Industrial Innovation and Mobility Industries
Automotive industry

Brussels, 9 November 2012

ENTR.F1/KS D(2010)

Dear all,

I want to inform you that the next meeting of the European working group for WLTP (EU-WLTP) will take place on 23 November 2012, 9:30 – 16:00atBRE2 (12/405), Avenue d'Auderghem 19, B-1049 Bruxelles (building adjacent to DG ENTR main office building).

Please note that the European Commission can not reimburse any expenses you may have for the participation in the meeting. If you want to participate in this meeting, please send a confirmation to Isabelle VERSTRAELEN, by 21November2012 with "WLTP – 23/11/2012 presence" in the subject line.

If there is some interest, we intend to offer for this meeting audio- and web-conferences. If you want to participate in the audio- and web-conference, please send as well a confirmation to Isabelle VERSTRAELEN by 21 November 2012with "WLTP – 23/11/2012 audio/web" in the subject line. You find the connection details in the folder "/General documents/Administrative" of the EU-WLTP CIRCABC group.

All further documents, including the draft agenda for this EU-WLTP meeting, will be distributed via the EU-WLTP CIRCABC group,

Access to CIRCABC is with an ECAS[1] login and password. If you do not yet have an ECAS login and password, please go to and click on "Login". You will be taken to a page where you can register. After registration, in order get access to the EU-WLTP CIRCABC group (if not done yet), please send an email to Satu PORSTI, , indicating your name, your ECAS login, the entity which you represent, and (briefly) the contribution you could make to the European WLPT process.

All contributions to the agenda should be sent to me, , and my colleague Maciej SZYMANSKI, i.e. ,. Documents relevant for the meeting can be uploaded to the CIRCABC folder (if you have the permission) or sent to us otherwise.

Best regards,

Nikolaus Steininger


[1]ECAS is the European Commission's Authentication Service. It is the system for logging on to a whole range of web sites and online services run by the Commission.