General Security Officers NQF3 Check list for workplace Vetting

Name of the Company XXX Ltd Date :00/00/200X

Skills programme / Unit Standards / Resources needed / Capacity / Comments
  1. Patrol Security Officer
/ 11497, 11502, 12328 /
  1. Occurrence Book
/ √
  1. Instruction Book
/ √
  1. Pocket Book
/ √
  1. Message book
/ √
  1. Workplace procedures per customer, Employer, labour, Employer
/ √
  1. Safety equipment
/ √
  1. Security Aids
/ √
  1. Offensive and defensive equipment
/ √
  1. Communication equipments, radio, telephone
/ √
  1. Metal detectors, Fire fighting equipments, occupational safety signs, safety equipments,
/ √
  1. Batons: defensive sprays, handcuffs, constraint apparatus
/ √
  1. handcuffs
/ √
  1. Torch
/ √
  1. Bullet proof
/ √
  1. Computer
/ √
  1. Handcuffs
/ √
  1. Video equipment
/ √
  1. Metal detectors, fire fighting equipment
/ √
  1. Occupational safety signs
/ √
  1. Safety equipments
/ √
  1. Registers
/ √
  1. Stationary
/ √
  1. vehicles
/ √
  1. Personnel
/ √
  1. Asset Protection Officer
/ 11498, 11501, 11500 /
  1. Uniform
/ √
  1. Appearance
/ √
  1. Bearing attitude
/ √
  1. Example of typical evidence, statements, data, samples, original and copies of information, photographs, video, audio material,
/ √
  1. Access to a court room
/ √
  1. Access control officer
/ 11496, 11499 /
  1. Occurrence book
/ √
  1. Lost and Found registers
/ √
  1. Delivery notes
/ √
  1. Pocket books
/ √
  1. Message books
/ √
  1. Instructions,
/ √
  1. Registers,
/ √
  1. Relevant firearm licences
/ √
  1. Access control permits
/ √
  1. Verbal and Written Communication
/ √
  1. Two radio
/ √
  1. telephone,
/ √
  1. electronic & digital
/ √
  1. Company policy,
/ √
  1. Standard operating procedure,
/ √
  1. Contingency plans
/ √ / Their monitoring system has an ability to switch over to another area if anything goes wrong with any of their monitoring centres nationally.
  1. Instructions and resources
/ √
  1. Safety Equipments,
/ √
  1. Offensive and defensive equipments
/ √
  1. Communication equipment,
/ √
  1. electronic and digital equipment
/ √
  1. X-ray equipment
/ √
  1. WeighBridge, Physical and security barriers
/ √
  1. Computer and video equipment
/ √
  1. Metal/ substance detection equipment
/ √
  1. Examples of Hazardous/dangerous goods must include: Toxic, infectious and non toxic, oxidising substances, organic peroxides, corrosives, flammable/non flammable solids, liquids and gasses, explosives, weapons, acids and radio-active material.
/ √
  1. Valuables must include:
Precious stones
Electronic equipment
Artwork, etc / √
  1. Care for the welfare of dogs SP4
/ 11494 /
  1. Service Dog must include: Any type of dog tasked to assist a handler or handicapped person in the performance of his or her duties.
/ N/A
  1. Accommodation must include: Kennel and immediate living environment
/ N/A
  1. Appropriate vehicle, kennel or dog trailer must include: Roadworthiness, Size - Big enough for the dog to stand, lay down, turn around, insulation against the elements, secure locking mechanisms.
/ N/A
  1. Leashes, muzzles, chains, long lines, first aid equipment
/ N/A
  1. Handle a dog to deter crime and for protection
/ 11495 / Equipment must include leash, slip collar or collar and vehicle to transport Dogs / N/A
Dogs must include: Dogs with the attributes of working dogs with regards to temperament, maturity, height and size. Basic obedience on leash. Capable of protecting the handler under various threatening circumstances e.g. not gun or stick shy. / N/A
Watering points, shelter from adverse water conditions, responding to injuries, duration of shifts according to environmental conditions, condition of a dog, workplace procedures and regulations / N/A
  1. Supervision of dogs
/ Cleaned: Hygienically washed out with water and detergents / N/A
Cleaned must include:
Hygienically washed out with water and detergents. / N/A
Identification must include:
Breed, Date of birth, gender, registration number, tattoo or micro-chip, number, breed records.
/ N/A
Records must include:
Medical records, consumables, vaccination details, dip recording sheet, performance/ progress report, training qualifications, ability of dog. / N/A
Routine care must include:
Grooming, dipping, daily exercise / N/A
  1. Computer Skills Programme/ Develop Keyboard skills to enter text/ operate personal computer
/ 9357, 7547, / Examples of ergonomic factors may include but are not limited to room temperature, humidity, ventilation, workstation location and design, chair design and height, acoustics and noise level, lighting, positioning of power cables, positioning of keyboard and screen, screen background colour, screen brightness control, reduction of
screen glare and radiation, screen tilt, copyholder type and position, use of footrests, anti-static furnishings; explanation is required for five ergonomic factors. / √
Central processing unit, memory, keyboard, mouse, disc drive and visual display unit
Keyboard, mouse, stiffy drive and displayunit.
/ √
  1. Interaction Skills
/ 11505 / Handle and defuse must include:
Ejection of people from premises
Physical restraint.
Verbal persuasion / √
  1. Responding to emergency signals and situation
/ 11509 / Personal presentation must include:
Uniform; appearance; bearing; attitude etc. / √
Fit for purpose must include:
Clean & in good working order.
/ √
Work procedures must include:
As per client; employer, institution, labour, legislation.
Documentation must include:
Pocket book; call slips; relevant firearm permit/licence; etc. / √
Equipment & resources must include:
Relevant firearm; body armour; defence spray; two way radio; road map; torch; hand cuffs; vehicle, disposable camera, etc.
/ √
Tactical response must include: Tactical movement & approach ,Techniques on tactically approaching, premises, buildings & rooms. / √
By vehicle and/or on foot.
Techniques on tactically entering & moving inside premises, buildings & rooms, Tactical use of lighting, Cover & concealment awareness, Firearm readiness / √
Keep accurate notes must include: Pocket books, Statements.
/ √
  1. Coaching
/ 9926 / √
  1. Apply health and safety in the workplace
/ 9965 / Protective clothing requirements are identified and protective clothing is used. Different fire extinguishers are identified and used correctly. / √
  1. First Aid
/ 9965 / The universal principles include putting on gloves and protecting the hands. First aid includes the treatment of burns, cuts, fractures, etc. Minor medical emergencies include fainting, bleeding nose, cuts and bruises, sprains, and hyperventilation.Appropriate First aid dummy to do CPR etc. / √
  1. Use of a handgun
/ 10748 / Types of holsters: Company policy/operational procedures
Cleaning of handgun: Cleaning equipment, Care of handgun
Care of ammunition, Revolver and pistol
Accredited shooting range.
 Shooting exercise order.
 Tools, equipment and materials for range set up.
 Drill rounds and replica firearms
 Relevant handguns, magazines/speed loaders and ammunition.
 Holsters and magazine/speed loader pouches.
 Firearm cleaning equipment
 Safety equipment and protective uniform/clothes
 Communications equipment.
 Necessary administrative and stationary issue.
 First aid/fire fighting equipment.
 Criterion referenced assessment instructions/tools.
 Relevant shooting range standing orders. / √
  1. Use of a rifle
/ 10750 / As with handgun above but including:
Rifle should include:
 Semi automatic rifle
 Bolt action rifle
 Lever action rifle
 Pump action rifle / √
  1. Use of shotgun
/ 10754 / As with handgun above but including:
Shotgun must include:
 Semi automatic shotgun
 Single action shotgun (side by side/over and under/single barrel)
 Pump action shotgun / √
  1. Use of hand machine carbine
/ 10756 / As with handgun above but including:
Hand machine carbine should include:
 Semi automatic hand machine carbine / √
  1. Drive an official vehicle
/ 11985 / Operational and road worthy vehicle and vehicle equipment, two way radio, siren, lights and other emergency equipment / √
  1. Fundamentals
/ √

Comments and Recommendations

XXXXis one of the biggest companies in the Security Industry. Their capacity with regard to the implementation of Learnerships exceed our expectations and requirements.

Because a decision was made to allocate a maximum of XXXX learners per employer, I therefore recommend that XXXXlearners be allocated to XXXXPty Ltd.

Signed ______

Lovey Malele (Ms)

Site inspection conducted by ______