Learning Activity for Multiply by 9

3rd Grade

Objective: The students will explore multiplying by 9 using their fingers.

Materials: none or 2 hand patterns per student

Multiply By 9! - It Happens by Design

It happens by design

If you multiply by nine.
The digits in the answer always

Add up to be nine.

Look at this first pattern, a multiple of nine,
It happens by design, the answer totals up to nine.
Nine times two equals eighteen
And the one and eight add up to nine.

It happens by design

If you multiply by nine.
The digits in the answer always

Add up to be nine.

Here’s the next pattern, a multiple of nine,
It happens by design, the answer totals up to nine.
Nine times four equals thirty-six
And the three and six add up to nine.

It happens by design

If you multiply by nine.
The digits in the answer always

Add up to be nine.

Here’s the last pattern, a multiple of nine,
It happens by design, the answer totals up to nine.
Nine times six equals fifty-four
And the five and four add up to nine.

It happens by design

If you multiply by nine.
The digits in the answer always

Add up to be nine.

When you Multiply by 9!


1)  Play the song.

2)  Discuss the most important part of the final answer when multiplying by 9. (the sum is always a multiple of 9)

3)  Students will place their hands or hand patterns on their desk.

4)  Identify each finger 1-10 from left to right.

5)  For example, when multiplying 4x9, fold down the 4th finger. The fingers to the left of the 4th finger represent the tens and the fingers to the right of the 4th finger represent the ones. Therefore, the answer to 4x9 is 36.

6)  Give students a chance to explore with their own hands.

7)  Replay the song giving students an opportunity to follow along with their fingers.

Evaluation: Teacher observation. Students will write in their journal the rule for multiplying by 9.

Extension: Give students a 100 chart to look at the multiples of 9 and have students record their observations in their journal.