< Art Walking, Anew > High Level Design (HLD) Document

1.  Introduction

<Project scenario>

An art gallery needs to maximize foot traffic in the space while maximizing the number art pieces displayable in a gallery.

2.  Subject Matter Experts Agreement List

Name / Title/Role / Mandatory
Reviewer (Y/N) / Approved
Menefese / Developer / Y
Phil List / Supervisor / Y
Eric Horton / Intern-apprentice wrangler / Y
Mentor / Mentor / Y

3.  Requirements

Look at the story in the introduction and answer the following questions:

○  What are the characters in the story (the nouns)? These are the agents in the model. People, entrance, exit, curator and art work

○  Do any of the characters have adjectives describing them? These are the depictions of the agent. Which agents have multiple depictions and what are they? The following are suggestions if the programmer cannot come up with ideas. This part is manly left up to the programmer who should keep in mind to make the simulation ascetically pleasing. Art should be representations of famous art. Exit and entrance should look like a door. Curator can look like he is wearing a suit. People can look different. Art gallery can be a solid color.

○  What activities does each character do? These are behaviors of the agent.

○  Art Gallery- starts w/ 3 pieces of art. People- enter the gallery from the right and move randomly, numb from 0-4 will enter the gallery every time step, keep track of viewed art pieces, stop moving for a random num of time steps (1-5) when next to a piece of art. Viewed over 50% of the pieces of art in the gallery, he/she will head directly to the exit out of contentment and wonder (happy). Doors- entrance and exit should create and kill people. Curator dies if unhappy people in the room are 80% and if the gallery reaches 30 days. The counter should count the happy and unhappy people along with the number of people and art in the room. Gallery should be 20x40x. Curator and people should move randomly.

○  When do the activities take place? Does anything have to be true for the activity to take place? In order for a person to be happy it should see at least 50 % of the artwork on display.

○  How do the characters do each activity? Describe the behaviors in detail, step by step. Below


Green door


20x 40x

Solid color


Count the people in the room

Count the number of art in the room

Count the number of happy People and unhappy people in the room




Red door

If person is on exit kill person

4.  Timeline

This is due within five days of receipt of the task (that would be Friday, June 19 for those receiving this Monday, June 15). It is better to complete this sooner, so that you can begin implementing an HLD that one of your classmates has written.

5.  Desired Behavior / Components

How would you model agent 1 doing behavior 1? Give a step by step explanation of how each agent does each behavior. Think about how you will demonstrate the behavior in the AgentSheets model.


If one time step has passed

Let a random number of people (0-4) Enter through the entrance

Count the happy and unhappy people in the room

If module has been running for (2880*30) time steps,

Kill Curator

Every 2880 time steps add a new piece of art where it’s standing

If unhappy people in the room is 80% or more

Kill Curator

Move randomly


Give crowd tolerance a random number (5-25)

Give bump tolerance a random number (5-25)

Create status

Update status to normal

If crowd tolerance is 30

Change status to unhappy

If bump tolerance is 30

Change status to unhappy

Keep track of amount of art seen

If the amount of art in the gallery divided by art seen by the person is + or >50%

Change status to happy unless status is already unhappy

If next to an art stop moving for random number of time steps (1-5)

If person is to the left right top or bottom

Add 1 to bump tolerance and stop moving for a random number of time steps (1-5)

If status is unhappy

Head towards the exit

Else move randomly

If status is happy

Head towards the exit

Else move randomly

6.  Conclusion

The goal is this activity is to create a simulator that can accurately represent the correlation between foot traffic and number of art pieces displayed in a gallery. After the simulator is made it can be used to find the perfect number of people that who can walk around with out having to leave due to over crowding.