Brette: Intentions Gone Astray

Conundrums of the Misses Culpepper, Book 3

Collette Cameron Author of Sweet-to-Spicy Timeless Romance


An escapee from the Pacific Northwest’s rainy, gray coast, COLLETTE CAMERON believed teaching her destiny until she dared to tap out her first novel.

She’s been enthralled with writing ever since.

Blessed with three spectacular children, fantastic fans, and a compulsive, over-active, and witty Muse who won’t stop whispering new romantic romps in her ear, she still lives in Oregon with her mini-dachshunds, though she dreams of living in Scotland part-time.

A bestselling, award-winning author, Collette pens Scottish and Regency historicals featuring rogues, rapscallions, rakes, and the intelligent, intrepid damsels who reform them. You'll always find dogs, birds, occasionally naughty humor, and a dash of inspiration in her sweet-to-spicy timeless romances.

A member of Novelist Inc., Romance Writers of America, as well as several RWA chapters including The Beau Monde, Hearts Through History, Celtic Hearts, Rose City Romance Writers, and the Greater Seattle Romance Writers, Collette admits to a quirky sense of humor, enjoys trivia and inspiring quotes, adores castles and anything cobalt blue, and is a self-confessed Cadbury chocoholic.

Her motto for life? You can’t have too much chocolate, too many hugs, too many flowers, or too many books. She’s thinking about adding shoes to that list.

100 Word Bio:

A bestselling, award-winning author, COLLETTE CAMERON pens Scottish and Regency historicals featuring rogues, rapscallions, rakes, and the intelligent, intrepid damsels who reform them.

Blessed with three spectacular children, fantastic fans, and a compulsive, over-active, and witty Muse who won’t stop whispering new romantic romps in her ear, she still lives in Oregon with her mini-dachshunds, though she dreams of living in Scotland part-time.

Admitting to a quirky sense of humor, Collette enjoys inspiring quotes, adores castles and anything cobalt blue, and is a self-confessed Cadbury chocoholic. You'll always find dogs, birds, occasionally naughty humor, and a dash of inspiration in her sweet-to-spicy timeless romances.

75 Word Bio:

Bestselling, award-winning author, COLLETTE CAMERON pens Scottish and Regency historicals featuring rogues, rapscallions, rakes, and the intelligent, intrepid damsels who reform them.

Mother to three, Collette admits to a quirky sense of humor, enjoys inspiring quotes, and anything cobalt blue. A self-confessed Cadbury chocoholic, she lives in Oregon with her miniature dachshunds.

You'll always find dogs, birds, occasionally naughty humor, and a dash of inspiration in her sweet-to-spicy timeless romances.

Brette: Intentions Gone Astray

Conundrums of the Misses Culpepper, Book 3

A rogue turned rector thought his adventures were over...until a precocious, petite debutante bursts headlong into his life.

He thought his adventures were over...

A rogue reluctantly turned rector, Alexander Hawksworth, prefers soirées to sermons and parties to prayers. Though impoverished, he seizes every opportunity to escape parish duties, preferring to hob nob with London’s finest–especially after the precocious and petite Brette Culpepper arrives in Town. Alex secretly fantasizing about claiming the breathtaking beauty as his very own, and when he unexpectedly inherits an earldom, he’s determined to make her his countess... Until he’s accused of murdering the previous earl.

Then she burst headlong into his life...

New to Society, Brette adores the whirlwind social scene, the stream of invitations... the slightly-sensual verbal sparring with the devilishly attractive, much too witty, and oh so unsuitable Mr. Hawksworth. But her fairytale existence crashes to a halt when rumors circulate she’s a peer’s illegitimate granddaughter. Even though he’s left her a tidy inheritance, formerly hospitable doors slam in her face as a newly appointed guardian emerges, intent on stealing her wealth and forcing her to wed an elderly despot.

Time is against them as Alex struggles to clear his name and deliver the woman he loves from an unthinkable fate

Publisher: Collette Cameron-Blue Rose Romance in partnership with Windtree Press


Brette glanced upward, almost returning his infectious grin. Almost. She mightn’t be terribly miffed, but he wouldn’t be forgiven just like that either.

He boasted the most mesmerizing eyes, a spectacular green, like newly sprouted spring grass. Bright, cheery, and framed by honey-tipped lashes so lush, they appeared coffee-brown from a distance. He smelled wonderful too. Sandalwood, starch, and a woodsy, soapy smell. Clean and fresh. Quite irresistible. If she were the type to be taken with such, which, being a practical sort, she was not.

His gaze, oddly mesmerizing, held hers and for an instant, she quite forgot her purpose for being in the passage.

“Particularly flighty, title-hunting ninnies,” Alex said.

What? Oh, he meant Ophelia.

True, Ophelia was flighty, and she did seek a titled husband, but if she were enamored with the gentleman, surely that made all the difference.

Careful to keep her voice subdued, Brette murmured, “Shows what you know, Al—Mr. Hawksworth.” Blast me twice. Did he notice her blunder?

“I’ve asked you, repeatedly, to call me Alex or Hawk.”

Yes, he had.

Heat crept from her neck to her hairline, and she snapped her fan open, welcoming the faint breeze.

His smile widened, crinkling the corner of his eyes in a merry manner. He sniffed lightly. “I like your perfume. Is it new?”

He bent near her again and boldly smelled her hair.

Such an intimate, improper thing to dare.

Brette’s jaw hung slack momentarily before she collected herself. Hadn’t she just been thinking how pleasant he smelled? It rather disconcerted her to have his mind marching along the same path as hers.

He flashed another disarming smile, and her stomach’s renewed flopping had nothing to do with her matchmaking exploits. She fanned herself faster.

Did Alex’s smile expand the merest iota more? As if he knew caterpillars, and butterflies, and all sort of ill-mannered insects cavorted about in her middle?

“Gentleman do not sniff ladies’ heads, Mr. Hawksworth.” What she’d intended as a sternly whispered reprimand came out as an amused observation. Nevertheless, reminding him of his position should put him in his place nicely.

“They do when they smell as lovely as you, and since you’ve forgotten again, I’ll remind you that I’ve asked you to address me as Hawk or Alex.” His melodic whisper held not a jot of repentance.

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"I cannot wait to read the next Culpepper lady's adventure and Ican't recommend picking up this story highly enough."~Night Owl Reviews Top Pick
"...impressively dramatic conclusion the third book in the Conundrums of the Misses Culpepper series, Brette: Intentions Gone Astrayshould not be missed!"~Jenerated Reviews
"Once again, Ms. Cameron has written a captivating, yet thought-provoking...masterfully written story. ~My Book Addiction Reviews
"Finally, the sexy rector gets his story...The humorous interactions and dialog between the characters are always what makes meexcited to read a book in this series."~Lampshade Reader
"Collette knows how to add surprise after surprise to keep you enthralled to the very end....Herwriting is witty, sharp, smart and delightful to read." ~The Reading Wench
"Thesecharming characterswere lively and likable."~Books And Benches
" and effervescent seriesand Brette's story is a great additional to this enjoyable series." ~A Girl and Her Books