Instructional Focus Units / Estimated Time
Focus 1 / Foundations for Addition and Subtraction within 20 / 6 Weeks
Focus 2 / Reason with 2D Shapes and their Attributes: Foundations for Fractions / 3 Weeks
Focus 3 / Addition and Subtraction within 20 / 6 Weeks
Focus 4 / Understanding the Relationship between Addition and Subtraction / 2 Weeks
Focus 5 / Represent and Interpret Data / 1 Weeks
Focus 6 / Connecting Measurement to Number / 3 Weeks
Focus 7 / Working toward Fluency for Addition and Subtraction within 20 / 5 Weeks
Focus 8 / Exploring Patterns: Foundations for Algebra / 3 Weeks
Focus 9 / Adding and Subtracting 1 and 2 digit numbers / 5 Weeks
Focus 10 / Reason with 3D Shapes and their Attributes / 2 Weeks
Focus 11 / Connecting Place Value and Measurement / 2 Weeks
***Based on the standards, not all lessons within the resource may be needed to meet the needs of your students.
In this focus, students will build on the strategies and problem types in which they are familiar with from Kindergarten, extending the number range to 20.
1.NBT.B.3 / Estimated Time
6 WEEKS / Principle Resource
IDS Unit 1
Including Common Core additional session 2.5A and adaptations (page CC1) / Additional Resource
-Developing Number Concepts Book 2
-Differentiation and Intervention Guide, Unit 1;
-Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Chapter 7
-Fosnot Games for Early Number Sense
Math Routines:
Incorporate these routines in addition to IDS Classroom Routines according to your population:
-Fosnot Mini-lessons for Early Addition and Subtraction
-Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
-Solving problems using the common core problem types
In this unit, students are introduced to the mathematical tools, processes, and ways of working that will be the foundation of math class this year. As part of this work, students are introduced to several yearlong classroom routines that offer regular practice with counting (NBT standards), developing visual images of quantities (NBT standards), collecting and analyzing data (MD standards), and working with time and sequence (MD standards).
1. OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. This standard is strongly connected to all the standards in this domain. It focuses on students being able to fluently add and subtract numbers to 10 and having experiences adding and subtracting within 20. Expectations for 1st grade are addition and subtraction within 10
1.MD.C.4 practice- 10 Minute Math sessions 1.3 and 4.7
Focus 2 – Reason with 2D Shapes and their Attributes: Foundations for Fractions
In this focus, students define and classify shapes based on attributes – e.g. orientation, size, and number of sides.
Students build and draw 2D shapes to possess defining attributes. Students compose and decompose figures to support their understanding of part-whole relationships.
1.G.A.2 / Estimated Time
3 WEEKS / Principle Resource
IDS Unit 2 including Common Core adaptations (pages CC8 and CC9)
Exclude sessions 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 / Additional Resource
-IDS Shape Software
-Teaching Student - Centered Mathematics: Activity 7.1 page 194, Activity 7.2 page 195, Activity 7.4 page 197, Activity 7.6 page 207, Activity 7.7 pages 207 - 208, Activity 7.18 page 217, Activity 7.19 page 218
-IDS Differentiation and Intervention Guide
-Teacher-Created Fraction Materials
Math Routines
Incorporate these routines in addition to IDS Classroom Routines:
- Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
-Fosnot Mini-lessons for Early Addition and Subtraction
- solving problems using the Common Core problem types.
-Telling time to hour and half hour
Students need to explore various examples in different ways so that their experiences with shapes are not limited to single examples (e.g. if a student has only worked with equilateral triangles, it may be difficult for them to develop more general understandings of triangles).
Be sure that the Shapes software has been downloaded onto computers (contact your Ed. Tech for assistance)
1. OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. This standard is strongly connected to all the standards in this domain. It focuses on students being able to fluently add and subtract numbers to 10 and having experiences adding and subtracting within 20. Expectations for 1st grade are addition and subtraction within 10
1.NBT.A.1 practice- 10 Minute Math sessions 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, all of investigation 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 4.1, and 4.5
Focus 3 – Addition and Subtraction within 20
In this focus, students extend their understanding from unit 1 to a larger number range. Students develop appropriate strategies to reason about and solve addition and subtraction problems. Students apply their understanding of the symbols while practicing their addition and subtraction strategies in different problem situations. Students relate their strategies for addition and subtraction to written methods and explain their reasoning.
1.NBT.B.3 / Estimated Time
6 WEEKS / Principle Resource
IDS Unit 3
Include Common Core additional session 1.10A and adaptations (pages CC11, CC13, and CC14) / Additional Resource
-Developing Number Concepts Book 2
- IDS Differentiation and Intervention Guide Unit 3
Math Routines
Incorporate these routines in addition to IDS Classroom Routines according to your population:
-Fosnot Mini-lessons for Early Addition and Subtraction
-Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
-Solving problems using the common core problem types
1. OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. This standard is strongly connected to all the standards in this domain. It focuses on students being able to fluently add and subtract numbers to 10 and having experiences adding and subtracting within 20. Expectations for 1st grade are addition and subtraction within 10
1.MD.C.4 practice- 10 Minute Math session 4.7
Focus 4- Understanding the Relationship between Addition and Subtraction
In this focus, students are given opportunities to see subtraction as the opposite of addition in a different way than as reversing the action. Counting on strategies reinforce that subtraction can be viewed as an unknown addend problem, which emphasizes the relationship between subtraction and addition. Students will build an understanding of properties of operations through repeated experiences with addition and subtraction.
1.OA.C.6 / Estimated Time
2 WEEKS / Principle Resource
Fosnot- Double Decker Bus / Additional Resource
Developing Number Concepts Book 2
Math Routines
Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
In addition to Double Decker Bus mini-lessons, incorporate Number Talks and work on counting from any number by tens; solving problems using the Common Core problem types
1. OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. This standard is strongly connected to all the standards in this domain. It focuses on students being able to fluently add and subtract numbers to 10 and having experiences adding and subtracting within 20. Expectations for 1st grade are addition and subtraction within 10
Focus 5-Represent and Interpret Data
In this focus, Students will design and carry out data investigations. Data provides an authentic context for students to develop appropriate strategies to reason about and solve addition and subtraction problems. Students are introduced to compare problem types. Data provides a context for students to make connections to addition and subtraction as they answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
1.NBT.B.3 / Estimated Time
1 WEEK / Principle Resource
IDS Unit 4
Include Common Core additional session 3.4A and adaptations (pages CC20 and CC21)
Exclude Investigation 1 (sessions 1.1-1.4) sessions 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 / Additional Resource
Math Routines
Incorporate these routines in addition to IDS Classroom Routines
- Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
-solving problems using the Common Core problem types
Introduce comparing problems during this unit and continue throughout school year. Group data by 10s when appropriate.
1. OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. This standard is strongly connected to all the standards in this domain. It focuses on students being able to fluently add and subtract numbers to 10 and having experiences adding and subtracting within 20. Expectations for 1st grade are addition and subtraction within 10
1.G.A.1 practice – 10 Minute Math session 1.1
Focus 6- Connecting Measurement to Number
In this focus, students explore length comparisons both directly and indirectly. They will then extend this to indirect comparisons through the use of a third object. Students will measure with iterating length units (building up the length of an object with equal-sized units). Students use their concrete experience with length comparisons to support their understanding of number comparisons as well as compare problem types. Student’s partition shapes into equal shares. The focus is fair shares and equal area to support initial understandings of properties such as congruence and symmetry in area – not to discuss fractions. The terms “halves, fourths, and quarters” name the amount of area that is represented to describe the part – whole relationship. Fraction notation is first used in grade 3.
Students identify the different parts of a clock, making connections between these parts and the time in hours and half-hours. They will extend their understanding by telling and writing time.
1.NBT.B.3 / Estimated Time
3 WEEKS / Principle Resource
IDS Unit 5
Including Common Core additional sessions 1.5A, Investigation 3 (3A.1-3A.4) and adaptations (pages CC28-CC30)
Exclude session 1.5 / Additional Resource
-Developing Number Concepts Book 2
-Teaching Student Centered Mathematics pp. 228-229
-IDS Differentiation and Intervention Guide Unit 5
-Fosnot Games for Early Number Sense -SFAW Volume 3, pp. 309A-313A
-Teacher-Created Materials for Time
Math Routines
Incorporate these routines in addition to IDS Classroom Routines according to your population:
-Fosnot Mini-lessons for Early Addition and Subtraction
-Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
-Solving problems using the common core problem types
Students build and expand upon the direct comparison that they learned in Kindergarten to compare and order three objects directly. Continue working with problem solving types add to, take from, put together and take apart.
This is student’s first classroom experience telling and writing time to the hour and half-hour.
1. OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. This standard is strongly connected to all the standards in this domain. It focuses on students being able to fluently add and subtract numbers to 10 and having experiences adding and subtracting within 20. Expectations for 1st grade are addition and subtraction within 10
Focus 7- Working toward Fluency for Addition and Subtraction within 20
In this focus, students continue to advance to more efficient strategies for addition and subtraction to 20. Students apply their conceptual understanding of addition, subtraction, and comparison to interpret and write expressions and equations. It is important for students to make sense of the symbols involved, as well as knowing when to use them.
Students use their understanding to reason about whether or not equations are true or false. Students apply their understanding of the symbols while practicing their addition and subtraction strategies in different problem situations.
1.NBT.B.3 / Estimated Time
5 WEEKS / Principle Resource
IDS Unit 6
Including Common Core Additional sessions 1.8A, 1.8B and 2.6A and adaptations (pages CC58-CC61) / Additional Resource
Pirate Math (problem types for explicit instruction as needed)
-Teaching Number, p 128, 129, 216
-Games for Early Number Sense
- IDS Differentiation and Intervention Guide
-Developing Number Concepts Book 2
-Teacher-Created Materials for Time
Math Routines
-Incorporate these routines in addition to IDS Classroom Routines:
-Problem solving with Add To Change Unknown and Take From Change Unknown are used in this unit. Continue working on these. –Mini lessons for Early Addition and Subtraction
-Number Talks
1. OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. This standard is strongly connected to all the standards in this domain. It focuses on students being able to fluently add and subtract numbers to 10 and having experiences adding and subtracting within 20. Expectations for 1st grade are addition and subtraction within 10
1.MD.B.3 practice – 10 Minute Math sessions 1.8A, 1.8B, and 2.6A
1. MD.C.4 practice – 10 Minute Math sessions 1.2. 1.4, 1.7, 2.3, 3.1, and 3.8
Focus 8 – Exploring Patterns: Foundations for Algebra
In this focus, students briefly explore contexts and number sequences that involve a constant rate of increase.
Students develop a more abstract understanding of place value, viewing two-digit numbers as tens and ones. This understanding of place value supports counting on and making ten strategies that students use to become more efficient in addition and subtraction situations. Students practice making groups of 10 to efficiently represent (written numerical work) and count objects. Students apply the structure of teen numbers to reason about larger quantities and their relative magnitude. Students practice counting and writing two-digit numbers.
1.MD.C.4 / Estimated Time
1 WEEK (Inv. 7)
2 WEEKS (Fosnot – Organizing and Collecting) / Principle Resource
IDS Unit 7 Investigation 2 ONLY and Common Core adaptations (pages CC80)
Fosnot: Organizing and Collecting
Exclude Investigation 1 sessions 1.1-1.8 / Additional Resource
Pirate Math, page 49, Activity 3; page 55, Activity 4; page 57, Activity 2; page 58, Activity 3
- IDS Differentiation and Intervention Guide
-Addition Number Talks
-Developing Number Concepts: Book 1 -Developing Number Concepts: Book 2 -Games for Early Number Sense -Teaching Number pgs. 181-185
Math Routines
In addition to IDS Classroom Routines, incorporate:
-solving problems using the Common Core problem types
-Telling Time to the hour and half hour
-Number Talks - Sherry Parrish, pages 92 - 96