No. 300-3-03 / Page 1 of 2
EFFECTIVE DATE: /1997 09 15
To establish a policy for the purchase of land for City purposes where the land may be contaminated.
1.In dealing with the purchase of contaminated, or possibly contaminated sites, the City requires the vendor, prior to closing on any site which has been identified as contaminated, to provide a Certificate of Compliance or a conditional Certificate of Compliance from the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, that the site has been remediated to a M.E.L.P. approved remediation plan, and is in compliance with the applicable numerical standards defined in the Contaminated Sites Regulation.
2.The vendor must provide financial guarantees required by M.E.L.P. related to Certificates of Compliance.
3.In cases where there is any uncertainty about the history of contamination on a site to be acquired, a Site Profile will be required from the vendor.
4.In cases where vendors are not willing to provide Certificates of Compliance or a Site Profile, and the land in question is essential from a civic perspective, the City shall, before any purchase decision:
(a)conduct a site profile analysis;
(b)determine the remediation requirements to bring the property into compliance with M.E.L.P. standards; and
(c)determine the discounted value of the property based on costs associated with bringing the property in line with M.E.L.P. standards.
5.Lands to be acquired for road purposes, or quasiindustrial uses such as works yards, must meet the Industrial Soil Standards of the Contaminated Sites Regulation.
6.Lands to be acquired for quasi-commercial purposes, such as civic offices, must meet the commercial soil standards of the Contaminated Sites Regulation.
7.Lands to be acquired for park, recreational, or residential use, shall meet the Urban Park or Residential Standards of the Contaminated Sites Regulation.
8.An interdepartmental staff team will evaluate any staff land purchase referrals where hazardous substance contamination is suspected, and make recommendations for action, i.e. should the land be purchased, internal versus external site problems.