Understanding Business Research Terms & Concepts Grading Guide
RES/351 Version 4 / 1

Understanding Business Research Terms & Concepts Grading Guide

RES/351 Version 4

Business Research


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Individual Assignment: Understanding Business Research Terms & Concepts

Purpose of Assignment

The Individual Assignment takes students through multiple studies that research opposing ends of the spectrum – qualitative vs. quantitative, descriptive vs. inferential – and gives students the chance to look at the strengths and weaknesses of each. Each of the designs and methods have different purposes and areas in which they are more suited and students will have this opportunity to see how they fit into different industries and purposes.

Grading Guide

Content / Met / Partially Met / Not Met / Comments:
The students based the assignment on two studies. One study should be qualitative and one study should be quantitative.
The students briefly summarizedeach of the research studies.
The students discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each design approach.
The students discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each sampling approach.
The students identified the specific situations in which you might choose each of the data collection instruments.
The students discussed the strengths and weaknesses of statistical analysis use to describe the data.
The students discussed whether the identified sampling method, data collection approach, and inferential or descriptive statistics are appropriate for your own business, industry, or functional area.
The students cited a minimum of four peer-reviewed sources not including the textbook.
The paper is 1,400words in length.
Total Available / Total Earned
7 / #/7
Writing Guidelines / Met / Partially Met / Not Met / Comments:
The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelinesand meets course-level requirements.
Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page.
Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation.
Total Available / Total Earned
3 / #/3
Assignment Total / # / 10 / #/10
Additional comments: