Briefing ID #: 21068
ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL AND K-8 CENTER PRINCIPALS/APs/MATHEMATICS TEACHERS: Summer 2017 Middle Grades Mathematics Professional Development Opportunity
Category: Professional Development
Audience: / Principals/APs (Middle), All Teachers
Due Date: / n/a
Meeting Date: / n/a
To inform middle school and K-8 center principals, assistant principals, and mathematics teachers of the upcoming summer professional development (PD) sessions on Focus, Coherence, and Rigor in the Middle Grades Mathematics Classroom.
The Department of Mathematics is offering two one-day professional development (PD) sessions on Focus, Coherence, and Rigor in the Middle Grades Mathematics Classroom for grades 6-8 mathematics teachers/chairpersons/coaches.
Course Title:
oFocus, Coherence, and Rigor in the Middle Grades Mathematics Classroom (7 MPP)
Stipends: $100.00 per day (M-DCPS Non-Charter Employees)
Target Audience: Grades 6-8 Mathematics Teachers/Chairpersons/Coaches
Dates: June 12 & 13, 2017 (Two One-Day Professional Development Sessions)
Hialeah Middle School
6027 East 7 Avenue
Hialeah, FL 33013
Time: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Teachers must arrive on time since late arrivals will not be permitted in the sessions.
  • Teachers that leave prior to the (3:30 PM) conclusion of the workshop will forfeit their stipends and Master Plan Points.
Admittance into Course:
oPart-time, hourly, 3100, 3110, and other non-full time contract teachers are not eligible to attend or receive the summer professional development stipend.
oOnly certificated full-time, contract teachers are eligible to attend and receive the $100 daily stipend.
oPriority registration will be given to one participant per school on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Teachers must pre-register for the course through the employee portal by accessing Frontline, formerly known asMyLearningPlan. Click on District Catalog under the Activities Catalog link to view the District’s PD offerings. Click on the course title to register. Click on Join Wait List. Please note that registration should be available in Frontline by the week of April 24th.
  • Please register only if you are certain that you will attend; otherwise, you are taking a seat from another teacher that would benefit from this professional development.
  • Walk-ins will not be accepted.
Course Requirements:
oUpon successfulcompletion of the entire course, including submission of the follow-up work, completion of the three part evaluation in Frontline, and 100% attendance of the full day of the professional development session, participants will receive 7 Master Plan Points and a $100 stipend, if eligible.
Course Description:
During the course of this professional development session, participants will prepare for the 2017-2018 effective implementation of the MAFS by engaging in activities exploring the six shifts of the standards: focus, coherence, and the components of rigor. They will grow in both their understanding of the curriculum and in their pedagogy and practice. Participants will draw connections between the progressions documents and the careful sequence of mathematical concepts that develop between the grade levels, thereby enabling participants to understand the focus and coherence of the Mathematics Florida Standards across grade levels. Teachers will participate in math lessons that follow a progression of concepts and demonstrate the coherence of how concepts build from elementary to grade six, grade seven, and then grade eight. This vertical teaming model will also prompt teachers to explore and discuss with teachers from other grade levels how the concepts are developed within and across grade levels. Teachers will also analyze the aspects of rigor defined as conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application, and plan lessons addressing the aspects called for by the targeted standard.
Contact: / Annie Klian, District Supervisor ( 305-995-2764 )
Department: / Department of Mathematics and Science