Unless you have submitted your Letter of Intent Form to the College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development, Jennifer Browne at , and received a Response Form back from her, do not continue with this proposal form. This Form should be used only when minor revisions to programs are being proposed. For major revisions, please use the Curriculum Revision Proposal Form. The Curriculum Revision Proposal Form gives a complete list as to what constitutes a major revision.
Name of Proposal: Business Administration AS program
Campuses Offering Program: (X ) Ammerman (X ) East ( X) Grant
Name of Department Chair(s):
Ammerman: Ron Feinberg
Eastern: Dee Fabian
Grant: Christopher Gherardi
Name of Proposer:__Christopher Gherardi______
Proposal Checklist
Please be sure to send ALL of the below documents and information in a single email to the appropriate Curriculum Committee Chair when you are ready to have the proposal considered by the Campus or College Curriculum Committee.
( X )Electronic Letter-of-Intent with Response from College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development
(X )Completed Expedited Curriculum Revision Proposal Form
( X )Vote(s) of Department: (See Voting Guidelines)
Name of Department: _Business / Ammerman_
For: ___10__Against: _0____Abstentions: _____
Date of Vote: __2-13-17______Proposer's Initials: __CG___
Select One: Approved_X____ Not approved_____
Name of Department: _Business / East campus_
For: __9___Against: __0___Abstentions: _0____
Date of Vote: _2-7-17______Proposer's Initials: __CG___
Select One: Approved__X___ Not approved_____
Name of Department: _Business / Grant Campus_
For: _9____Against: __0___Abstentions: __0___
Date of Vote: _3-1-17______Proposer's Initials: __CG___
Select One: Approved_X___ Not approved_____
( X )Course Proposal Forms for all new courses and revised courses proposed for revised program.
List Courses Here:
ACC102 included in separate proposal.
( X )Executive Dean's Acknowledgment of Support Form(s)
cc:Jennifer Browne, Associate Dean for Curriculum Development
Tina Good, College Curriculum Committee Chair
Executive Deans of affected campuses
Revised Fall 2014
NAME OF CURRICULUM TO BE REVISED:_Business Administration AS______
Campuses Offering Program ( X ) Ammerman ( X ) Eastern (X ) Grant
1 - Remove 1 Physical Education elective which will provide consistency in the required number of PE credits across the Business and Accounting degree programs.
2 - Replace ACC115 Managerial Accounting with an OR clause ACC115 or ACC102 for the transfer option for students to take the course required at their next institution.
Are the admission requirements for the program changing? ( ) Yes ( x ) No
If yes, remembering that SCCC is an open-access institution, provide thenew admission requirements, show how they have changed, and provide rationale for the change. Describe why this program cannot be consistent with the College's open-access mission and how these requirements are intended to assure that students are prepared to complete the program.
Current Admission Requirements:
Proposed Admission Requirements:
Are substantive changes to the program description being proposed? ( ) Yes (X ) No
If yes, provide new description, show how it has changed, and provide a rationale for the change.
Current Description:
Proposed Description:
A.Are curricular/course changes being proposed. ( X ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, describe the changes and provide a rationale for the change.
B.Complete a New Course Proposal Form for each new course in the program. Complete a Course Revision Proposal Form for each course revision proposed for this program.
C.Outline all curricular requirements by semester for the current program and for the proposed program on the Sample Program Schedule and Curriculum chart below.
D.Complete the side-by-side comparison chart below for all the courses in the existing and proposed revised program.
E.List the curricular/course changes that have been approved since the last time the program was approved by SUNY and SED. (Note: If the changes in the program since the last time the program was approved by SUNY and SED exceeds 20 credits, please propose your curriculum changes on the Curriculum Revision Proposal Form instead of this form.)
Effective Date of the Program Revision: Spring 2018
Provide proposed date of implementation for proposed program. Be sure to allow appropriate time for approval process. If the current program needs to remain registered until students have graduated, please indicate the anticipated effective date of discontinuance by which time all matriculated students will have cleared the program.
- Number of new faculty positions required to implement proposed program revision.
- Number of new staff positions required to implement proposed program revision.
APPENDIX A - Sample Program Schedule
- Has the proposed program received a SUNY program-level waiver? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If waiver has been received, attach waiver to this proposal.
- Name of SUNY Transfer Path, if one exists: __Business Administration AS______
- Use the table to show how a typical student may progress through the program; copy/expand the table as needed.
Fall 1: / See KEY. / Spring 2: / See KEY.
Course Number & Title / Cr / GER / LAS / Maj / TPath / New / Co/Prerequisites / Course Number & Title / Cr / GER / LAS / Maj / TPath / New / Co/Prerequisites
ACC101: Financial Accounting I / 3 / 3 / 3 / ACC115 Managerial Accounting or ACC102: Financial Accounting II / 3-4 / 3-4 / 3-4 / PreReq: ACC101
ECO111: Macroeconomics / 3 / SS / 3 / 3 / ECO112: Microeconomics / 3 / SS / 3 / 3
ENG101: Freshman Composition / 3 / BC / 3 / ENG102: Intro. to Literature / 3 / H / 3 / Pre: ENG102
BUS115: College Workplace Skills / 1 / 1 / MAT103 (Statistics)* or MAT124 (Pre-calculus)* or higher / 3-4 / M / 3-4 / MAT103 Prereq: MAT006 or MAT007
MAT124 Prereq: MAT111 or three years of college prep. math
COM101 or COM105 Intro. To Human Communications or Public Speaking / 3 / BC or H / 3 / Business Elective / 3 / 3
BUS Elective** / 3 / 3
Term credit totals: / 16 / 9 / 9 / 7 / 6 / Term credit totals: / 15-16 / 9-10 / 9-10 / 6-7 / 6-7
Fall 3: / See KEY. / Term 4: / See KEY.
Course Number & Title / Cr / GER / LAS / Maj / TPath / New / Co/Prerequisites / Course Number & Title / Cr / GER / LAS / Maj / TPath / New / Co/Prerequisites
BUS112: Computing for Business or CST101: Introduction to Computing / 4 / 4 / BUS elective** or
MAT elective (MAT 131* recommended) / 3-4 / 3-4
LAW111: Business Law I / 3 / 3 / ****Humanities elective / 3 / H / 3
MKT101: Marketing / 3 / 3 / HIS Elective: (American History or Western Civ.) / 3 / AH or WC / 3 / PreReq: RDG099 or equivalent
BUS201: Management Principles and Practices / 3 / 3 / BUS208: Case Studies in Business / 1 / 1 / PreReq: 45 credits in degree
Humanities elective*** / 3 / FL or AR / 3 / Laboratory Science elective / 4 / NS / 4 / Pre: MAT006 or MAT007
Physical Education / 1
Term credit totals: / 17 / 3 / 3 / 13 / Term credit totals: / 14-15 / 10 / 10 / 4-5
Program Totals (in credits): / Total
Credits: 62-64 / SUNY
GER: 31-32 / LAS:
31-32 / Major:
30-32 / Elective & Other: 1 / Number of SUNY GER Categories:
KEY Cr: credits GER: SUNY General Education Requirement (Enter Category Abbreviation) LAS:Liberal Arts & Sciences (Enter credits) Maj: Major requirement (Enter credits) TPath:SUNY Transfer Path Courses (Enter credits) New: new course (Enter X) Co/Prerequisite(s): list co/prerequisite(s) for the noted courses Upper Division: Courses intended primarily for juniors and seniors SUNY GER Category Abbreviations (the first five listed in order of their frequency of being required by SUNY campuses): Basic Communication (BC), Math (M), Natural Sciences (NS), Social Science (SS), Humanities (H), American History (AH), The Arts (AR), Other World Civilizations (OW), Western Civilization (WC), Foreign Language (FL).
*See transfer institution regarding Calculus requirement. SUNY transfer path note: Calculus I is essential to achieving junior status in business programs at the following SUNY Campuses: The University at Buffalo, Binghamton University, the University at Albany. In addition, an introductory statistics course is strongly recommended for transfer to AACSB accredited programs. Please consult with your department chair with regard to the math requirement.
**To be selected from: BUS101, BUS107, BUS 109, BUS117, BUS 123, BUS127, BUS129, BUS141, LAW212, LAW251, or appropriate Marketing or Accounting electives.
***To be selected from SUNY Gen Ed courses approved for Foreign Languages or The Arts.
****To be selected from SUNY Gen Ed courses approved for the Humanities.
Revised Fall 2014
In the first column, list the course number and title. In the middle column, check if the course exists in the current curriculum. In the third column, check if the course exists in the proposed revision.
Comparison of Current Curriculum with Proposed RevisionCourses / Current Curriculum / Revised Curriculum
ACC101: Financial Accounting I / X / X
ACC115: Managerial Accounting / X
ACC115: Managerial Accounting or ACC102: Financial Accounting II / X
BUS115: College Workplace Skills / X / X
ECO111: Macroeconomics / X / X
ECO112: Microeconomics / X / X
ENG101:Standard Freshman Composition / X / X
ENG102: Introduction to Literature / X / X
COM101: Introduction of Human Communication or COM105: Public Speaking / X / X
Physical Education (2 courses) / X
Physical Education (1 course) / X
BUS112: Computing for Business or CST101: Introduction to Computing / X / X
Laboratory Science elective / X / X
History Elective: (American History or Western Civilization) / X / X
LAW111: Business Law I / X / X
MKT101: Marketing / X / X
BUS201: Management Principles and Practices / X / X
Business Electives (2 courses)** / X / X
Humanities Elective / X / X
MAT103: Statistics or MAT124: Pre-calculus / X / X
BUS elective** or MAT elective (MAT 131: recommended)* / X / X
BUS208: Case Studies in Business / X / X
Humanities Elective (SUNY-GER Foreign Language or The Arts) / X / X
Humanities Elective (SUNY-GER Humanities) / X / X
*See transfer institution regarding Calculus requirement. SUNY transfer path note: Calculus I is essential to achieving junior status in business programs at the following SUNY Campuses: The University at Buffalo, Binghamton University, the University at Albany. In addition, an introductory statistics course is strongly recommended for transfer to AACSB accredited programs. Please consult with your department chair with regard to the math requirement.
**To be selected from: BUS101, BUS107, BUS 109, BUS117, BUS 123, BUS127, BUS129, BUS141, LAW212, LAW251, or appropriate Marketing or Accounting electives.
***To be selected from SUNY Gen Ed courses approved for Foreign Languages or The Arts.
****To be selected from SUNY Gen Ed courses approved for the Humanities.
The Proposer should email completed proposal packet along with the Executive Dean’s Acknowledgment-of-Support Form. The Proposer should complete the top half of the form and the Executive Dean should check the “Support” or “Do Not Support” line based on the Campus’ ability to commit to implementing the proposal if it is approved through the Governance process.
Criteria to consider for supporting this proposal are listed below. If the Executive Dean is in general support of the proposal but has specific concerns related to the proposal, these concerns should be stated in the comment section. If the Executive Dean does not support the proposal, specific reasons should be listed in the comment section.
The Executive Dean should email completed form to Proposer so that it can be included in the proposal packet to be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee Chair.
The Executive Dean’s Acknowledgement-of Support is a commitment to support the implementation of the course adoption in terms of:
Academic Merit
Availability of Personnel
Adequacy of Facilities
Budgetary Needs for Supplies and Equipment
This section to be filled out by Proposer:
Name of Proposal: Business Administration AS program
Adopting Campus: A_X__ E_____ G______
This section to be filled out by Executive Dean:
______Do Not Support
Name of Executive Dean:______P. Wesley Lundburg______
Date:____May 22, 2017______
Change in requirements to comply with SUNY requirements.
The Proposer should email completed proposal packet along with the Executive Dean’s Acknowledgment-of-Support Form. The Proposer should complete the top half of the form and the Executive Dean should check the “Support” or “Do Not Support” line based on the Campus’ ability to commit to implementing the proposal if it is approved through the Governance process.
Criteria to consider for supporting this proposal are listed below. If the Executive Dean is in general support of the proposal but has specific concerns related to the proposal, these concerns should be stated in the comment section. If the Executive Dean does not support the proposal, specific reasons should be listed in the comment section.
The Executive Dean should email completed form to Proposer so that it can be included in the proposal packet to be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee Chair.
The Executive Dean’s Acknowledgement-of Support is a commitment to support the implementation of the course adoption in terms of:
Academic Merit
Availability of Personnel
Adequacy of Facilities
Budgetary Needs for Supplies and Equipment
This section to be filled out by Proposer:
Name of Proposal: ______ Business Administration AS program___
Adopting Campus: A____ E____ G__X___
This section to be filled out by Executive Dean:
______Do Not Support
Name of Executive Dean:______James M Keane ______
The Proposer should email completed proposal packet along with the Executive Dean’s Acknowledgment-of-Support Form. The Proposer should complete the top half of the form and the Executive Dean should check the “Support” or “Do Not Support” line based on the Campus’ ability to commit to implementing the proposal if it is approved through the Governance process.
Criteria to consider for supporting this proposal are listed below. If the Executive Dean is in general support of the proposal but has specific concerns related to the proposal, these concerns should be stated in the comment section. If the Executive Dean does not support the proposal, specific reasons should be listed in the comment section.
The Executive Dean should email completed form to Proposer so that it can be included in the proposal packet to be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee Chair.
The ExecutiveDean’s Acknowledgement-of Support is a commitment to support the implementation of the course adoption in terms of:
Academic Merit
Availability of Personnel
Adequacy of Facilities
Budgetary Needs for Supplies and Equipment
This section to be filled out by Proposer:
Campus: A____ E__X__ G_____
This section to be filled out by Executive Dean:
______Do Not Support
Name of Executive Dean:__Mary Reese______
Date: April 24, 2017
Revised Fall 2014