The Ideas that Change Lives programme is funded by Leeds City Council and focuses on social enterprises operatingin Leeds that provide servicesfor people with care or support needs to live independently.

The aim of this form is for you to share your enterprising idea with us so that we can see what kind of help and feedback we might be able to offer. There is no deadline for the submission of this form as we will consider requests for support at any time.

Please return to Leeds Community Foundation at . You may be contacted directly by the Foundation or by one of the project partners: See Ahead and Leeds City Council.

Section 1: Organisation details

Your name / position
Date form completed
Name of Organisation (if already established)
Contact telephone number(s)
Legal status: company ltd by guarantee/ CIC. If not yet set up, please put “individual” or “informal group”
When you were established
How many staff, volunteers and directors/trustees do you have?

How would you best describe your current status (please tick in the box on the left)

An individual with a good business idea who needs advice and support
A newly established organisation who needs support to develop enterprising activities
An established organisation wanting to do something new in the field of enterprise
An established organisation wanting to expand income- generating activities
Other: please detail


Please tell us about your idea. You should include the following details:

what is the idea – is it new or a development of something that is already happening;

who will it benefit;

what work has been done to show that it is needed

what stage are you at in terms of planning

how it may generate income

if you have had discussions with potential service users/clients/commissioners please include details

If you already have a short summary by all means attach that to this form.

In a few words describe what makes the organisation a Social Enterprise

If you know what kind of help you need, please detail it here. This may be: access to finance; help with writing a business plan; advice about sales and marketing.

Please provide brief details about the project cost – total amount you are likely to be applying for and broad budget headings.