1 Excellence Multi Academy Trust

Finance, Operations and Audit Committee

Terms of reference and Policy

Version 1

Ratified by MAT Board October 30th2017 TBC


  1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………….3
  2. Finance, Operations and Audit Committee …………………………………….4
  3. Authority………………………………………………………………………5
  4. Role………………………………………………………………………….....5
  5. Duties ………………………………………………………………………….5
  6. Finance ………………………………………………………………………..5
  7. Audit……………………………………………………………………………6
  8. Staffing ………………………………………………………………………..7
  9. Premises ………………………………………………………………………8
  10. Pay ……………………………………………………………………………..8
  11. Delegation to Other Committees……………………………………………………10
  12. Accounting Officer ……………………………………………………………………10
  13. Executive Business Manager ……………………………………………………….11
  14. Responsible Officer …………………………………………………………………..11


1 Excellence Multi Academy Trust was created on 1st July 2017 and comprises of St Mark’s Church of England Primary school and Pentland Primary school. We are committed to strong financial management and we will ensure that every school within the trust adheres to standards set by Directors and in accordance with the Academies Financial Handbook

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Academy maintains and develops systems of financial control, which conform to the requirements of both propriety and of good financial management. It is essential that these systems operate properly to meet the requirements of 1Exceleelnce Multi Academy Trusts Funding Agreements with the Department of Education for Academies and ITT Providers.

The Trust must comply with the principles of financial control outlined in the academies guidance published by the DfE and the NCTL SCITT Providers Financial Guide. This policy expands on that guidance and forms the manual detailing information on the academy’s accounting procedures and systems. It should be read by all staff involved with financial systems and accountability


The MAT Board hereby resolves to establish a committee of the governing body to be known as the Finance, Operations and AuditCommittee and will cover Finance, Personnel and Premises.

The chair, members and secretary of the Finance, Operations and Audit Committee will be non-executive members and will be appointed by the MAT Board. The chair will be a non-executive member of the MAT Board other than its chair.

The Finance, Operations and Audit Committee will consist of a minimum of 4 Directors, one of which will be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).The chair of the MAT cannot be a member of the committee.The Committee will meet at least once per term. The external auditor may request a meeting if they considers one necessary.

The committee will be quorate is two members are present.Directors, who are not members of the Finance, Operations and Audit Committee, will have the right of attendance, but no voting rights.

Agendas will be agreed in advance by the Chair of the Audit Committee (based on, but not limited to, a pre-agreed annual schedule of activity) and papers will be circulated to members and attendees at least 5 working days in advance of the meeting.

The secretary will circulate minutes of meetings of the Finance, Operations and AuditCommittee to all members of the MAT Board once they have been approved by the chair of the committee.

The CEO, in her role as Accounting Officer,will normally attend meetings of the Committee.

For the purposes of recruitment and/or other HR matters, i.e. flexible working, redundancy, disciplinary, capability, appeals etc., a panel will be drawn up consisting of Directors, F&GP members, Academy Council members (up to a maximum of 3) and members of SLT. Wherever possible, the Chair of the panel will be a Director.

The appointments panel for teaching staff (with the exception of Executive Headteacher, Head of School, SLT and Senior Support staff posts) will comprise of 3 people, one of whom will be either a MAT Director. The appointment panel for teaching and support staff must be approved by the Chair of the Local Area Boardfor the respective academy and/or Executive Headteacher / CEO.

Other HR matters, such as flexible working, redundancy, disciplinary, capability, appeals etc., will be considered by a panel of at least 2 Directors and may be assisted by 1 panel member of a Local Area Board (who may not be a staff member of the academy).An HR consultant will be present at such meetings to give appropriate advice and the meetings will be clerked.

The Audit Committee will review these terms of reference and self- assess its performance against these terms of reference on an annual basis.

  1. Authority

The Finance, Operations and Audit Committee is an advisory body with no executive powers. However, it is authorised by the MAT Board to investigate any activity within its terms of reference or specifically delegated to it by the MAT Board. It is authorised to request any information it requires from any employee, external audit, internal audit or other assurance provider.

The Finance, Operations and AuditCommittee is authorised to obtain outside legal or independent professional advice it considers necessary, normally in consultation with the Accounting Officer and/or Chair of Directors. However, the Audit Committee may not incur expenditure in excess of £2,500 in doing so without the prior approval of the Board of Directors.

  1. Role

To The role of the Finance, Operations and Audit Committee is to maintain an oversight of the Academy Trust’s governance, risk management, internal control and value for money framework. It will report its findings annually to the Board of Directors and the Accounting Officer as a critical element of the MAT’s annual reporting requirements.

  1. Duties

To make appropriate comments and recommendations on such matters to the Trust Board on a regular basis on four key areas

Finance: To ensure sound financial management of the Trust’s finances and resources, including proper planning, monitoring and probity in line with the EFA guidelines and the Funding Agreement.

Staffing: To review, plan and manage staffing with due regard to financial aspects and in line with the Pay Policy.

Premises: To ensure sound management of the Trust’s premises including maintenance, development and health and safety.

Pay: To determine all matters/take all decisions relating to pay and related performance of staff to establish and approve a Trust Pay Policy and to monitor the Policy as necessary.

The specific duties of the Finance, Operations and Audit Committee will be to:

  1. Finance
  • review the Annual Budget in detail and to make recommendations to the Board on the budgetary needs of each academy;
  • review each Academy's internal and external financial statements and reports to ensure that they reflect best practice, including compliance with the DfE Academies Financial Handbook and the Charity Commissions Guidance to charities and Charity trustees;
  • to monitor and review expenditure on a regular basis and ensure compliance with the overall financial plan for the Trust, and with the financial regulations of the DfE, drawing any matters of concern to the attention of the Trust Board;
  • consider all relevant reports by the CEO or the appointed external auditor, including reports on the Academy's accounts, achievement of value for money and the response to any management letters;
  • contribute to the formulation of the Trust’s improvement plans, through the consideration of financial priorities and proposals, in consultation with the CEO, and within the stated and agreed aims and objectives of the Trust;
  • monitor future pupil rolls, provision requirements and income levels;
  • review the policy on charging for curriculum activities and make recommendations to the MAT Board
  • to monitor the cost and revenue of hire of MAT premises and facilities
  • appoint bankers and approve banking arrangements including authorised signatories;
  • to manage tendering processes and the awarding of contracts in accordance with the Finance Policy.
  1. Audit
  • Advise the Board of Directors Body and Accounting Officer on the adequacy and effectiveness of the AT’s governance, risk management, internal control and vfm systems and frameworks. An annual report will be produced by the Audit Committee in this regard.
  • Advise the Board of Directors on the need for, and then, where appropriate, the appointment, re-appointment, dismissal and remuneration of, an internal auditor or other assurance provider to enable the Board to sign the governance statement in the annual accounts.
  • Advise the Board of Directors on an appropriate programme of work to be delivered by independent assurance providers (external auditors and responsible officer). This programme of work to be derived from the Audit Committee’s regard of the key risks faced by the AT, the assurance framework in place and its duty to report to the Board of Directors.
  • Review the external auditor’s annual planning document and approve the planned audit approach.
  • Receive reports (annual reports, management letters etc.) from the external auditor and other bodies, for example the EFA and NAO, and consider any issues raised, the associated management response and action plans. Where deemed appropriate, reports should be referred to the Board or other committee for information and action.
  • Regularly monitor outstanding audit recommendations from whatever source and ensure any delays to implementation dates are reasonable.
  • Review the AT’s fraud response plan and ensure that all allegations of fraud or irregularity are managed and investigated appropriately.
  • Consider any additional services delivered by the external auditor or other assurance provider and ensure appropriate independence is maintained.
  • Ensure appropriate cooperation and coordination of the work of the external auditor and responsible officer.
  • Meet with the external auditor without management present, at least annually.
  1. Staffing
  • review new and existing policies relating to the employment and conditions of staff at the Academy and make recommendations to the MAT Board;
  • determine the staffing complement for the Trust in line with the Trust Improvement Plans and oversee any staffing reduction or appointment procedures as necessary including consultation with teacher associations and trade unions as appropriate;
  • conduct agreed arrangements for recruitment and selection of all Trust staff except where delegated to the CEO / Executive Headteacher;
  • set the terms and conditions of service and levels of pay of employees having regard to staff who have TUPE transferred;
  • consider secondment and early retirement requests
  • approve leave of absence (where not delegated to the CEO / Executive Headteacher)
  • consider work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence levels;
  • agree and conduct procedures for capability, discipline, grievance, attendance, whistle blowing and staff welfare issues, drawing on the membership of the MAT Board and the Local Area Boards
  • investigate irregularities (other than where the CEO / Executive Headteacher is suspected), conduct personnel procedures regarding suspension/ending of staff contracts including dismissal procedures (except where delegated to the CEO / Executive Headteacher, or if the dismissal relates to the CEO / Executive Headteacher), drawing on the membership of the MAT Board and the Local Area Boards
  1. Premises
  • ensure all premises are fit for purpose and that premises and grounds are maintained to a high standard
  • to review the building maintenance plan in order to prepare a list of priorities for maintenance and development and ensure that adequate resources are available
  • consider the relative funding priorities necessary for security, maintenance, repairs and redecoration, and to approve the costs and arrangements within the budget allocation
  • recommend to the Trust a plan for capital expenditure and to implement the plan after approval by the Trust and to monitor expenditure against the plan
  • consider any recommendations for disposal of Trust property and make recommendations to the Board and establishing whether the approval of the Secretary of State is required, in line with Academies Financial Handbook requirements
  • agree any capital bids for work that is outside the Trust’s annual revenue budget
  • review, adopt and monitor a health and safety policy
  • ensure all premises are safe, comply with health & safety regulations and advise the MAT Board on strategic health & safety issues
  • ensure that health & safety, building inspections and risk assessments are carried out in the prescribed manner and timing and that the risk register is maintained
  1. Pay
  • ensure that the whole school Pay Policy is statutorily compliant, including where relevant the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.
  • to annually review staff salaries and consider pay discretions and applications for re- grading, including the recommendations of the CEO / Executive Headteacher and as to salaries, particularly any discretionary awards;
  • to review the school pay structure on an annual basis to consider the impact of any changes to nationally recommended pay rates and reporting to the Board of Directors as appropriate;
  • to ensure that the Policy is applied equitably and consistently for all staff;
  • to ensure that pay decisions are fair and equitable, link with the Appraisal procedures and take account of the recommendations of the CEO / Executive Headteacher and, where appropriate, other members of the Leadership Team;
  • in accordance with the Pay Policy, determine appropriate pay ranges for all staff employed within the Trust, including allowances and temporary recruitment and retention payments where appropriate.;
  • to review on an annual basis the Trust’s staffing structure specifically in respect to pay relativities of posts in the structure and maintain an up-to-date staffing structure as an appendix to the Pay Policy;
  • to approve, within the budget, pay progression;
  • to ensure that external advice is sought where appropriate, particularly in respect of salary matters relating to the CEO / Executive Headteacher;
  • to ensure accurate and up to date person specifications and job descriptions are maintained in school to inform pay decisions where necessary;
  • to ensure annual pay statements are issued to all staff in accordance with the school pay policy;

The Finance, Operations and Audit Committeewill also:

  • Review/Ratify/Approve all finance related policies
  • Review/Ratify/Approve all audit related policies
  • Review/Ratify/Approve all HR related policies
  • Review/Ratify/Approve all premises related policies
  • Review the operation of the Trust's code of practice for Governor members and code of conduct for staff;

The MAT Board must ensure personnel management procedures have been identified, formally approved and documented to cover as a minimum:

  • recruitment (including references and police checks);
  • performance management and review;
  • equal opportunities;
  • disciplinary (including absence policies);
  • grievance;
  • staff expenses;
  • consider any other matters where requested to do so by the MAT Board; and
  • report at least once a year to the MAT Board on the discharge of the above duties.

The MAT Boardwill also ensure that procedures are in place to ensure that employees of the academy are paid for work done in accordance with their contracts of employment with the academy.

In addition, the MAT Board must ensure the academy has adequate insurance cover to support its activities as an employer, such as employers’ liability insurance, fidelity insurance, trustee indemnity, public liability insurance and so forth.

  1. Delegation to Other Committees

The MAT Board recognise that it may need to delegate duties to a Committee other than the Finance, Operations and Audit Committee, and will need to amend this document accordingly.

  1. Role of Accounting Officer

The Funding Agreement requires the MAT to identify the CEO to act as the Accounting Officer. This post confers responsibility for financial and administrative matters. This is a vital role, as the Accounting Officer is personally responsible to the MAT Board for:

  • ensuring regularity and propriety;
  • prudent and economical administration;
  • avoidance of waste and extravagance;
  • efficient and effective use of available resources; and
  • the day to day organisation, staffing and management of the academy.

The Accounting Officer may delegate, or appoint others to assist in these responsibilities, for example to the Executive Business Manager (potential future role).Within the framework of the academy development plan as approved by the MAT Board the CEO / Executive Headteacher has overall executive responsibility for the academy’s activities including financial activities. Much of the financial responsibility may be delegated to the Executive Business Manager but the CEO / Executive Headteacher still retains responsibility for:

  • approving new staff appointments within the authorised establishment, except for any senior staff posts whichwill be approved by the MAT Board;
  • authorising contracts between £1,000 and £10,000 in conjunction with the Business Manager; contracts above £10,000 will need to be approved by the MAT Board.
  • Making payments of up to £10,000 in conjunction with the Business Manager or other authorised signatory. Two signatories are required on all cheques, however most payments will be made by BACS. This is with the exception of payroll invoices which will be checked and authorised by the Business Manager and Finance Officer.

  1. Role of Executive Business Manager (potential future role)

The main responsibilitiesof the Executive Business Manager are:

  • the day to day management of financial issues including the establishment and operation of a suitable accounting system;
  • the management of the academy financial position at a strategic and operational level within the framework for financial control determined by the MAT Board;
  • the maintenance of effective systems of internal control;
  • ensuring that the annual accounts are properly presented and adequately supported by the underlying books and records of the academy;
  • the preparation of monthly management accounts;
  • authorising orders up to £7,500 in conjunction with budget holders
  • signing cheques up to £10,000 in conjunction with the Executive Headteacher or other authorised signatory and
  • ensuring forms and returns are sent to the DfE in line with the timetable in the DfE guidance. Signing such forms as necessary.
  1. Role of Responsible Officer (currently AVEC)

The MAT Board will need to consider how it monitors and checks the operation of the financial management arrangements that have been established and are operated by officers of the academy. To assist in this they will appoint a person who will have specific responsibility for overseeing the financial arrangements on their behalf. The appointment of this Responsible Officer (RO) must be notified to the DfE.