September 2017
Dear Parents,
It is a pleasure to have your child in music class each week. The specials team has collaborated again by using Class Dojo. Class Dojo provides teachers with an easy way to praise expected behaviors, while also monitoring student participation, collaboration, and creativity. Students will be monitored differently for each special, but the goal is the same – positive participation! Through using Class Dojo, you will also be able to view pictures, videos, and be updated on things that are going on in the music classroom. You can also download letters that are sent home with your child, or permission slips.
Students and parents will be given their own access code to monitor your child’s individual progress. This tool is a wonderful way to support school/family partnerships. In addition, I invite you to e-mail me with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year at .
Also, if you’re able to donate Kleenex tissues, pencils, or Lysol wipes to the music room, our students would benefit tremendously from the gift!
Thank you in advance and I look forward to a wonderful school year!
Mrs. Tracy Nadolny Duguay
M.E. Young School Music
Please return bottom portion to Mrs. Duguay, Music
Child’s Name: ______Child’s Grade: ______
Child’s Homeroom Teacher: ______
Parent Name:______
Parent E-mail: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Friday, September 29, 2017
Dear Parents,
Exploratory is an elective period that the specials team has created so that students may have extra opportunities to pursue their creativity, leadership, or athletic skills. The Exploratory period is exclusively for grade 4 and 5 students, and is held every Friday morning from 8:45-9:25. For term 1, your child has been placed in chorus. This term, students will be learning a variety of seasonal and holiday songs to perform in a concert on Tuesday December 12th at 3:30pm in the afternoon. It is crucial that all members of the chorus attend this concert. Students who do not attend the concert will have their music grade lowered. If there are foreseeable conflicts, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can make alternate arrangements.
Ms. Nadolny Duguay
M.E. Young School Music Instructor
Please return bottom portion to Ms. Nadolny Duguay no later than Friday, October 27, 2017
I understand that it is my chorus obligation to attend the Chorus Concert on Tuesday December 12th at 3:30pm in the afternoon.
Please return bottom portion to Mrs. Duguay, Music
Student’s Name______
Student Signature: ______
Student’s Grade: ______Student’s Homeroom Teacher: ______
Parent Name: ______
Parent E-mail: ______
Parent Signature: ______