Summer Reading Goals

Text Selections / Assignment/Activities / Assessment
Students are expected to read the assigned book(s) determined by the campus instructor.
(See pages 2 & 3 of this handout) / Check campus/instructor website of materials such as pre-reading activities, reading guides, response questions and supplemental support. / During the first semester of school, students may be given an assignment or assessment directly related to their summer reading. The type of assessment and grade will be determined at the campus level.
Contact Information / AtascocitaHS
/ HumbleHS
Denise Kansas
/ KingwoodHS
Amanda Fontenot
/ KingwoodParkHS
Talya Bean
/ SummerCreekHS
Britany Wheeler
Academic Lead Teacher

QUEST ECHS CONTACT INFO: Kim Mouser - Academic Lead Teacher –

AP/ Dual-Credit Course / AHS / KHS / SCHS / HHS, KPHS and
Quest ECHS
Geography &
Pre AP World Geography / Why Geography Matters: More Than Ever
byHarm de Blij / No Reading Assigned / No Reading Assigned / No Reading Assigned
History / A History of the World in Six Glasses
byTom Standage / No Reading Assigned / Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
byJared M. Diamond / No Reading Assigned
History / Portrait of America, volume 1, 9th edition.
Selected Readings (see campus/teacher website) / The Birth of America: From Before Columbus to the Revolution byWilliam R. Polk / 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
byCharles C. Mann and/orTheInvention of Wings
bySue Monk Kidd / No Reading Assigned
Hisory / How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role by Thomas Cahill / No Reading Assigned / No Reading Assigned / No Reading Assigned
AP/ Dual-Credit Course / AHS / KHS / SCHS / HHS, KPHS and
Quest ECHS
Government / AP U.S. Government and Politics Crash Course
byLarry Krieger
Also read & review the Declaration of Independence & the United States Constitution. / On Democracy byRobert A. Dahl / 5 Steps to a 5 AP US Government and Politics
byPamela Lamb / No Reading Assigned
Economics / The EverythingEconomics Book: From theory to practice, your complete guide to understanding economics today.
by David A. Mayer / No Reading Assigned / No Reading Assigned / No Reading Assigned
Psychology / 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions about Human Behavior by Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, John Ruscio & Barry L. Beyerstein / No Reading Assigned / 5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology
byLaura Maitland / No Reading Assigned