November 19-20, 2015 Minutes
Mohave County Juvenile Detention, Kingman AZ
Position / Name/County / StatusPresident / Omar Villa - Santa Cruz / Present
Vice President / Jennifer Torchia - Pima / Excused
Treasurer / Jolene Hefner - Yuma / Present
Secretary / Joseph Conrad Jr-Cochise / Present
Other Members Present:
County/Agency / Administrator / StatusCoconino County / Ian Tong / Present
Gila County / Jay Boyer / Present
Graham/Greenlee Counties / Charles Gatwood / Absent
Maricopa County/Durango / Charles Adeleye / Present
Maricopa County/SEF / Scharlene DeHorney / Present
Mohave County / Amber Freed / Present
Navajo County / Jake Salas / Present
Pinal County / Christopher Varner / Present
Yavapai County / Tara Newman / Present
Hualapai Tribe JDC / Donna Robles / Present
AOC / Mark Koch / Present
Meeting Agenda: November 19, 2015
Agenda Item / DiscussionWelcome/Introductions / Omar called the meeting to order and Chief Reeves of Mohave County welcomed the group to Kingman.
Approval of Minutes/Treasurer’s Report / Due to the vacancy in the Secretary’s position, minutes from the last meeting were not sent out. Jolene reviewed the treasurer’s report. Ian moved to approve and Jake seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
COPE Detention Subcommittee Update / Mark informed the group that the subcommittee is updating the Behavior Management curriculum to be evidenced based and that a Train-the-trainer class will be in June/July 2016. The subcommittee is also updating the CBTs and is planning for more web-based training. Discussion began about the Detention Academy. The committee recommends that the Academy is mandatory to certify all detention officers (oncall included). The Detention Academy scheduled for November was cancelled. The next Academy will be in Tucson in April 2016.
Detention Standards Committee Update / The new standards have not been approved due to issues in terminology. The subcommittee is discussing maintaining an active workgroup to review the standards annually.
AOC Updates / Several counties are testing the Detention Screening Instrument (DSI) and AOC is still working to automate the form. This process is currently on hold as the AOC is working on issues with the JOLTS Az rollout. AOC will collect the data for six months, examine the outcomes and attempt to validate the tool. Preliminary data from Yuma County shows some changes and some counties reported an increase in detentions.
Tour of Facility / Thanks to Amber for providing a tour of the facility.
Lunch / Thanks to Amber for hosting our meeting and providing lunch.
Discussion Items / Webpage Overview:
Jennifer maintains our web page. Please ensure your county information is correct (to include certified trainers).
Incident Reports:
Mark requested that Administrators pay attention to the lingo/phrases/abbreviations being used by the counties in completing an incident report. The incident reports are too informal and need to be more descriptive, especially in the event for a serious incident.
Other items discussed / LGBT:
Mark discussed some of the issues that arise in working with this population. A guide has been developed to ensure that staff do not violate or cause further harm to LGBT youth.
School Lunch Program:
Short discussion about detention centers participating in the program and the portions of food provided for the youth. Amber noted that Mohave County does not participate in the program.
Ian asked who or what agency certifies placements for PREA compliance.
Facility Updates / Facility Capacity (as of the day of the meeting)
County / Population / Operational Capacity / Plant Size
Cochise / 8 / 16 / 43
Coconino / 14 / 20 / 30
Gila / 9 / 18/20 / 26
Graham/Greenlee / NR
Maricopa – Durango / 58 / 96 / 200+
Maricopa – SEF / 74 / 96 / 200+
Mohave / 12 / 32
Navajo / 8 / 20 / 40
Pima / NR / 96 / 306
Pinal / 17 / 32 / 96
Santa Cruz / 3 / 16 / 32
Yavapai / 28 / 40 / 80
Yuma / 28 / 48 / 67
Hualapai / NR / 30
Cochise – Searching for a new Transition Program Manager and will be planning a graduation for recent GED graduates.
Coconino – Having a few staffing issues and is changing the way “pat-down” searches are conducted. Described how the county is using detention leads in the schools to keep suspensions down and monitoring of youth on GPS.
Gila – All inspections are completed and are updating their Behavioral Management program.
Maricopa - Both facilities recently had a presentation from Kids at Hope. Durango now has a kitchen and conducted a reception that was attended by the Judges. Their detention officers participated in a badging ceremony and all inspections have been completed.
Navajo – All inspections are completed and updating their Behavioral Management program.
Pinal – Director’s last week is the first week of December. Recently had a Kids at Hope presentation.
Santa Cruz – Omar is retiring on Feb 26, 2016. The new Administrator should be announced by this coming Monday. Recently had Rick Mueller present for a Kids at Hope presentation.
Yavapai – Discussed their Transition School for non-detained youth. Recently had a Kids at Hope presentation.
Yuma –Trying out a new schedule for grave shift workers. Numbers at the Hope Assessment Center are up, programming is being developed to empower parents and they are supporting Adoption Day in the county.
Next Meeting / Jake motioned for the meeting to adjourn. Jolene seconded. Meeting adjourned 1300.
Members returned on November 20, 2015, for a presentation by Kelly Tanner, Arizona Youth Partnership on Trauma Informed Care.
Our next meeting will be held February 24, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.
Pinal County Juvenile Detention Center
1410 E. Diversion Dam Road
Florence, AZ 85132
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