Supplemental Materials

Attentional Processing of Emotional Faces in Schizophrenia: Evidence From Eye-Tracking

by S.-K. Jang et al., 2016, Journal of Abnormal Psychology

Supplementary Material 1. Valence and arousal ratings

ISZ (n = 22) / HC (n = 19) / Test statistics / p
Positive valence
Happy / 3.27 (1.21) / 4.43 (0.85) / t (39) = -3.49 / .001**
Sad / 1.93 (0.90) / 1.62 (0.63) / t (39) = 1.27 / .210
Angry / 2.15 (0.90) / 1.58 (0.62) / t (39) = 2.32 / .026*
Negative valence
Happy / 2.33 (1.00) / 1.50 (0.39) / t (28.13) = 3.60 / .001**
Sad / 3.48 (1.43) / 2.96 (1.26) / t (39) = 1.22 / .229
Angry / 3.68 (1.38) / 3.40 (0.94) / t (39) = .77 / .447
Happy / 2.69 (1.03) / 2.03 (0.81) / t (39) = 2.28 / .028*
Sad / 2.47 (1.17) / 2.20 (1.28) / t (39) = .70 / .487
Angry / 2.53 (1.05) / 2.74 (1.41) / t (32.84) = -.52 / .610

*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001

Supplementary Material 2. Summary of eye movement data

ISZ (n = 22) / HC (n = 19) / Test statistics / p
Total number of initial fixationsa
500 ms / 58.63 (26.37) / 53.13 (19.13) / t (36.09) = .75 / .456
1500 ms / 67.61 (24.09) / 58.56 (20.63) / t (37) = 1.25 / .220
Total number of fixations
0 – 500 ms / 86.00 (31.40) / 92.79 (24.86) / t (39) =-.54 / .592
500 – 1000 ms / 96.41 (31.66) / 103.26 (23.79) / t (39) = -.77 / .444
1000 – 1500 ms / 74.64 (29.51) / 85.95 (21.17) / t (39) = -1.39 / .173

a Total number of trials where initial fixations passed the inclusion criteria (see Method) and thus were counted. For initial fixation analysis, n= 21 and 18 for SZ and HC, respectively.