April 13, 2015

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors for London House Condominium Association was held at 6:30 p.m. on April 13, 2015 in the Club Room 1233 Ogden Street, Denver, Colorado.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. The following Directors were present: Art Kerkezian, Kym Bloom, Michael St. James, and Alex Ferber. Roger Mitchell was present from Western States Property Services and Richard Seeman, Resident Manager, was present.

Homeowner Forum

§  There were not any homeowners present.


The Board reviewed the February 9, 2015 minutes, Alex made a motion and Kym seconded to approve the minutes and it carried to formally approve the minutes as written.

Staff Report

Richard reported:

Ø  A flood of water in the 6th floor laundry room. Alex suggested that the floor be caulked at the walls to keep such water from seeping into the adjacent condo.

Ø  The outside sprinklers are turned on

Ø  Pool pump and filters are in fine order and working

Ø  He is going to clean and seal the outside patio deck

Ø  It was suggested to get shade seals for the back deck

Manager Report

The Managers Report was reviewed and is included with the meeting records.


The Board reviewed the March’s financials and after discussion Kym made a motion and Michael seconded to approve the financials and it carried to approve the financials as written.

Ø  Gas --The Board discussed the higher cost of the Gas and it was noted that the consumption had not gone up since last year but the cost of the gas itself had. It was also mentioned that the cost will go down in the summer months and should even out for the year and hopefully be close to the budget.

Ø  Snow removal – the Board discussed and compared the quality of the snow removal to the higher cost; It was decided to send a survey along with the News Letter to the residents asking for their opinion of the snow removal this past year.

Ø  News Letter – the board discussed and decided to send out a Spring News Letter to the owners and residents to be sent out by the end of April.

Ø  Budgeting – the Board discussed having a separate meeting in September or October to discuss next year’s budget and decide on whether the maintenance fees should be adjusted.


Old Business

§  Pick a Vendor for Small repairs – The Board discussed picking a Vendor for Richard to contact for smaller repairs without having to get bids and approval; Alex motioned and Michael seconded to approve 5280 as said Vendor with $500.00 or under limitation before needing approval. The motion carried.

§  Plumbing Maintenance and Repair – Unit 201 – The Manager is going to get another proposal from GR Construction services as 5280 is not responding to requests for a proposal

§  Stair Covers – The Board reviewed the samples and Michael made a motion and Alex seconded to approve 16 stair covers for the back stairs. The motion carried. The Manager will order them.

§  Updating of Handbook Regarding Parking Spaces – The Board decided to table this issue until after the News Letter is sent out.

§  Reserve Study – The Board reviewed the proposals and Kym made a motion and Michael seconded to approve the McCaffery Proposal. The motion carried.

§  Elevator Cab Proposals – The Board reviewed and discussed the excellent information that Michael provided. It was decided to table this issue until after the reserve study at which time it could possibly be budgeted for either next year or the year after.

§  Mansard Repair and Paint – Manager is still acquiring proposals. Kym qualified with the Manager that the inset windows drainage issues should be addressed at the same time to save from having to have the cost of a lift be sent out twice.

§  Lawn and Tree Care – The Board reviewed the Custom Landscapes Proposal. Alex made a motion and Kym seconded to approve Custom Landscapes to aerate the turf, fertilize the turf and to treat all rock bed areas with season long weed killer. The motion carried

§  Laundry Room Mats – The Board decided to review the information and will approve via email

§  Washers and Dryers – The Board discussed and decided that Michael and Richard would compile and document the poor service being received by Mac Gray at which time the Manager will send out a letter of demand for better service or termination of the contract.

New Business

§  WiFi and Television Service in the Clubhouse and the Pool Area and a Keypad Lock – The Board discussed. Alex made a motion and Michael seconded to approve the installation. The motion carried. Michael and Alex will coordinate said installations.

§  Unit Foreclosure – the Board discussed the pending foreclosure. Board decided to table the discussion until provided more information. Manager to inquire as to any advantage to Association foreclosing besides the ability to possibly lease it until it is sold.



There being nothing further brought up for discussion; the meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m.