Shrewsbury Youth Hockey
Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday June 4th, 2013 - 7:00 PM
Board Members: Lee Mancini, Chris Shuler, John Umile, , Harry Gaston, Mike Pederson, Kevin O’Brien, Callan McInally, Steve Forget, Ray Charest, Kevin Lynch, Joe Flynn, Chris Arsenault, and Dennis Serocki
Present: (11) Dennis Serocki, Joe Flynn, Chris Arsenault, Lee Mancini, Chris Shuler, John Umile, Harry Gaston, Kevin O’Brien, Steve Forget, Callan McInally, Kevin Lynch, and John Umile
Absent: (2) Ray Charest and Mike Pederson
Meeting called to order at 7:pm by Kevin O’Brien and seconded by Lee Mancini
Old Business:
Selection of new President – Kevin O’Brien nominated for president by Lee Mancini and seconded by Callan McInally – unanimous selection for president.
Selection of Treasury - Ray Charest will continue as treasury nominated Kevin O’Brien and seconded by Harry Gaston – unanimous selection.
Selection of Vice President - Harry is the selection for vice president – nominated by Callan McInally and seconded by Lee Mancini – unanimous selection.
Selection of Recording Secretary – Lee Mancini will continue as recording secretary.
Selection of Registrar – Dennis Serocki volunteered – Lee Mancini nominated Dennis and Kevin O’Brien seconded. Kevin O’Brien will assist Dennis.
Selection of Sargeant at Arms – Dennis nominated Steve Forget, seconded by Harry.
House League Director – Harry Gaston agrees to tentatively -
Scheduling Director – Chris Shuler will continue this
Coaching Director – John Umile will continue this
Website Director – Chris Shuler will continue this
Tryouts Director – Joe Flynn will do this with Lee Mancini assisting in putting together the committee
Fund Raising Director – Kevin Lynch will continue and we need a committee
Merchandising / Equipment Director – Chris Arsenault will do this
Learn to Skate Director – Steve Forget will continue this
Skills Director – Lee Mancini will do this
Communications Director – Chris Shuler will continue this
Northstar League Rep Director – Steve Forget and Harry Gaston will do this with Ray and Kevin assisting
Mites Director – John will do this
Squirts Director – John will do this
Coop Director – Callan will do this
Midgets Director – Kevin will do this and Callan will assist
Tournaments – Mike Pederson will do this
Director of Team Managers – Joe Flynn will do this
Recording Secretary: Lee Mancini will resend the April minutes and tonight’s June minutes
Treasury: Ray was absent – but Kevin O’Brien presented the budget. Crusaders agreed to purchase another hour of ice time.
Scheduling: Chris has nothing to report at this time
Website: Chris will update some things on the website
Coaches: John Umile will have his coaches names for each team by July 1st.
Tryouts/Placements: Harry and Lee reviewed at length for the board again. The entire process was reviewed. Only 2 player placement issues have come up – 1 at the mite and 1 at the squirt level. Those specific instances were discussed by the board. It was discussed to next year consider not announcing all the player placements, but rather have families log onto the website to access their son or daughter’s team. The Crusaders do it this way – so you only know who is on your child’s team and not where everyone placed. Joe Flynn and Lee Mancini will put together this year’s tryout process and will reexamine how the tryouts are handled.
Co-Op with PeeWees and Bantams: Callan discussed needing at least 2-3 SYHA board members on the selection process for the Co-Op. Callan, Ray, and Harry will be those members to help in the PeeWee evaluation process.
USA/MA Hockey: Kevin O’Brien discussed the redistricting of Mass Hockey district 7. Kevin discussed us taking Boylston, West Boylston, Holden, and Grafton.
House League: Chris discussed about having 2 House League sessions – one that goes from Sept-Oct and another that goes from Nov-Feb.
Fundraising: Kevin Lynch had nothing to present
AYHL: Ray had nothing to report
Middle School Update: Nothing to report
Sponsorship: Nothing to report
Merchandising/Equipment: Chris Arsenault will be at the next uniform fitting for SYHA
Learn to Skate: Steve Forget – nothing to report
Tournaments: Mike was absent, nothing to present
Skills: Lee Mancini will contact Scott to take over Skills
Midgets: Kevin O’Brien has nothing to report
New Business: Nothing new to report
Next meeting:
The next board meeting will be Tuesday July 16th at 7pm at Gaston Art.
Meeting adjourned at 9:11pm by Lee Mancini and seconded by Chris Shuler.