Updated April 2, 2003

2003 Average State Cost for Conservation

Materials and Services / Unit / Incentive Payments
193 Treatment of Poultry Litter with Alum-2-3 ton rate/ year/20,000 SqFt house / Each / 500.00
193 Treatment of Poultry Litter with Alum-4-5 ton rate/ year/20,000 SqFt house / Each / 900.00
528A High - Prescribed Grazing - 3 day rotations or less (must have temp fencing) / Acre / 25.00
528A Low - Prescribed Grazing – more than 3 days (no temp fencing) / Acre / 15.00
329A No Till / Acre / 30.00
590 Nutrient Management (Not eligible with waste utilization on the same acres) / Acre / 5.00
595 Pest Management / Acre / 5.00
340 Cover Crop – No Til for 329A (low residue crops) / Acre / 12.00

585 Stripcropping – Use 512 for Vegetation

/ Acre / 7.00
633 Waste Utilization - Solid Waste / Tons/Yr / 6.25
633 Waste Utilization - Liquid Waste / 1000 CUFt/Yr / 92.00
490 Site Prep. - burn / Acre / 12.50
Note: Waste Utilization payment shall be a one time incentive payment based on the annual production of waste. Remainder of contract shows waste utilization as a non/cost-shared item.


/ Unit / Average State Cost
317 Composting Facility (Slab floor, grading, seeding, & concrete apron) / SqFt / 12.00
327 Conservation Cover / Acre / Use 512, 342 or 647
342 Critical Area Planting (includes Medium land smoothing – Mulch not Included) / Acre / 490.00
356 Dike (Add 342 or 512 for seeding) Excluding CRP / CuYd / 3.00
362 Diversion (Does not include vegetation or mulch) /


/ .75
647 Early Successional Habitat Management (Rotational disking) / Acre * / 25.00
382 Fence /


/ 1.75

386 Field Border




Use 512, 342 or 647

393 Filter Strip / Acre / Use 512, 342 or 647
394 Fire Breaks / LnFt / .15
* Less than 1 acre – payment based on 1 acre minimum, i. e. - $25.00


/ Unit / Average State Cost
655 Forest Trails & Landing (Travelable Waterbar and Dip) / Each / 21.00
410 Grade Stabilization Structure / CuYd / Use 356
412 Grass Waterway Low (Less than 20 cuyd per 1000 sqft Add mulch/erosion control blanket component if needed). / Acre / 1000.00
412 Grass Waterway High (More than 20 cuyd per 1000 sqft Add mulch/erosion control blanket component if needed). / Acre / 2000.00
548 Grazing Land Mechanical Treatment – Use with Nutrient Management Only /


/ 12.50
561 Heavy Use Area High / Sqft / 2.25
561 Heavy Use Area – Low / Sqft / 1.25
490 Herbicide (plant & herbicide) / Acre / 100.00
490 Herbaceous Weed Control / Acre / 40.00
192 Incinerator (Low 400 lbs) / Each / 3,700.00
192 Incinerator (High >400 lbs) / Each / 5,000.00
441-1 Irrigation Conversion-Sprinkler to Micro (Orchards) [All main supply lines are permanent and buried with emitters at each tree. Surface tubing to emitters along a row is acceptable.] / Acre / 800
441-2 Irrigation Conversion-Sprinkler to Micro (Temporary Tape) [All mains and laterals are permanent buried components with non cost-shared temporary (1 to 2 years) irrigation tape used to water rows.] / Acre / 450
441-3 Irrigation Conservation- Sprinkler to Micro (Subsurface) [All mains, laterals, and subsurface emitting lines are permanent buried components. Subsurface emitting lines are typically placed between every other row at depths of 12-16 inches.] / Acre / 900
442-1 Irrigation Conversion Sprinkler to LPIC / Ln/Ft / 5.80
442-2 Irrigation Conversion Sprinkler to LEPA / Ln/Ft / 9.80
442-3 Irrigation Conversion Sprinkler to MESA / Ln/Ft / 5.60
NOTE:Cost per foot is based on feet of hardware renovated, i. e., from center pivot point to end gun. Cost share rates include labor, equipment, and permanent materials to make the conversion. Associated items such as: wells; pumps; replacement or addition of end gun booster pumps for pivots; and temporary tapes for microirrigation are noteligible for cost share.

460 Land Clearing High



/ 900.00
460 Land Clearing Low / Acre / 450.00
466 Land Smoothing / Acre / 300.00
634 Manure Transfer Conveyance 4”dia pipe includes all accessories and installation / LnFt / 5.00
634 Manure Transfer Conveyance 6”dia pipe includes all accessories and installation / LnFt / 9.00
634 Manure Transfer Conveyance 8”dia pipe includes all accessories and installation / LnFt / 12.00
634 Manure Transfer Conveyance Pump and Accessories (Excluding Pump Houses) / Each / 5000.00
484 Mulch (Erosion Control Blanket) / Sq Yd / 2.25
484 Mulch (Straw or Hay) / Ton / 250.00


Updated April 2, 2003


/ Unit / Average State Cost
512 Native Warm Season Grass Mixture (Minimum 3) / Acre / 300.00
612 Natural Regeneration Pine / Acre / 80.00
612 Natural Regeneration Hardwood / Acre / 80.00
512 Low Permanent Vegetation (Includes bahia, fescue, and common bermuda) / Acre / 175.00
512 High Permanent Vegetation (Includes coastal and native warm season grasses) / Acre / 250.00
516 Pipeline Going to Watering Trough /


/ 1.35
378 Pond (For livestock Water – Excavated type) /


/ 1.50
378 Pond (For livestock Water – Embankment type / CuYd / 3.00
338 Prescribed Burning (includes standby) /


/ 20.00
490 Scalping / Acre / 10.00
350 Sediment Basin / CuYd / 3.00
490 Site Prep Chemical Light / Acre / 57.50
490 Site Prep Chemical Medium / Acre / 102.50
490 Site Prep Chemical Heavy / Acre / 112.50
490 Site Prep/Cut Burn / Acre / 32.50
490 Site Prep Light Vegetation / Acre / 70.00
490 Site Prep Medium Vegetation / Acre / 150.00
490 Site Prep Heavy Vegetation / Acre / 187.5
490 Site Prep Heavy-Sapling Size / Acre / 225.00
490 Site Prep V Blade - Med Herbicide / Acre / 152.50
490 Site Prep V Blade - Heavy Herbicide / Acre / 182.50
587 Smooth Interior Wall Corrugated PE Pipe 12" / LnFt / 7.00
587 Smooth Interior Wall Corrugated PE Pipe 15" / LnFt / 10.00
587 Smooth Interior Wall Corrugated PE Pipe 18" / LnFt / 15.00
587 Smooth Interior Wall Corrugated PE Pipe 24" / LnFt / 21.00
587 Smooth Interior Wall Corrugated PE Pipe 30" / LnFt / 33.00
587 Smooth Interior Wall Corrugated PE Pipe 36" / LnFt / 41.00
612 Spot Planting per 100 seedlings Loblolly / Per 100 / 20.00
612 Spot Planting per 100 seedlings Longleaf / Per 100 / 25.00
612 Spot Planting per 100 seedlings Longleaf Containerized / Per 100 / 42.50
574 Spring Development / No / 925.00
580 Streambank Shore line Protection (Hard Engineering) See grade stabilization Structure 410 /


/ 34.00
587 Structure for Water Control to include Pipe < 12" * / Each / 1,980.00
587 Structure for Water Control to include Pipe 12" - 15" * /
/ 2,450.00
587 Structure for Water Control to include Pipe 18" - 24" * / Each / 3,370.00
587 Structure for Water Control to include Pipe 30" - 36" * / Each / 5,320.00
612 Subsoil for Hardpan / Acre / 25.00
614 Low - Tank includes float, and all other related tank items. Does not include heavy use area. (Other) / Each / 140.00

* Use Dike for earth moving calculation. Critical Area for vegetation cost.


/ Unit / Average State Cost
614 High - Tank includes float, and all other related tank items. Does not include heavy use area. (Concrete) / Each / 280.00
600 Terrace / LnFt / .50
612 Tree Planting Hardwood / Per 100 / 60.00
612 Tree Planting Loblolly / Acre / 67.50
612 Tree Planting Longleaf Bareroot / Acre / 100.00
612 Tree Planting Longleaf Containerized / Acre / 150.00
612 Tree Shelter / Each / 2.00
666 TSI Light / Acre / 50.00
666 TSI Medium / Acre / 82.50
666 TSI Heavy / Acre / 100.00
620 Underground Outlet Base on 8", include Riser or 606 w/ Erosion Control Practices / LnFt / 2.75
313 Waste Storage Facility -without Roof / SqFt / 5.00
313 Waste Storage Facility -with Roof / SqFt / 9.00
313 Waste Storage Facility, Holding Pond. Includes fence, grass, storage volume dam, critical area, pipes and warning signs. Based on volume of waste produced for the planned days of storage, maximum of 180 days storage volume. / CuFt / .20
313 Waste Storage Facility, Holding Pond Liner, Flexible Membrane. / SqFt / .60
313 Waste Storage Facility, Holding Pond Liner, Compacted Clay / CuYd / 7.50
313 Waste Storage Facility, Holding Pond Liner, Bentonite Treatment / Ton / 230.00
360 Waste Storage Facility, Rehab or Closeout of Waste Lagoons only and closeout of storage ponds with at least 3 ft of solids - removal by gun sprinkler system. / CuYd / 2.30
360 Waste Storage Facility, Rehab or Closeout of Waste Lagoons only, and closeout of storage ponds with at least 3 ft of solids - removal by truck mounted system. / CuYd / 6.10
638 Water and Sediment Control Basin. Excludes Underground Outlet. (Add underground water outlet component as needed). / CuYd / 3.00
642 Well / Foot / 14.00
351 Well Decommissioning / Foot / 10.00
645 Wildlife Upland Habitat, for perennial vegetation only (grass, shrub, tree planting) Use 512 for Native Warm Season Grass Mixture. / Acre / 300.00

Solid planting deduct $10.25 an acre when free loblolly seedlings are used, $21.25 per acre when free longleaf seedlings are used, and 41.25 per acre when free containerized longleaf seedlings are used for 50% cost-share rates (CRP). Deduct $15.00 for free hardwood seedlings for CRP purposes