the pitch.
  31. Running: Running is only allowed after the ball has been kicked. Neither leading off, nor base stealing is allowed. Leaving the baseline (3feet to either side) to avoid a tad, a thrown ball, or interfering with an attempted fielder is an out.
  32. Injured Runner: A same gendered player who made the last out can replace an injured runner.
  33. Fielding Restrictions: When the ball is pitched, all fielders must be in fair territory. The catcher is the only exception. All fielders must be behind the defensive restriction line (pitching rubber) until the ball has been kicked. Penalty: Results in a re-pitch. Repetitive infraction will result in the kicker being awarded 1st base.
  34. Outs: The defense may get a runner out by catching a kicked fly ball, forced out at a base, tagged out, or thrown out.
  35. If a kicked or thrown ball contacts a base runner or their clothing, the runner is out
  36. If a thrown ball hits the ground and then the runner, the runner is still out.
  37. Hitting the base with the ball, but not the runner is not an out.
  38. Throwing Restrictions: Players may use one or two hands to throw the ball. Males must use underhand throws, or push the ball with both hands (no sidearm throws).
  39. Throwing Area: Players must throw the ball and hit the runner BELOW THE SHOULDERS!
  40. Absolutely no throwing at a baserunners head! Penalty: Dead ball, all base runners being called safe to the base they were trying to achieve.
  41. Exception to the rule: If the runner intentionally uses his/her head to block the ball, ducking, diving, or sliding (i.e. attempts by the runner to dodge the ball resulting in contact with the head). The runner will be out.
  42. Grievances: All protests, grievances, rule interpretations, and issues must be submitted to the Recreation Director (judgement calls are not to be construed as a rule interpretation). Judgement calls during the game, or any action of disciplinary nature taken by the umpire/official will be supported by the Recreation Director.
  43. Conduct: All players, coaches, managers, spectators, and staff are expected to display good sportsmanship and conduct at all times. Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct include but are not limited to:
  44. Use of profane language directed towards any staff member, official, coach, player, or spectator
  45. Arguing, bickering, heckling, or excessive display or emotion towards an official or staff
  46. Making unnecessary gestures towards game participants, officials, staff, or spectators.
  47. Throwing equipment; resorting to unnecessary roughness on the field

Penalty: Depending on the severity, staff or the official have the right to issue a warning or ejection from the game. Once a player has been ejected from the game he/she has 2minutes to leave the facility or the police will be called and the game will be declared a forfeit.

  1. Alcoholic Beverages: Consumption of alcohol or intoxicating substances during participation in Lincoln Recreation Department activities is prohibited. The offending players will be asked to leave the facility. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited within the ball complex.
  2. Glass is prohibited at all fields
  3. Teams are asked to help pick up areas after every game
  4. Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather, team managers will be contacted by the Recreation Director. Games will be rescheduled if/when fields are available.