Woodland Middle School Leadership

Course Description

The major focus of this class is the development of leadership skills. Through hands-on experience with projects and through discussion, we will work on various leadership attributes (responsibility, respect, initiative, etc.). The leadership skills will be practiced through organization and implementation of various kinds of middle school activities, fundraisers, service projects, assemblies, and recognition projects.

Learner Expectations

It is expected that each member of the class will put forth his or her best effort to facilitate and complete projects in service to Woodland Middle School. It is understood that each student has different talents, strengths, and interests to bring to the class, and that not all students will contribute in exactly the same manner. However, all students are expected to put forth their best effort to contribute to and complete their assigned tasks.


Grading in this course will be based on the participation and effort you demonstrate when approaching your projects. You will be required to turn in a Weekly Report (worth 5 points) detailing your contributions and accomplishments. You will also earn up to 5 points per day for your participation in class activities.

To earn a grade better than a B, students must also engage in some activities which are “Above and Beyond.” These are Leadership-related activities done outside of Leadership class time (helping with lunch activities, working at dances, helping at assemblies, etc.).

Attendance is related to the goals of this class and will be used as a basis for grading. Daily effort grades can make up over half of your grade. You will be given the opportunity to make up for excused absences by doing make-up assignments. It will be your responsibility to do these make-up assignments on your own time.


Every student will be assigned to an On-Going Committee each quarter. There will be specific tasks to be planned and completed for each committee. There will also be additional projects as assigned to plan and complete various school activities. In addition, students are expected to participate in all dress-up days, complete and turn in all Weekly Reports, complete set-up and clean-up duties when assigned, and complete other assignments throughout the semester.


Leadership students have the privilege of occasionally leaving the classroom to work on and complete various leadership activities. With this privilege comes the responsibility to be on-task when out of the classroom, to not disturb other classes, to check-out and check-in when leaving and returning, and to always be wearing their Leadership name badge. Failure to use this privilege responsibly will result in loss of participation points, and possibly loss of the privilege of leaving the classroom.


Student Signature Parent Signature