Project: 177005: 82421 - Wind Power film

Accessibility Script for 82421_WIND_TECHNICAL_v1.6shell_approval.mp4

Duration: 00:03:01


Music, dramatic opening chord, then dips down to steady, background, held throughout


Close up of a wind turbine turning, it slows down


Shell Omala S5 Wind

A new generation gearbox oil

Warren Cates in vision, captioned

Warren Cates Shell Project & Technology Lead, Lubricants: If it was easy to develop a product like this, everybody would have one.

Offshore wind turbine farm, wind turbines in long rows, turbines moving, a couple of boats move around them

[Audio – voice over]

Warren Cates: Some of these wind turbines are 100m up in the air. The specifications change whether they're over land or over water. They're 300 to 600 litres of product. It's never at rest, and it's never allowed to release the air or release the foam. The application has gone from being something that's been complex to something that's even more complex. We had to develop a product…


A wind turbine from above, overlaid moving graphic outline, with text: 100m

Three wind turbines in the distance, in on shore farm, middle distance two engineers stand next to the open back hatch of a car mid foreground, one engineer is looking through binoculars

Four wind turbines spaced over a section of dusty plane

Upward view of a wind turbine, cables in foreground, turbine is moving then slowed down, overlaid moving graphic outline, with text: 300L-600L

Close up of front of moving turbine

Another front close up, Shell logo on head of turbine

Two wind turbines in a section of a dusty plane, against a darkly cloudy sky

The two engineers next to the open back hatch of a car, as above, turbines in the distance, medium wide, one engineer closes the hatch

Single turbine on the flat plane against the dark cloudy sky

Wind turbine at sea, moving blades, medium close, Shell logo visible on turbine head

Same turbine, medium close, from a different angle

Warren Cates in vision

Warren Cates: …that was specially built for a wind turbine application.

[Audio – voice over]

Warren Cates: I've been doing this work for 25 years, and this has been the most difficult and the most challenging development that we've had. There's been a lot of hard work by many, many different groups across the globe to ensure proper performance for the customer. The product development that went into this was game-changing for us. There's over 300 lines of testing, and many of the tests are specialised tests. One of the biggest characteristics is low temperature property. We wanted to make sure that the equipment was able to function at low temperature.


Warren Cates walks across a laboratory to a colleague who points to and touches a piece of equipment in a glassed in area

Same activity from a different angle, Warren Cates and his colleague look closely at the equipment

Camera moves behind them and above their heads to a diagram on a monitor mounted on the wall

Track past laboratory work stations, two engineers at work

One engineer slowly slides out a piece of equipment from a glassed in area as another engineer looks on

Two engineers at a white board, one drawing a diagram

Engineer walks towards equipment in a glassed in area, she goes to open the glass door

Pan past laboratory work stations, many long pipes leading down into testing equipment

Warren Cates and a colleague look at equipment in a glassed in area, bending forward to examine more closely

Close up of an engineer’s index finger as he probes a piece of equipment

Quick zoom in to close up of the head of an engineer in low temperature protective clothing, eye mask and fur lined hood, face covered

Burst of cold steam comes from a low temperature testing rig

Wider shot as an engineer in low temperature protective clothing emerges from testing rig

Wide of same as engineer has emerged

Medium close of engineer as he/she walks off out of shot

[Audio – voice over]

Pieter-Jan Jordaens: This is a cold start up test rig…


Two engineers walk towards large climatic test chamber

Pieter-Jan Jordaens in vision, captioned

Pieter-Jan Jordaens Senior Engineer, OWI LAB: …so-called ‘no-load’ test rig for gearboxes.

[Audio – voice over]

Pieter-Jan Jordaens: We have been testing at low temperatures ranging from zero degrees to minus 40 degrees. We have used it to measure the time to grit with this new oil which is being developed by Shell.


Engineer in low temperature protecting clothing as above emerging from low temperature test rig

Engineer seated at monitors talks on walkie-talkie, monitor at top centre is a large video screen showing exterior of test rig, engineer in low temperature protective clothing in vision on that screen, he walks off

Pick up the shot seen on video monitor of engineer outside the rig itself, he/she walks off out of shot

Close up as engineer’s fur hood passes two monitors showing diagrams

Tight close up Cold/Warm Chamber data, including temperature, on monitor

Tight close up on walkie-talkie held to ear of engineer at monitors, slight pull out to reveal engineer’s profile


Inaudible talk across walkie-talkie


Engineer in low temperature protective clothing pulls hood off as he walks past camera to reveal safety helmet beneath, he talks on walkie-talkie

[Audio – voice over]

Bastiaan Reymer: We look towards extreme climates…


Wide of engineer seated at monitors talking to engineer in low temperature protective clothing outside low temperature testing rig, engineer seen on monitor screen, he too is on walkie-talkie


Inaudible talk across walkie-talkies


Bastiaan Reymer in vision, captioned

Bastiaan Reymer Test & Validation Engineer: …because when there's a grid failure all the components cool off…

[Audio – voice over]

Bastiaan Reymer: …and then when they heat up again, that's when the possible failures might happen. We drive a 315 kilowatt motor which drives the high-speed shaft of the wind turbine gearbox. That way, we have a ‘no-load’ set up on which we can go until full speed and full torque in cold climates. The images that we have taken during the project looked impressive. There was definitely a difference between the standard oil that was used, and the Shell Omala S5.


Engineer in low temperature protective gear climbs onto a test rig motor

Same engineer in close up looks inside the unit

Medium close of the motor, pull out to a wider view of the whole set up

Close up of wind turbine gearbox, camera goes in tighter onto the open cross section

Interior of turbine engine as it spins, covered in lubricant, speeds up

Close up of lubricant going across teeth of turbine

Side by side images of lubricant on a turbine head, one labelled: Shell Omala S5, the other labelled Conventional Synthetic Gear Oil

Overlay of text writing onto the screen as image desaturates


Reduced Time To Grid

-  Improved low temperature fluidity

-  Higher loads in start-up cycle

Enhanced Equipment Protection

-  Achieves an oil flow of up to 63% greater than the conventional synthetic gear oil

[Audio – voice over]

Warren Cates: Well, this new product is going to be a game-changer out in the wind turbine industry.

Warren Cates in vision

Warren Cates: The benefit that Shell Omala S5 Wind gives to the customer…

[Audio – voice over]

Warren Cates: …is that it's able to help the wind turbine get to temperature faster which allows the customer to get the electricity - their end product…


Same comparative image as above, begins in full saturation, quickly desaturates, overlay text writes onto screen


Excellent Filtration Performance

-  Continued to be filtered even at the lowest temperature unlike the conventional synthetic gear oil

Warren Cates in vision

Warren Cates: …to the grid faster.

[Audio – voice over]

Warren Cates: We've been field testing this product for almost two years now, and to see this finally come to fruition is just...


Time lapse of electrical pylons at night, camera moves slightly across frame as night turns to day

Two engineers seen from rear as they walk towards the base of a wind turbine

Same engineers seen from side on as the approach the steps to the turbine door

Looking up towards cables and pylons at dusk or dawn, red light behind the clouds, speeded up shots as camera moves quickly along the path of the cables

Warren Cates in vision

Warren Cates: …it''s gratifying.

[Audio – voice over]

Warren Cates: …We truly feel like we have built and developed the best wind turbine gearbox…


Composite shot, container of Shell Omala S5 against desaturated background of interior of turbine engine, move in on label of container as line of white light swipes across screen left to right

Warren Cates in vision

Warren Cates: …lubricant out there.

[Audio – voice over]

Warren Cates: We've done it. We've really done this.


Wind turbines on dusty white plain against dark, cloudy background

Single turbine standing out against the others in a lighter, sunnier shot

White slate





Closing sting

