St. Leo School Council MeetingOctober 9th, 2014
Present:Lillian Ugrin, Claire McMullan, Brandi Ward, Michelle Szarka, Carey Burleigh, Michael Bock, Andrea Larson, M. Jordan, Ms. Figueiredo, Ms. Lehane, Aidan Zarand.
Welcome / Prayer – All
Business Arising From Previous Minutes
-Previous minutes from September 2014 were approved – motion moved by M.Sarka, 2nd by C. McMullan
Teacher Report: Ms. Figueiredo
-SWIM TEAM – looking at having the children pay $25.00 to pay for the fees on the day of the swim meet. Each swim meet that the child participates in is $7.00, there are 3 competitive races plus a relay race, therefore $25.00 would cover those costs.
-Swim team is for student grades 2-8
-Rental of the pool is expensive and in previous years spent about $800.00 on pool rental time, these are rates based on Toronto City Permits
-Also looking for parent volunteers to assist in practices at the pool, typically these practices take place between 4:30-6:30pm and would be once or twice a week.
-CSAC has asked that Ms. Figueiredo to put together a total amount of what her cost would be and we can then discuss how CSAC may be able to help.
-Swim Team try-outs will start up before the New Year or after Christmas Break.
Prodigy Demonstration – Ms. Lehane
-Prodigy is a Math based game, which the entire school board has access to. It is a game that students can either play at home, public library, or anywhere with an internet connection and appropriate device.
-Teachers simply add questions regarding the curriculum that is being taught in the classroom and kids can play and increase their knowledge in that particular area of math.
-This program is available to all teachers grade 1-8. Teachers are being advised to use this program in the classroom and promote it for the kids to use at home.
-The student feedback form Ms. Lehans class has been great! The kids see it as a game, rather than learning or homework- they are having fun!!!
-The Board is stressing that teachers use this program.
-The school is asking how CSAC can communicate to the parents that this game is a resource for our kids, using this game will aid them in understanding mathematics far better. CSAC has some suggestions about reaching out to the families, web site, emails,etc.
Student Report – N/A
Principal Report –Lillian Ugrin
-Lillian thanked and welcomed all new CSAC members, as well as thanking CSAC for creating a new newsletter booklet.
-Curriculumnight was also acknowledged with regards to its success and the great turn out as well as the assistance from senior students.
-Lillian is still interviewing for LTO Physical Education Position
-Daily work orders (SAP) with regards to the school facilities continue to be logged into SAP
-No change in the financial balance, no major purchases. Two small items were purchased – a Justice Kit for Ms Policelli’s grade 3 classand a visual schedule for Ms Jachyra’s grade 2 class.
-The school will be purchasing “Nerf” balls, soccer balls, volleyball, football, for the kids to play with outside during recess. 3 per class
-Professional Development for staff – next steps – primary and junior teachers will meet with Literary Resource Teacher on Oct. 15th 2014 to discuss Literary programming strategies and resources appropriate to these grades. Grade 3 teacher to attend EQAO In-service and Grade 4/5 teacher will attend in-service on Literacy in middle grades.
-Ms. Spadafora – EQAO
-Ms. Lehane – Literacy
-School Improvement Team (SIT) was held with Superintendent Doug Yack – primary, junior and intermediate teachers participated
-EQAO CAT/4 results are have arrived. A presentation of results, next steps strengths and needs will be presented at the November CSAC meeting.
-The Nutrition Program will be up and running, Claire McMullan is the coordinator.
-Two Fire Drills have been completed at the school. Students did well in exiting the building in less than two minutes. Lock Down Drill will take place on Friday Oct. 17
-Officer Rich will be at the school on October 25th to present to Grades 4 and 5.
-Anaphylaxis in-service for staff to take place on Oct 16th.
-A school –wide Bus Safety Presentation took place on October 3rd.
- Cookie Dough Drive – Ms. LeBlanc will be running this and the goal is to raise $8000.00 to put towards technology.
-Student leaders, Mrs DaLuz and Mrs Martinez attended the Me to We presentation at the Air Canada Centre on October 2nd.
-Mass to be held in the school gym for the next few months due to construction.
-October’s Virtue Assembly was highlighted by the use of 21st Century technology as used in the student presentation on Gratitude.
- At the Virtue and Awards Assembly students were encouraged to start a Portfolio highlighting their achievements at St. Leo CS. A secure place to keep their certificates, ribbons and other awards received throughout the year. Mrs Figueredo purchased portfolios for her class and shared a sample with CSAC.
-Chess Club with Mrs Figueredo continues this year.
-Rosary Club with Mrs Figueredo and Ms Mullin continues this year.
- Mrs Figueredo entered St. Leo in two math contests this year: the Caribou (junior grades) and Gauss Math (intermediate grades).
-At the November CSAC meeting Arts Express will provide an overview of the enrichment programs they offer at lunch time, after school and school wide activities such as Dramatic and Visual Arts.
-See, Hear and Eye Clinic – Oct. 10th
-Bus Excursion Costs Projected by some teachers:
Casa Loma - $254.66
Ripley’s Aquarium- $254.66
Distillery District – $254.66
Downey’s Farm - $307.29
Mandarin Rest - $254.66
-Mrs Ugrin invited parent participation in the formulation of a Parent Handbook Committee.
Treasurer’s Report – Michael Bock
- Current Funds / Balance of funds: $7133.00
-Issue with POS credit card machine, will be managed by Tania as the provider has been in contact with her. We will be insisting that the company reimburses us the fees that had been withdrawn for a device we didn’t use or have on site.
-Reminder of our meeting with Angelo Sangiorgio on Oct. 22, 2014 at 6:30pm in school library. This presentation will be very formal and follow an Agenda, leaving time for our guests to explain what is happening with our school, what is the Board plan.
-Would like to continue with the signed petition to keep St. Leo in our community.
-Petition to go home with students with the consent of parents to ask neighbors to sign.
-Meeting at Holy Angels to meet with running candidates for the Ward 2 trustee position.
-Mark Grimes and CEO from Developers will be at the school to present a cheque for $25,000 to St. Leo on Friday Oct. 17 2014.
-20/20 plan to be up on Website.
-Following up with the Board with regard to accessing the playground on TDSB property, sharing it so our kids can access a play area during afternoon recess.
Fundraising Committee: Brandi Ward
-Spring Fling date will be June 4th 2015
-Clean-up drive November 3rd2014. Claire will get gloves and garbage bags donated to the school. Pledge forms were sent home with an incorrect notice regarding the tax receipt; it should have read $10.00 as to follow CRA rules and regulations. This will be corrected and students will be advised as well as parents via email and a letter.
-New idea for fundraising: Pasta Day - $4.00 or $5.00 per bowl. A combo could even be available; the idea is to incorporate this with Civies day, so it would be the last Friday of every month. CSAC is aiming to have the first Pasta Day on Friday Nov. 28th. Volunteers will be needed. Michelle to put forward electronic motion.
-There will be a Community Advent Mass so as a result CSAC hopes to be able to fundraise during the Christmas month, with a fun night opened to the school community as well as our extended neighbors. Perhaps a movie night, with other rooms set up with fun activities, “caroling”, “arts & crafts”, “picture with your family”. Also there will be a 50/50 draw and perhaps a raffle. Tentative date was set as Dec. 4th, Thursday before the PA Day.
-Jackie McGrath is planning on holding a Dance-a-thon in February, more details to follow.
-Advertising with our newsletter and Spring Fling Events. A simple way to make money for the school, reach out to your community or friends who may have a business that they want to promote, a $250.00 fee for the year advertising.
ECO-Team – Carey Burleigh
- Jackie McGrath presented the idea for the Murals to be painted by the students at the last Staff meeting. The staff were pleased to hear the ideas from Jackie as she looked into the curriculum for each class and gave many ideas that the teachers and kids could use through class subjects. Projected costs for this should run about $625.00.
-The Music wall in the kindergarten yard is a hit! Some of the pieces need to be replaced and they also want to expand it, so they will be looking for old muffin tins, pits pan etc. There will also be some minor purchases for paint, dollar store items, approximately $100.00
-Picnic benches would be an asset to the yard, eco-team would like 2 more, they are about $500 each
-Paint the outdoor storage area where the snow plows are stored, maybe get the kids involved.
-Climbing tires is also an idea to be put up in the Primary yard, grades 1-3, Elizabeth Street.
Final Comments:
Concern was brought up to Claire regarding inappropriate paraphernalia being found on school property bordering Stanley Avenue. Lillian is looking into immediately and has advised us that she will contact Officer Rich of the incident. Claire advised that we call our local police department to express concern for the area at night- time. Also to get in touch with the school board regarding the lack of light around the school, express that we are leaving meetings well into the evening and it is very dark. This is a primary safety concern and top of the list for maintenance and SAP requests.
Meeting Adjourned –9:05pm
Next meeting: Thursday November 6that 6:30pm