SAHRA Publications, 2007

(reported as of 1/18/08)


Total papers submitted to, accepted by, or published in refereed journals: 77

Total papers submitted to, accepted by, or published in non-refereed journals: 18

Total number (and percent) multi-institutional: 50 (53%)

Total number (and percent) multidisciplinary: 49 (52%)

Highlighted area key:

MI = multi-institutional

MD = multidisciplinary (preliminary classification, based on involvement of more than one traditional hydrology discipline. Physical hydro modeling, for example, is not considered MI, but hydro studies incorporating atmospheric sciences or ecology are considered MI. Likewise, economic studies only considering the value of water are not considered MI, nor are public policy/water management studies that do not cross disciplinary boundaries).

(Note: This list includes publications submitted, accepted, or published in 2007 and beyond.)


Baillie, M.N., J.F. Hogan, B. Ekwurzel, A.K. Wahi, and C.J. Eastoe, Quantifying water sources to a semiarid riparian ecosystem, San Pedro River, Arizona using geochemical tracers, J. Geophys. Res. – Biogeosciences, 112(G3), doi:10.1029/2006JG000263, 2007.

Brooks, P.D., and E. Vivoni, Preface to the Special Issue: “Mountain Ecohydrology: Quantifying the Role of Vegetation in the Water Balance of Montane Catchments, submitted to Ecohydrology.


Brooks, P., and E. Vivoni, Mountain ecohydrology: A synthesis of results from the SAHRA Ecohydrology Observatory, submitted to Ecohydrology.


Brooks, P.D., P.A. Haas, and A.K. Huth, Seasonal variability in dissolved organic matter and inorganic nitrogen concentrations in a semi-arid catchment, San Pedro River, Arizona, J. Geophys. Res.- Biogeo., 112(G3), doi: 10.1029/2006JG000275, 2007.


Brooks, P., and M.M. Lemon, Spatial variability in dissolved organic matter and inorganic nitrogen concentrations in a semi-arid catchment, San Pedro River, Arizona, J. Geophys. Res. – Biogeo., 112(G3), doi:10.1029/2006JG000262, 2007.


Brooks, P.D., J.F. Hogan, and T. Meixner, Water in the desert: Introduction to special section on river and riparian biogeochemistry, J. Geophys. Res. – Biogeosciences,

112, G03S01, doi:10.1029/2007JG000556, 2007.


Brown-Mitic, C.M., W.J. Shuttleworth, C. Harlow, J. Petti, E. Burke, and R. Bales, Seasonal water dynamics of a sky island, subalpine forest in semi-arid southwestern United States, J. Arid Environments, 69(2): 49-70, 2007.


Browning-Aiken, A., B. Morehouse, A. Davis, M. Wilder, R. Varady, D. Goodrich, R. Carter, D. Moreno and E.D. McGovern, 2007. A climate, water management, and policy in the San Pedro Basin: Results of a survey of Mexican stakeholders near the U.S.–Mexico border, Climate Change, 85(3-4):323-341, 2007.


Canon, J., J. Gonzalez, and J. Valdes, Reservoir operation and water allocation to mitigate drought effects in crops: a multilevel optimization using the Drought Frequency Index, submitted to the J. Water Resources Planning and Management – ASCE..

Canon, J., J. Gonzalez and J.B. Valdes, Precipitation in the Colorado River Basin and its low frequency associations with PDO and ENSO Signals,” J. Hydrol., 333: 252-264, 2007.


Chung, G., K. Lansey, P. Blowers, P.D. Brooks, W. Ela, S. Stewart, and P. Wilson, A general water supply planning model: Evaluation of decentralized treatment, forthcoming in Environmental Modeling and Software.


Desilets, S.L.E., B. Nijssen, B. Ekwurzel, and T.P.A. Ferre, Post-wildfire changes in suspended sediment rating curves: Sabino Canyon, Arizona, Hydrological Processes, 21(11): 1413-1423, 2007.


Druhan, J.L., J.F. Hogan, C.J. Eastoe, B. Hibbs, W. Hutchison, Hydrogeologic controls on groundwater recharge and salinization: A geochemical analysis of the northern Hueco Bolson Aquifer, El Paso Texas, Hydrogeol. J., doi 10.1007/s10040-007-0222-9, 2007.


Eastoe, C.J., B. Hibbs, A. Granados, J.F. Hogan, J. Hawley, W. Hutchison, W., Isotopes in the Hueco Bolson Aquifer, Texas (USA) and Chihuahua (Mexico): Local and general implications for recharge sources in alluvial basins, forthcoming in Hydrogeol. J.


Farahani, H.J., T.A. Howell, W.J. Shuttleworth, and W.C. Bausch, Evapotranspiration: progress in measurement and modeling in agriculture, Trans. of the ASABE, 50(5), 1627-1638, 2007.

Farid, A., D.C. Goodrich, R. Bryant, and S. Sorooshian, Using airborne lidar to predict leaf area index in cottonwood trees and refine riparian water use estimates, J. Arid Environments, 72: 1-15, 2008.


Gao, X., J. Li, and S. Sorooshian, Modeling intraseasonal features of 2004 North American monsoon precipitation, J. Climate, 20(9): 1882-1896, 2007.

Garrick, D., R. Bark, B. Colby, K. Jacobs, D. Meko, B. Nijssen, S. St.George, P. Troch, A. Wood, L. Jones, L. Lindenmayer, and K. Pittenger, Enhancing water supply reliability in the Colorado River Basin: Climate science applications for water management, submitted to Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc..


Garrick, D., K. L. Jacobs and G.M. Garfin (In press), “Decision making under uncertainty: Shortage, stakeholders and modeling in the Colorado River Basin, forthcoming in J. Amer. Water Resour. Assoc.

Gastelum, J., J. Valdes, and S. Stewart, Conchos River’s water rights allocation system: A quantitative analysis of its potential and limitations, submitted to J. Amer. Water Resour. Assn.


Gastelum, J., J. Valdes, and S. Stewart, An analysis and a proposal of improvement of water rights transfer on the Mexican Conchos Basin, submitted to Water Policy Journal.


Gochis, D.J., L. Brito-Castillo, and W.J. Shuttleworth, Correlations between sea surface temperatures and warm season streamflow in northwest Mexico, submitted to Intl. J. Climatol.


Gonzalez, J., and J.Almagro Costa, Water management and flatland hydrology, in III TWM: Transboundary Waters Management, ed. by J. Gonzalez, University of Castilla-La Mancha and UNESCO, pp. 261-274, 2007.


Gonzalez, J., and J.B. Valdés, New drought frequency index: Definition and comparative performance analysis,” Water Resour. Rese., 42, W11421, doi:10.1029/2005WR004308, 2007.


Gonzalez, J and J.B. Valdés, A regional monthly precipitation simulation model based on an L-Moment smoothed statistical regionalization approach, J. Hydrol., 348(1-2): 27-39. 2007.


Guber, A.K., T.J. Gish, Y.A. Pachepsky, M.Th. van Genuchten, C.S.T. Daughtry, T.J. Nicholson, and R.E. Cady, Temporal stability of soil water content and soil water flux patterns across agricultural fields, forthcoming in Catena.

Gupta, H.V., T. Wagener, and Y. Liu, Reconciling theory with observations: Elements of a diagnostic approach to model evaluation, forthcoming in Hydrol. Processes.


Gutmann, E.D., and E.E. Small, A comparison of land surface model soil hydraulic properties estimated by inverse modeling and pedotransfer functions, Water Resour. Res., 43, W05418, doi:10.1029/2006WR005135., 2007.

Hogan, J.F., F.M. Phillips, S.K. Mills, J. Hendrickx. J. Ruiz, J.T. Chesley, and Y. Asmerom, Geologic origins of salinization in a semiarid river: the role of sedimentary brines, Geology, 35(12), 1063-1066, 2007.


Ignace, D.D., T.E. Huxman, J. Weltzin, and D.G. Williams, Leaf gas exchange nd water status responses of a native and non-native grass to precipitation across contrasting soil surfaces in the Sonoran Desert, Oecologia, 152(3): 401-413, 2007.


Ines, A.V.M. and B.P. Mohanty. Parameter conditioning with a noisy Monte Carlo genetic algorithm for estimating effective soil hydraulic properties from space, forthcomoing in Water Resour. Res.

Jana, R.B., B.P. Mohanty. and E.P. Springer, Multi-scale pedo-transfer functions for soil water retention, Vadose Zone J.,( 6)::868-878, doi:10.2136/vzj2007.0055, 2007.


Jana, R.B., B.P. Mohanty, and E.P. Springer, Bayesian implementation of multi-scale pedo-Transfer functions with non-linear bias corrections, submitted to Water Resour. Res.


Jenerette, G.D., R.L. Scott, G.A. Barron-Gafford, and T.E. Huxman, Carbon exchange variability associated with meteorology, physiology, phenology and water availability, submitted to Oecologia.


Joshi, C., B.P. Mohanty, A.V.M. Ines, and J. Jacobs, Spatio-temporal evolution and time stable features of soil moisture in different hydro-climatic regions, submitted to Water Resour. Res.

Kostrzewski, J., P. Brooks, T. Meixner, and J.F. Hogan, Quantifying seasonal variations in water source and nutrient concentrations: A catchment comparison in Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM, submitted to Ecohydrology.


Kurc, S.A., and E.E. Small, Soil moisture variations and ecosystem-scale fluxes of water and carbon in semiarid grassland and shrubland, Water Resour. Res., 43, W06416, doi:10.1029/2006WR005011, 2007.


Li, J., X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian, Modeling and analysis of the variability of the water cycle in the Upper Rio Grande Basin at high resolution, J. Hydrometeor., 8(4): 805-824, 2007.

Li, J., X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian, Model performance of downscaling 1999-2004 hydrometeorological fields to the Upper Rio Grande Basin using different forcing datasets, forthcoming in J. Hydrometeor.

Liu, F., R.C. Bales, M.H. Conklin, and J. Kostrzewski, Stream flow generation in semi-arid, seasonally snow-covered, forested catchments, Valles Caldera, New Mexico, submitted to Water Resour. Res.


Liu, Y., and H.V. Gupta, Uncertainty in hydrological modeling: Towards an integrated hierarchical data assimilation framework, Water Resour. Res., 43, W07401, doi:10.1029/2006WR005756.

Liu, Y., H.V. Gupta, E. Springer, and T. Wagener, Linking science with environmental decision making: Experiences from an integrated modeling approach to supporting sustainable water resources management, J. of Environmental Modeling and Software, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2007.10.007, 2007.


Lyons, S., P. Troch, P. Broxton, N. Molotch, and P.D. Brooks, The use of distributed temperature probes to capture spatial and temporal dynamics of snowmelt and headwater stream discharge, submitted to Ecohydrology.


Magirl, C.S., R.H. Webb, M. Schaffner, S.W. Lyon, P.G. Griffiths, C. Shoemaker, C.L. Unkrich, S. Yatheendradas, P.A. Troch, E. Pytlak, D.C. Goodrich, S.L.E. Desilets, A. Youberg, and P.A. Pearthree, Impact of recent extreme Arizona storms,” Eos Trans., 88(17): 191, 193, 2007.


McConnell, J., R. Banta, M. Litvak, N. McDowell, and P.D. Brooks, Spatial and temporal variability in sapflow measurements, submitted to submitted to Ecohydrology.


Meixner, T., A.K. Huth, P.D. Brooks, M.H. Conklin, N.B. Grimm, R.C. Bales, P.A. Haas, and J.R. Petti, Influence of shifting flowpaths on nitrogen concentrations during monsoon floods, San Pedro River, Arizona, J. Geophys. Res.- Biogeoscience, 112, G03S03, doi:10.1029/2006JG000266., 2007.


Molotch, N.P., J. McConnell, P.D. Brooks, Micro-scale variability in snow accumulation and ablation inferred from ultra-sonic clusters: The role of vegetation, submitted to Ecohydrology.


Musselman, K., N.P. Molotch, and P.D. Brooks, Quantifying the effects of forest vegetation on snow accumulation, ablation and potential meltwater inputs, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM, USA, submitted to Hydrological Processes.


Nagler P.L., E.P. Glenn, H. Kim, W. Emmerich, R.L. Scott, T.E. Huxman,and A.R. Huete, Relationship between evapotranspiration and precipitation pulses in a semiarid rangeland estimated by moisture flux towers and MODIS vegetation indices. J. Arid Environ., 70:443-462, 2007.


Oelsner, G.P., P.D. Brooks, and J.F. Hogan, Quantifying nitrogen sources and sinks within the Middle Rio Grande, NM, J. of Amer. Water Resour. Assn., 43(4): 850-863, 2007.


Oelsner, G.P., P.D. Brooks, and J.F. Hogan, Hydrologic and geochemical effects of heavy monsoon precipitation; A “hot moment” in a managed semiarid river system, Middle Rio Grande, NM, submitted to Hydrological Processes.

Oelsner, G.P., P.D. Brooks, J.F. Hogan, and F. Phillips, Quantifying abiotic vs. biotic controls on nutrient concentrations along a 640 km river reach, Upper Rio Grande, submitted to Water Resour. Res.


Park, G-H., X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian, Estimate spectral components of surface net radiation: an analysis of long-term ground observation data, forthcoming in J. Geophys. Res.

Rinehart, R., E. Vivoni, and P.D. Brooks, Effect of topographic shading on the accumulation and ablation of snow in a small, lower mid-latitude catchment, submitted to Ecohydrology.


Rosolem, R., W.J. Shuttleworth, L.G. de Goncalves, 2008? Is the data collection period of the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (LBA) Experiment in Amazonia representative of long-term climatology? submitted to J. of Geophys. Res.


Saliba, G., and K. Jacobs, Collaboration and spatial management in the Upper San Pedro River Basin, submitted to Water and Environ. J.

Schmid, W., and R.T. Hanson, Simulation of intra- or trans-boundary wurface-water-rights hierarchies using the Farm Process for MODFLOW-2000, J. of Water Resourc. Plan. Manag., 133(2): 166-178, 2007.


Scott, R.L., W.L. Cable, P.L. Nagler, T.E. Huxman, M. Hernandez, and D.C. Goodrich, Multiyear riparian evapotranspiration and groundwater use for a semiarid watershed. forthcoming in J. of Arid Environments.


Serrat-Capdevila, A., J.B. Valdes, J. Gonzalez , K. Baird, L.J. Mata and T. Maddock, Modeling climate change impacts - and uncertainty - on the hydrology of a riparian system: the San Pedro Basin (Arizona/Sonora)”, J. Hydrol., 347: 48-66, 2007


Shuttleworth, W.J., Putting the VAP into Evaporation, Hydrol. and Earth Sys. Sci., 11(1): 210-244, 2007.

Shuttleworth, W. J., Stakeholder-driven, enquiry-driven, or stakeholder-relevant, enquiry-driven science? Water Resour. Manag., 21: 63-77, 2007.

Small, E.E, and J.McConnell, Soil moisture versus meteorological controls on transpiration, submitted to J. Ecohydrol..


Stromberg, J.C., V.B. Beauchamp, M.D. Dixon, S.J. Lite, and C. Paradzick, Importance of low-flow and high-flow characteristics to restoration of riparian vegetation along rivers in arid southwestern United States, Freshwater Biol.,52(4): 651-679, 2007.


Troch, P.A., and M. Durcik, New data sets to estimate terrestrial water storage change, Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 88(45): 1-2, 2007.

Troch, P.A., V.R. Baker, P.D. Brooks, P.A. Ferré, H.V. Gupta, J.F. Hogan, T. Maddock, T. Meixner, and W. J. Shuttleworth, From observations of landscape structure to models of hydrologic behavior: Integrating geologic, ecologic, atmospheric, biogeochemical and anthropogenic processes across scales, submitted to Water Resour. Res.


Uribe, E.M, W.J. Shuttleworth, H.V. Gupta, S.L. Mullen, and Z. Zeng, Short to medium range hydrometeorological forecasting in the Rio Grijalva Basin, Mexico, forthcoming in J. Hydrometeor.

Wagener, T., H. Gupta, S. Yatheendradas, D.C. Goodrich, C.L.Unkrich, and M. Schaffner, Understanding sources of uncertainty in flash-flood forecasting for semi-arid regions, IAHS Publ. 313: 204-212, 2007.


Wahi, A.K., J.F. Hogan, B. Ekwurzel,M.N. Baillie, C.J. Eastoe , Geochemical quantification of recharge from a semiarid mountain range, forthcoming in Ground Water.


Weber, M., and S. Stewart, Public valuation of river restoration and saltcedar removal on the Middle Rio Grande, forthcoming in Restoration Ecology.


Yuan, H., X. Gao, S.L. Mullen, S. Sorooshian, J. Du, and H. Juan, Bias calibration of probabilistic precipitation forecast using an artificial neural network, Wea. Forecast, 22(6): 1287-1303, 2007.

Zhou, X., H. Guan, H. Xie, and J.L. Wilson, Analysis and optimization of NDVI definitions and areal fraction models in remote sensing of vegetation, forthcoming in Intl. J. Remote Sensing, 2007.

Zhu, J., M.H. Young, and M.Th. van Genuchten, Upscaling schemes and relationships for the Gardner and van Genuchten hydraulic functions for heterogeneous soils, Vadose Zone J., 6:186-195, 2007.