eiNetwork III Training Millennium Cataloging

Logging in to MilCat

Click on the Millennium icon on your desktop to open your MilCat session.

This box will appear:

Log into MilCat by typing your library username, then press ENTER. Type your password, then choose OK or press ENTER twice.

This box will appear:

Now enter your initials, then press ENTER. Type your password, then choose OK or press ENTER twice.

This screen will appear:

When you log in to Millennium with a cataloging login you are automatically directed to the cataloging module. MilCat opens in the “Quick Edit” mode.

From this screen you can search the catalog, view a browse screen of search results, retrieve bibliographic or item records, create a bibliographic record, and download a record from ITSMARC.

[The icons that appear along the left side of your screen may vary depending on the permissions you have associated with your initials and password.]

Searching the Catalog

To enter a search click in the white text box so that the blinking cursor appears, then enter your search.

Click on the down arrow and use the scroll bar to see all the possible search commands. Select your search by highlighting it in the drop down list.

You can enter a new search anytime by clicking your cursor in the white box.

General Searching Guidelines and Tips

1.  You may type either UPPER or lower case letters.

2.  Punctuation is usually not required. However spacing can be important and must be used between words.

3.  If there is an ampersand (&) in the title you can search either with an “&” or with the word “and” and the system will search for both forms.

4.  All searches can be truncated except for numeric and record number


5.  In numeric searches, an exact match of the entered number is retrieved.

Special features of the searches available:

Title A title is entered in exact order. Omit initial articles in any language. A title search retrieves a bibliographic title, series title, uniform title, or an alternative title.

Author An author is entered last name first. The comma between the names is optional, though a space is required. An author search retrieves the main entry, an author added entry, and an author in an author/series statement.

Keyword A keyword search retrieves the entered search when it is found in any indexed field of the MARC record.

Subject A subject search is a Library of Congress subject heading entered in exact order. It does not need to be the entire subject string. A subject search retrieves the search when it appears as the first word(s) in any subfield of the subject heading.

Journal Title A journal title is a periodical title. A journal title search retrieves any journal record that contains a key title field (MARC tag 222) in the MARC record.

DRA DBCN A DRA DBCN must be entered in exact order with or without the hyphen. This search retrieves the record assigned that DBCN (DataBase Control Number) in our previous catalog system.

Govt Doc No A Government Document Number must be entered in exact order including spaces and punctuation and retrieves a Government Document classification number.

ISBN/ISSN The ISBN or ISSN must be entered in exact order. The ISBN is entered without spaces or hyphens; the ISSN is entered with a space or a hyphen.

Other Number The Other Number search retrieves publisher numbers and standard technical report numbers.

LCCN The LCCN is an 8 or 10 digit number entered without a hyphen. When entering, insert a 0 for the hyphen if the number is not already an 8 digit number.

Control No The Control number search retrieves the OCLC number.

LC Call No The LC Call number search retrieves the Library of Congress classification number from the item record.

Dewey Call No The Dewey Call number search retrieves the Dewey Decimal classification number from the item record.

Barcode The Barcode search must be entered in exact order. A barcode search retrieves both patron and item barcode numbers.

Record No The III Record number must be entered in exact order. A bibliographic number must be preceded by the letter b, an item record by the letter i.

[Note: Other indexed searches appear but are not applicable to cataloging.]

Displaying Search Results

When a search is entered, the results display in a browse screen unless the results are a single bibliographic record.

The display defaults to the first record on the list. You can use your cursor to select a different line or you can type the line number.

Double click to expand a line with multiple entries or type the line number and press ENTER.

Choose the EXPAND ALL button to display all entries for results with multiple records.

Choose the SELECT button or double click on a highlighted line to view the bibliographic and item records attached to a single entry.

Limiting Searches

After retrieving your initial set of search results you can limit those results by clicking on the LIMIT icon.

This Limits box will appear:

Select your search limits by highlighting the appropriate line and entering your search parameters in the box that appears.

·  You can choose any combination of limits.

·  By clicking in the box “Apply limit to all searches” you can save your search parameters for all subsequent searches. Please note: That limit stays in effect until you clear it, even if you change your search command.

·  The words “limited” or “not limited” display on the left side of the status bar.

Viewing Bibliographic Records

A bibliographic record with multiple items attached will default to the summary tab.

A brief view of the bibliographic record displays in the top portion of the screen. The record’s unique bibliographic record number displays in the window title bar and above the brief bibliographic record.

All bibliographic record numbers begin with .b

Choose the EDIT button to edit the bibliographic record. This button will not be highlighted if you do not have bibliographic record editing permission.

Choose the VIEW button to view the full bibliographic record in non-editing mode.

Choose the BROWSE button to return to the previous browse screen.

Choose the PRINT button to print the brief bibliographic record and associated items.

Choose the CLOSE button to clear your search and start over.

Viewing an Item Record

A bibliographic record with only one item attached will default to the item record tab.

To view a specific item record when the bibliographic record has several items attached highlight the item line and then either click on the item tab or choose the SELECT button, or double click on the line.

The item’s unique record number displays on the item tab, in the top left corner of the item record (under the summary tab), and in the bottom left corner of the screen.

All item record numbers begin with .i

You can see only a section of the item record on the screen at one time. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of the record.

The EDIT, VIEW, BROWSE, PRINT, and CLOSE buttons function just as they do in a bibliographic record.

Fixed Fields in an Item Record

Item records have both fixed fields and variable fields. The fixed fields are in the upper portion of the item record and are the chief source of statistical data for the item. Most fixed fields contain system generated numbers. Only the fixed fields in bold type can be edited manually.

Item Record Fixed Fields include:

Copy # The system defaults to copy one. Do not edit this number.

ICode1* Has not yet been defined in the system.

ICode2 A hyphen <-> is the default, <n> suppresses the record in the OPAC, <w> marks an item withdrawn and suppresses the record in the OPAC.

I Type Code which identifies the material level and format.

Price Price of the item.

OUT Date Date the item was checked out.

OUT Loc Statistics group number of where item was checked out.

Due Date Date the item is due.

Patron # Record number of the patron who has the item checked out.

LCHKIN Date the item was last checked in.

INVDA Date the item was inventoried and found on the shelf.

# of Renewals Number of times item has been renewed by current patron.

#Overdue Level of last overdue notice sent to patron who has item.

ODUE Date Date of the last overdue notice sent to patron who has item.

IUSE3 Internal use field.

RECAL Date Date the item was recalled.

TOT CHKOUT Total number of times the item has been checked out.

TOT Renew Total number of times the item has been renewed.

LOUTDATE Last check-out date for the item.

Location Code defining the location of the item by library site and collection within that library site.

Loan Rule <0> if the item is available. A numeric code defining the lending terms applied when the item is checked out.

Status Circulation status displaying in the OPAC.

INTL Use --

Copy Use --

IMessage *Internal staff message. A hyphen <-> is the default.

OPACMSG *Item message that displays in the OPAC.

YTDCIRC Current year-to-date circulation.

LYRCIRC Last year-to–date circulation.

Agency Identifies the agency which owns the item.

*Not yet being used.

Variable Fields in an Item Record

The variable fields display below the fixed fields in the bottom portion of an item record. You can view them by using the scroll bar.

Variable fields in an item record are coded in MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) comparable to variable fields in a bibliographic record. The fields contain both field tags and subfield delimiters. A translation of the MARC field tag appears to the left of the field.

Important item data that has migrated from DRA to III also appears in variable fields. That data is located in the DRA ITEM (MARC tag 945), TRANS DATE, and DRA DATE fields. Do not edit this data.

New Item Record Variable Fields can include:

CALL# 09X Either a LC (090) or a Dewey (092) call number.

[The call number is in the subfield a <|a> of the field. It is preceded by a subfield f <|f> when there is a call number prefix.]

VOLUME Volume enumeration of the item.

BARCODE Barcode number of the item.

MESSAGE Free text note that displays in staff mode only.

INITIALS Initials of the person who created the item record.

Adding an Item to an Existing Bibliographic Record

To add an item to a record you must be in the SUMMARY view. Choose the NEW button.

Templates have been created in the system to prompt you through the item creation process. As Edit Data boxes appear, fill in the appropriate information, then choose NEXT or press ENTER. The system automatically fills in the fixed field. You can skip any field by choosing NEXT or pressing ENTER. When you have completed the template choose the SAVE button to save your new record.

Please note: You cannot move backward through the template. Once the template has been completed you can edit the item record manually to correct any errors.

At any point you can choose the CANCEL NEW RECORD CREATION button, which will delete all the information you have entered and return you to the summary tab.

Item Template Steps

1. I TYPE Edit Data box.

You can type in the number for the appropriate I Type or you can use the scroll bar to find it in the list and highlight it, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

2. PRICE Data Edit box.

Enter the price of the item, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

3. LOCATION Data Edit box.

You can type in the letters/numbers for the appropriate location code or you can use the scroll bar to find it in the list and highlight it with your cursor, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

4. STATUS Edit Data box.

The default status is <- AVAILABLE> meaning the item can circulate. All other status codes are non-circulating. If your item will not circulate you must change the status. To change the STATUS of the item you can type in the letter for the appropriate status code or you can use the scroll bar to find it in the list and highlight it, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

5. BARCODE Edit Data box.

You can scan or type the barcode number, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

6. CALL NUMBER Edit Data box.

The MARC tag number should correspond to the classification scheme you use in your library (090 if you use LC or 092 if you use Dewey). If your login is set for the Dewey item template you will be prompted to provide a Dewey call number. Free text call numbers are considered Dewey numbers.

It is each library’s responsibility to be sure that the correct Call Number MARC tag is entered for their items.

If the field tag is correct, press the TAB key twice. The cursor will move to the large box. Now enter the call number.