Exercise 1:
Expand on the program you created. Instead of only being able to enter a single individual's information, allow the user to enter data for individuals as long as they would like (provide them a way to exit the data entry interface). Also, instead of simply printing the information back to them, print instead the number of males and the number of females and the average age of each. Make sure to include comments throughout the script.
Feedback Exercise 1:
Code Description: Code description and annotation included.
Functioning Script: I run into a lot of errors when going through your script. It is written in Python 3.4, which causes problems when using 2.7 as we do in this class. When I fix those I still run into errors after entering the first entry when the script begins to try to split strings.
Script Results: Accurate Output: Output is not reached.
Script Results: Efficiency: There is a lot of unneeded code here. Why are you trying to add the string together and split them? You could just store them in a list without any need to store them in this way and split.
Exercise 2:
You will further modify the code created in exercise 1. You are worried that users may misspell the words "Male" and "Female"; add an exception for dealing with this issue and create a message to the user to reenter the data. Repeat the process for ages entered outside of the 18–65 range.
Feedback Exercise 2:
Code Description: Code is well described.
Functioning Script: I get an error upon entering name. Is it possible that you are using Python 3.4 instead of 2.7?
Script Results: Accurate Output: I can't tell if output will be correct given errors.
Script Results: Efficiency: The numerous while loops are unneeded. You can do this with a single while loop. Also, there is no need to set a variable to true, it can be used literally.
Style and Structure: Logically Organized Code: Logic of the code is hard to follow given inefficiency.