Welcome back for the 2015 season. We hope you have wintered well and are ready once more for the vigours of the league matches, competitions, touring matches and social functions at the Club.
Opening Day
A great start to the season as the weather was outstanding as was the attendance.
The honour of rolling the silver Jack was given to Ryan Judge, Marketing Assistant with our sponsors Renaissance Retirement Group. He also tried his hand at delivering a Wood or two and looks a “natural”. Pity he lives so far away in Bournemouth!!
Opening Day also provided the opportunity for a number of Past Presidents to reunite at the Club.
The attentive members eagerly listen as our present President, Daphne Cocker, addresses the assembled players.
The bowling commenced with the customary “spider” which was won by Sam Davis who was presented with a sponsor’s umbrella by Ryan Judge.
However, he has to wait a few years yet before he’s old enough to take advantage of their residential offerings.
Some pre-spider advice from Coach Hawke obviously paid off.
Could be a caption competition!?
Rogues Gallery?
Patiently Waiting
After the matches we’re off to tea.
Don, below, receives his prize on behalf of his wooden spoon Rink.
And the winners are…Dave Ellacott, Clive Geach and Derek Conbeer.
Open Days
The Sunday following Opening Day was the first of three Open Days when new members were recruited to the Club. The three days have sparked considerable interest and some new members have already joined and are playing bowls.
Spring Fair
Our Spring Fair this year is on Saturday 9th May at 10am. Please support this event by donating items and turning up on the day to buy them back! No, seriously, donations would be appreciated. It’s an ideal time for you to free up space in your wine cellar or safety deposit box.
Bangers and Mash
The first evening social event of the season is on Saturday 30th May at 6pm. Come along and enjoy the company of fellow members while tucking into bangers and mash and perhaps a glass, or two, of wine/beer/cider from the bar. Look out for the sign-up sheet on the noticeboard.
Friendlies and Touring Matches.
Friendlies and Touring matches have already begun so please consult the folders where you can indicate your availability for selection for future matches.
Get Well Soon.
A number of our members are suffering ill-health at the moment and we all hope that they will all recover soon and join us at the Club again.
Your Input
We are a very busy sporting and social Club and it is difficult to always be aware of what is going on or has been achieved by our members.
Improving communication within our Club is an aim of this newsletter and this would be greatly enhanced if members submitted brief items or photos for inclusion.
Please e-mail your input to:
Thank you.
Next issue deadline: Sunday 30th May.
More Photos from Opening Day