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Curriculum Committee / (213) 891-2434
(213) 891-2144

Kathleen Bimber, Vice President, DCC Chair (City), David Beaulieu, President, DAS, John Clerx, Vice Chancellor Educational Support Services, Kathleen Burke-Kelly, VP Academic Affairs (LATTC)


Friday, March 12, 2010- 1:00 to 3:30 pm

Los Angeles City College

1.  Attendance: E.Atondo, District Articulation Chair PIERCE; S. Berger, VALLEY; K. Bimber, Chair,VP DAS; K. Burke-Kelly, VP Academic Affairs, J. Clerx, VC Educational Support Services L. McKenzie, HARBOR; Said Pazirandeh, MISSION; Maria Reisch, CITY; Linda Larson-Singer SOUTHWEST; Steve Wardinski EAST; Deirdre Wood, Trade;

2.  Welcome and Approval of the Agenda-The agenda was approved with corrections.

3.  Approval of February 26, 2010 Minutes-moved seconded and passed with one correction-add reference to the cocurricular discussion.

4.  Announcements/confirmed dates-There were no changes to the dates listed below.

·  DCC dates: 4/23, 5/14, 6/11

Old Business:

1.  E-Reg XX Upper Division Course Work-the committee reviewed the E-Reg and it was moved, seconded and passed with no changes.

2.  ESL Fix in the system decision-A list of E.S.L. and ESL courses was presented to the committee for their review and approval. The committee agreed to change the transferability and degree applicability retroactively on student transcripts for courses 5 and above for transferability and course levels 3 and 4 will be degree applicable. The motion was moved, seconded and passed unanimously.

3.  BR 6202.1 Catalog Rights-lapse of time degree/certificate petition-6202.1 was presented to the committee for review. It was decided to change the number to 6202.10 to align with current formatting. S.Berger asked if we might want to broaden it out to add a statement in the beginning as an introduction that students should petition for degree/certificates at the time they complete their degrees. J. Clerx will make the corrections and send to the committee.

4.  BR 6204 Additional & Concurrent Associate Degrees-was moved, seconded and passed with corrections: remove “following Plan A of General Education” and add in a major requiring 18-35 units. Remove “following Plan B of General Education” and add in “requiring 36 or more units.”

5.  BR 6705.20 & .30- Syllabi & Retention of Written Work-was reviewed by the committee and moved, seconded and passed unanimously.

6.  E-64 Procedures for Dev. Of New Ed Programs-Curriculum-was reviewed by the committee and moved, seconded and passed unanimously with one correction: page 2.b A major is defined as a minimum of 18 units in a field or related fields selected by the college.

7.  E-15 Publication of New Ed Programs-was reviewed by the committee and moved, seconded and passed unanimously with one correction: strike the word “campuses” in number 1 and add in “college’s.”

8.  Co-curricular Activities-the committee continued a discussion on cocurricular activities which are when the student produces the activity... D. Woods felt that when the activity was more social in nature such as the Young Democrats club, (which may have grown out of a Political Science activity), it would be more oriented toward Student Services. However, when the activity is part of a course, content is graded, student learning outcomes have been assigned and must be assessed, it is very much a part of the academic program. M. Reisch will ask City’s VP for the state definition she referred to in the last Department Chair Council.

9.  ECD-Update on Course Change Request Procedure-J. Clerx reported the course change request procedure is still not ready to be used in ECD. Chairs need to use the hard copy process. M. Reisch asked if we could all agree on the same course approval date. The curriculum approval date will be used. It was suggested that for courses that have been in the system for a long time that do not have an initial college approval dates, colleges can put in N/A or put in a date that makes sense to your college. This suggestion will be forwarded to the ECD Steering Committee. Articulation Officers can agree upon a date for the CSU approval date.

New Business:

1.  Fine Arts-repeatability and Title 5-the committee discussed the process for repeatability of visual and performing arts course repetitions. The committee decided a process needs to be developed to approve courses proposed for additional repeatability. In addition, it was suggested the list of Music classes previously identified for repeatability be re-submitted with a justification including evidence from the transfer institutions that students are required to be enrolled in a particular course or set of courses every semester until they transfer (for example, music majors need to be enrolled in an ensemble). It was also recommended that in the spirit of Title 5 only the highest levels of a course in a sequence should be used for the enhanced repeatability.

2.  Cross-listing Draft Form-K. Bimber presented a draft form for use when processing courses proposed for cross-listing. The committee reviewed the form and suggested the following changes: Modified the first statement to add in “must have the same course outline.” Reference E-65 at the end of that statement. Add in the college signatures such as the Academic Senate President, the VP of Academic Affairs, College President, and the Dean. Change the signature line for the District Discipline Committee Chair by adding the number 1 and 2 to each line. Add a line under the District Academic Senate that checks approved or not. Create a second form to request to remove cross listing that will only need one discipline committee to sign off. K. Bimber will make the final changes and bring it to the April meeting.

3.  Update on CB 21 Upload to State- K. Bimber asked about the process for correcting errors from the MIS upload of CB 21 data. Bimber suggested that the file with errors regarding the courses be sent to the Chairs and Sheri Berger will work the Curriculum Chairs to correct it. J. Clerx says he will review the situation and will work with K. Bimber and Bobbi to identify the correct list and will let us know what process we will follow.

4.  Memo on Implementation of the CCC Curriculum Inventory-K. Bimber distributed the memo the state regarding Implementation of the CCC Curriculum Inventory as an FYI. This new process means hard copies for new credit and noncredit programs will not be required. Webinar trainings are scheduled April 6-30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 am to 12:00 pm. Curriculum Chairs need to be a part of these trainings as well as anyone else who is involved with curriculum.

5.  Adjourn –the meeting adjourned at 3:50 PM.