Minutes of the Meeting of the City Council held on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Pursuant to Notice Duly Given:
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Bostedt at 6:08 p.m.
- Roll Call: Mayor Bostedt, Al Schreiber, Lauren Resch, Roger Reed, Bob Le Breck, Connie Bickel, Joseph Stiloski, Sheri Groll, Ron Daul, Marlene Zahn, Jean Pleshek and Attorney Calvert
Also Present: Fire Captain John Reed, Superintendent of Public Works Jeremy Wusterbarth, Police Chief Dan Ault, Park & Rec Director John Bostedt, Sara Perrizo, Administrator and as recording secretary and other interested parties
- Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Alderperson Pleshek
- Approval of Agenda
Moved by Zahn, seconded by Grollto approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.10 ayes
- Approval of minutes as presented from Committee of the Whole, Council, Committees and any Special Council meetings.
Perrizo stated that corrected minutes from the Committee of the Whole meeting are on the alderpersons’ desks.
Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Daulto approve the minutes as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.10ayes
- Approval of department reports as presented.
Moved by Reed, seconded by Zahn to approve.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.10 ayes
- Correspondence/Public Input
Perrizo announced that the City’s bond rating from Standard & Poor’s has improved from A- to A. This means that the interest rate on any future borrowings will be lower than it would have been.
- Approval of consent agenda:
- Approval of Site Plan Version 1A for the Former Kelly Pickle Property
- Approval of Jean Pleshek, Sheri Groll, Bob Le Breck, Don Nerenhausen, Marsha Present, Sue Anderson, Jeremy Wusterbarth, Dan Ault, Jack Mlnarik, Sara Perrizo and Attorney Calvert to the Law Enforcement Center Ad-Hoc Committee and to Include Lauren Resch, Al Schreiber and Ron Daul as Alternate Members
This item was pulled by Alderperson Daul. He asked to separate the alderpersons and department heads from the citizens as he feels it is not fair that the Council was never presented more than three names from the citizens. He was asked his opinion on the Council members, but not on the citizens and he’s not sure where the names came from. Mayor Bostedt stated that the names of seven citizens who were interested in being on the ad-hoc committee were given to Don Nerenhausen because the formed the original citizens’ group that came to speak to the City. The Council voted on the composition of the committee, but at no time said that they wanted to choose the citizens. After this meeting there will be a meeting of the ad-hoc committee.
Zahn asked if the alternate members would be appointed as alderpersons or citizens. Perrizo replied that they will be alternates for the alderpersons. Zahn pointed out that Daul will no longer be on the Council after the April election and wondered if someone else should be appointed. Mayor Bostedt opined that two alternates should be fine.
Moved by Zahn, seconded by Schreiber to appoint Alderpersons Pleshek, Groll and Le Breck to the Law Enforcement Center Ad-Hoc Committee.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.10 ayes
Moved by Le Breck, seconded by Pleshek to approve Marsha Present, Sue Anderson and Don Nerenhausen as citizen members of the Law Enforcement Center Ad-Hoc Committee.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes, 2 nays (Reed, Daul)
Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Groll to appoint Dan Ault, Jack Mlnarik, Jeremy Wusterbarth, Sara Perrizo and Attorney Calvert as government members of the Law Enforcement Center Ad-Hoc Committee.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.10 ayes
Moved by Pleshek, seconded by Le Breck to appoint Alderpersons Resch and Schreiber as alternates to the Law Enforcement Center Ad-Hoc Committee.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.10 ayes
- Approval of Applications for Temporary Class B Retailer’s License and Applications for License to Serve Fermented Beverages and/or Intoxicating Liquor
- Approval ofAccounts Payable for the Month of December 2013 in the Amount of $592,016.52, Accounts Payable for the Month of January 2014 in the Amount of $1,619,248.50, Payroll for the Month of February 2014 in the Amount of $107,239.73 and Other Financial Reports as Presented
- Approval of Invoice from Cargill, Inc. in the Amount of $14,791.48
- Approval of Invoice from Water Well Solutions Service Group, Inc. in the Amount of $22,838.97
- Approval of Invoice from United Rentals in the Amount of $5,599
- Approval of Cabela’s MWC 2014 Site Agreement with the Addition of the Items that Were in Last Year’s Agreement
- Approval of Proposal from Fivestar Fireworks in the Amount of $5,500 for the Fourth of July Fireworks Show
- Approval to Spend $500 with Pool Works to Find Out What is Wrong with Aageson Pool
- Approval to Accept the Offer to Purchase Between 2 and 2.13 Acres of the Kelly Pickle Property for $48,000 with the Addition of a 3-Year Reversionary Clause on the Balance of the Undeveloped Property After Phase 1 is Completed
This item was pulled by Alderperson Resch. Perrizo explained that a new offer has been brought forward and it will be discussed in closed session.
Moved by Pleshek, seconded by Groll to approve the consent agenda except for items b and k.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.10 ayes
- Discussion/Recommendation on:
- April Meeting Dates for Committee of the Whole and City Council
Mayor Bostedt stated that the Spring Election is April 1 and last year the meetings were moved back by one week. If that is done this year, the meetings would be April 8 and 15.
Moved by Zahn, seconded by Bickel to have the April Committee of the Whole meeting on April 8 and the April City Council meeting on April 15.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.10 ayes
- Approval of Quote from Mead & Hunt in the Amount of $21,250 for Design of Kelly Pickle Property Development
Moved by Reed, seconded by Groll to approve the quote from Mead & Hunt in the amount of $21,250 for the design of the Kelly Pickle property development.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.10 ayes
- Approval of Options for Financing for Development of Kelly Pickle Property
Moved by Daul, seconded by Pleshek to direct the Administrator to proceed with getting the paperwork for a $300,000 five year loan for development of the Kelly Pickle property.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.9 ayes, 1 nay (Stiloski)
- Approval of Possible $15,000 Gutter Repair for Aageson Pool
This item was not passed by the Finance Committee.
- Mayor Bostedt stated that the Council may vote to convene into Closed Session at approximately 6:30 p.m. pursuant to notice duly given and as allowed by Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session
- Offer to Purchase City-Owned Property
Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Daul to enter into closed session at 6:30 p.m.
Motion carried upon verbal roll call vote.10 ayes
Also present in closed session: Jeremy Wusterbarth, Sara Perrizo and other interested parties.
- Moved by Groll, seconded by Le Breck to return to open session at 6:45 p.m.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.10 ayes
- Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Resch to approve a counter-offer of $30,000 including site map version 1A and changing the closing date to no later than April 30, 2014.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.9 ayes, 1 nay (Stiloski)
- Adjournment
Moved by Zahn, seconded by Groll to adjourn at 6:46 p.m.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 10 ayes
Respectfully Submitted:
Sara J. Perrizo