DTI Export Control Organisation
– Ongoing Exporter Training Requirements
As part of our ongoing effort to meet the training requirements of exporters, please see training requirement form below which you can complete to express interest in a training event. We will try to fulfil as many of these requests as possible by arranging beginners and intermediate events in specific areas or by tailoring advanced events to meet specific requirements. Please also see the upcoming events which will be posted on our website: http://www.dti.gov.uk/export.control/awareness.htm
Before completing the form, please read the event summaries as follows.
Beginners Workshops
This is aimed at attendees who are completely new to export control for whatever reason and aims to answer the following questions:
- What is export control?
- How does it affect me?
- What happens next?
For any attendees who have a basic knowledge of export controls, the intermediate seminar is more appropriate.
The workshop consists of a 2 hour session including one presentation (approx 40 mins duration) and then an opportunity for attendees to ask any specific questions that they have. Due to the nature of the workshop, numbers are kept to a minimum (maximum 10) to encourage interaction and allow all questions and queries to be asked and answered fully.
All those attending beginner’s workshops are asked to prepare specific questions in advance wherever possible for the interactive session so that it is as useful as possible.
Intermediate Seminar
This is a formal set of presentations lasting all day, with time for Q&A allowed after each presentation. This seminar is aimed at those with a working knowledge of export control, as a lot of information will be disseminated during the day. The exact content of the day will depend on the availability of speakers.
Electronic Transfers of Technology
Looks at the definitions of technology within the legislation, and other relevant articles and sections of text. Also explores activities that constitute a transfer of technology and what to think about when transferring technology.
Looks at the new trade controls – covering both the goods and the activities specified. Also details the open general trade control licence, and how to apply for individual trade control licences.
WMD Controls
Addresses the end-use (or catch-all controls) and details what companies affected by the controls need to think about. Also includes the military end-use controls.
Control Lists
Why the control lists exist, how they are compiled and details on the types of goods, software and technology specified in each section, category or part of the control lists?
Licence Types and How to Complete an ELA
The different types of licences, which to use and the common pitfalls when completing a licence application.
Staff Training and Awareness
Ideas on how to approach staff training and why it is important?
Why we have compliance visits? How compliance visits are changing and why? What to expect on a compliance visit – what we will be looking for and how to improve the systems that you currently have in place to demonstrate compliance?
The Role of Other Government Departments
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Consolidated Criteria)
Ministry of Defence (F680, Crown Immunity and Defence Contracts)
HM Customs & Excise (prosecuting authority)
Practical experiences with compliance and the difficulties faced by exporters.
Note: we are inviting exporters to give short presentations for this, as real life examples from industry are the most useful to other exporters.
Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA)
Practical experiences with compliance and the difficulties faced by exporters.
Advanced courses
Specific, detailed courses covering specific topics of concern or interest. Advanced courses will be tailored to the requirements of the attendees and will be provided on an as and when basis.
Additional Information
If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Awareness Unit:
Customer Service & Compliance Unit
Export Control Organisation
Department of Trade and Industry
Bay 313, 3rd Floor
Kingsgate House
66-74 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6SW
Tel: 020 7215 8123
Fax: 020 7215 0531
UK Export Control: "Promoting global security through strategic export controls, facilitating responsible exports"
Ongoing Exporter Training Requirement Form
Contact details.
1. Name of attendee:
2. Name of Company:
3. Full address:
4. Tel number:
5. Fax number:
6. E-mail address:
Recent exporting history
7. Generic product description:
8. Relevant control entry (i.e., ML11, 3A001, etc):
9. Recent rating enquiries (R/xxx/200x) :
10. Recent SIEL applications (5xxxx or UK0x/xxxxx/x) :
11. Do you hold any OIELs:
12. Are you registered for any OGELs:
13. ECO Compliance Officer (Stuart Gamester, Kevin Jones, Steve McGarrigle, Sue Marks, Tony Maxted, Terry Ryman, Andy Smith, Christine Sumpter, Derek Turner, John Wearmouth):
14. Recent visits/meetings (for example with LU3, TAU, etc.):
15. How would you describe your level of knowledge on export controls:
Beginner: Improver: Advanced:
Event Request
16. Event required:
Beginners: Intermediate: Advanced:
17. If you have selected an advanced event, please state the topic that you are interested in:
18. Ideal location (region/city) for event to take place:
19. What do you hope to achieve from the event?
20. Any other comments?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form, please fax it to 020 7215 0531 or e-mail it to
Ongoing training requirement form 4 of 4 23/06/2005