Year Reception Long Term Plan

Curriculum area / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic/ books for topic / Giants and Gingerbread (traditional tales)
Charlie and Lola- starting school
Hansel and Gretel
3 Little Pigs
Little Red Riding
The Gingerbread Man
3 Billy Goats Gruff
Ugly duckling
Jack and the Beanstalk
Snow White
Pinocchio / Look at Me!
Funny Bones
Owl Babies
Kipper’s Birthday
Fred the firefighter
Handa’s surprise
All the colours of the Earth
The Christmas Story
Non-fiction text on our bodies
Non-fiction text on celebrations / Help!
(People who help us)
Fiction texts: Thomas the tank engine
Fireman Sam
Postman Pat
People who help us series of non-fiction texts
Easter stories
Non-fiction text on religious celebrations
Non-fiction text on the services / Journeys and adventures
Fiction and non-fiction
The Little Blue Car
Mr Gumpys Motorcar
Whatever next?
The train ride
Oi, get off our train!
Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus!
Mr.Gumpy’s Outing
Once upon a tide
Busy boats
Non - fiction books on modes of transport / Creepy crawlies and growing
(Minibeasts and growing) Fiction and non-fiction / Splish splash
(Fiction and non-fiction)
Trips / Whole school -Theatre / Farm visit
PSED / School rules, routines and expectations
Managing feelings and behaviour / Good to be me
Self-confidence and awareness / Friendships
Making relationships / Going for Goals / Relationships / Changes- transition to Year 1
Communication and Language / Role play areas: Hansel and Gretel- witches cottage
Little Red Riding Hood- Grandmas cottage
Three Billy Goats Gruff / Role play areas:
Christmas / Role play areas:
Fire station
Vets / Role play areas:
Space station / Role play areas:
Gardener centre
Investigation lab / Role play areas:
Under the sea
Physical Development / Gym
PE safety, rules and routines / Gym / Dance / Dance / Games / Games
Literacy / Phonics
Fine motor
Write dance
Writing name and initial sounds
Reading- with pictures and phonic knowledge / Phonics
Fine motor
Write dance
Writing name and initial sounds
Reading- with pictures and phonic knowledge / Phonics
Fine motor
Write dance
Writing simple CVC words
Reading- using phonic knowledge to decode words / Phonics
Fine motor
Write dance
Writing simple CVC words
Reading- using phonic knowledge to decode words / Phonics
Fine motor
Write dance
Writing some common irregular words and simple sentences
Reading- using a variety of strategies / Phonics
Fine motor
Write dance
Writing some common irregular words and simple sentences
Reading- using a variety of strategies
Mathematics / Number songs, rhymes
Counting to 5 and above
Measures / Counting to 5 and above
Recognising and recreating patterns
Ordering and sequencing
More than/ less
Data handling
Measures / Understanding number
Length and Mass
Number recognition and writing numerals / Understanding number
Data handling
Ordinal numbers
Positional language / Butterfly and ladybird symmetry
Number bonds
Using money
Doubling, halving and sharing / Measures – Capacity
Count to 20
Order to 20
Doubling, halving and sharing
Size, weight, capacity, positional language
Expressive Arts and Design / Badges
Birthday flowers
Free painting and model making
Imaginative role play / Self portraits
Sounds and rhythms
Winter pictures
Nativity songs/ Christmas songs / Reclaimed materials
Spring songs
Mixing colours
People who help us- paintings
Easter craft
Moving to music / Music, dance and instruments of the World
Designing and making vehicles
Designing and making instruments / Making enclosures and making spaces with construction
Reclaimed materials
Learning about Artists
Finger painting
Animal sounds and songs / Bubble painting
Jackson Pollock- flick painting
Water colour
Sounds from the ocean
Fish model designs
Understanding the world / Weather
Likes/ dislikes
Countries / Bodies
Similarities and differences with ourselves
Past and present
Our school
Celebrations / Different occupations and ways of life
Local community
Caring for animals / Pushes and pulls
Day and night
The World- cultures and traditions
History of flight
Family traditions / Questions
Growth, decay and changes over time
Caring for the environment
Habitats / Floating and sinking
Seaside and significant events/ holidays
Water- oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds etc.
ICT / School rules, routines and expectations of how to use ICT equipment
Basic skills / Interactive toys
CD player
Interactive white board and other technology / The internet
E-safety / Completing a simple program on the computer / Using computer software independently / Selecting and using technology for particular purposes