ICT Manager

The role of the ICT Manager is to support the work of the Principal and members of the College Leadership Team in all areas relating to Information and Communications Technology at the College. The ICT Manager will lead and manage the entire ICT network at the College and provide advice to the Principal, via the Business Manager on projects relating to technology, information and data services, data bases, computer network, maintenance, and future development.

The College is entering a period of growth and development in its ICT provision. As such the ICT Manager will play a significant role in this period of transition which includes, but is not limited to, the implementation of Synergetic and Schoolbox in preparation for ICON.

The ICT Manager will possess qualifications in the areas of computer science, computer system engineering and/or information and technology networks, as well as significant experience and proven knowledge of the provision of ICT within an educational setting. This leader will be an outstanding operator with a demonstrated ability in the area of ICT, excellent communication and organizational skills and ability to lead, be innovative and work collaboratively with others.

The role of the ICT Manager is central to the efficient and effective operations of Our Lady of Sion College; this is a senior role and it requires a high level of technical skill in the area of ICT as well as highly developed analytical, time management, communication and interpersonal skills.

The ICT Manager is responsible for the management and supervision of personnel that are employed as part of technology and information services. It is important that the ICT Manager sees the role as service oriented and responds positively to the ICT needs of the school community.

Child Safety:

Consistent with our mission as a Catholic school, the Our Lady of Sion College community is committed to a culture of child safety and a zero tolerance for child abuse. All staff are expected to uphold the primacy of the safety and wellbeing of our students.

·  All staff must comply with the Our Lady of Sion Child Safe Code of Conduct and Child Safety policies and any other policies or procedures relating to child safety

·  Assist in the provision of a child-safe environment for students

·  Demonstrate duty of care to students in relation to their physical and mental wellbeing

Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

·  Support and actively promote the College Mission, the Sionian Charism and the Catholic ethos

·  Be aware of and supportive of College policies

·  Lead and manage the College information technologies, computer systems and network, ensuring complete integrity of data and ethical management of access and confidentiality

·  Support the development and implementation of the College eLearning Strategic Plan

·  Provide overall operational management of the College’s ICT department

Policies and Planning:

·  Maintain a high level of awareness of the ever changing direction of learning technologies through research, professional reading, networking with colleagues and Catholic Education Melbourne

·  Work with the College Leadership Team to develop policy and strategies in the area of information and communication technologies

·  Provide advice to the College Leadership Team on short, medium and long term planning requirements for the College’s ICT systems that meets the educational and administrative goals of the College

·  Co-ordinate the use of all information resources and work with teaching and administration staff to continuously evaluate work practices, seeking improved efficiency and effectiveness and to keep abreast of developments in the educational use of computer technology

·  Provide advice as to the ICT professional learning required by College teaching and non teaching staff

·  Ensure that a sound knowledge of Catholic Education Melbourne (CEM) and Victoria (CECV) ICT policies are maintained and implemented where necessary

·  Implement and develop procedures related to the physical management of computers and services

Leadership and Management of College Network Systems:

·  Manage the development and implementation of all hardware, network systems and software programs throughout the College

·  Manage and support the fleet of leased and owned desktops, notebooks, iPads, mobile devices, peripherals, software, photocopiers, networking and other technology used within the School, including the College phone system

·  Manage the performance of all College network and database systems and provide advice on processes to optimise performance

·  Ensure accurate and complete documentation is maintained in relation to the design and configuration of the network, computer servers, software and all other ICT infrastructure, including Licensing and Service Level Agreements

·  Develop and implement backup and recovery procedures, including a Disaster Recovery Plan, that are in line with standard industry practice and that safeguard all College data and critical systems

·  Ensure the security and integrity of College computer data through the installation of up to date anti-virus software and other relevant security measures

·  Assist the Business Manager in the development and implementation of the ICT annual recurrent and capital budget

·  Manage all ICT purchases and ensure that such purchases are made according to the College’s levels of authority and are within the ICT department’s annual budget

·  Maintain business relationships with suppliers and other third parties on behalf of the College; advise the Principal and Business Manager as to the preferred suppliers in terms of competitive price and delivery of services

·  Ensure that an up to date inventory is maintained of all computer hardware and software; that serial numbers are recorded and location noted on the College’s asset register. That leased and owned computer equipment is identified as such

·  Oversee the implementation and management of all users of the ICT network and communicate with staff, students and parents on any ICT related queries

·  Implement a strategic file management system for all users

·  Become an expert in the usage of all administration software, such as Maze, Amlib, Clickview, Timetabler, VASS and the College intranet, Edumate

·  Oversee the College website and liaise with the staff in maintaining up to date content and a contemporary design

·  Oversee the College email system, regularly check and update security measures for both internal and external access and ensure the appropriate netiquette is followed

·  Maintain and administer the College connection to Catholic Education Melbourne via CEVN and ICON. Ensure all data collection and reporting requirements are met, this includes those of State and Commonwealth governments

·  Work with Administration staff in developing and maintaining Standard Operating Environments

·  Ensure that the installation of all computer and related devices meets the legislative requirements of the current Occupational Health and Safety Act

Committee Membership:

·  The ICT Manager will be a member of at least the following committees: eLearning Committee, Properties Committee and Risk Management Committee

Management of ICT Team:

·  Lead the ICT department; including project management, managing day to day operations, training, mentoring and encouraging the IT Administrator and ICT Systems and Support Officers to attain goals and pursue excellence

·  Provide a high level of technical support

·  Implement a system that ensures all software and hardware updates are thoroughly tested before being applied to the live system/network

·  Develop and implement a ticketing system such that ICT queries are prioritised and that network downtime for the College and individual staff members is kept to a minimum

·  Prioritise and co-ordinate ICT support workload throughout the College to ensure that all helpdesk queries are responded to in a timely manner

·  Ensure ICT staff provide on call classroom support, assisting teachers with program delivery and the use of all computer resources

·  Develop the reputation of the ICT department such that it is seen as an effective and efficient team by the school community, and that the department fulfils its role as an integral part of the daily operations of the College

Curriculum Support:

·  Enable technology to become an integral part of the curriculum so that the College’s educational aims and objectives may be better achieved

·  Develop personal awareness of current educational theories and trends regarding computing, hardware and software and its integration across the curriculum

·  Support the Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching, Year 7-10 Curriculum Leader, Domain Leaders and teachers in their efforts to integrate technology into their curriculum areas

·  Support staff in their endeavours to effectively use technology to realize their curriculum initiatives

·  Ensure that students are supported in their efforts to integrate computing into their own learning and that technology is reliably available when and where it is booked, including the iPad program

·  Develop a working knowledge of specialised software required for the teaching and learning program

Any other duties as directed by the College Principal

This role description will be developed further to utilize the individual strengths and initiatives of the person appointed to the position in negotiation with the Principal.

·  The position of ICT Manager is for an initial period of two years and following a successful performance appraisal, will be appointed for a further three years. At the conclusion of this fifth year, the position will be advertised and the incumbent will be eligible to apply

·  Remuneration will be based on the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant.