Winfield Intermediate School
Section 1: ACADEMICS
Academic Honesty
Any student that is caught cheating on any school assignment will receive a failing grade for that assignment. The teacher will inform parents/guardian, counselor, and administrator of anyone cheating. Further incidents of cheating during that academic school year will be an immediate office referral.
Agenda Books
All students must have an agenda book. We expect that all students will utilize these planners to facilitate better communication, study skills, and organization. We encourage all parents to regularly check their student’s planner for messages from teachers and for upcoming assignments. This will keep the parents better informed about the student performance and school events. Teachers on a regular basis will check student planners. Students are to write down assignments in their planner every day. Planners will also be used as hall passes. An agenda book that is lost or excessively damaged will need to be replaced. The replacement cost for an agenda book is $4.50.
Grading Scale
The district wide adopted grading scale is as follows:
59below = F
Homework Helper
Homework Helper is an opportunity for students to do homework after school in a quiet environment. A Teacher is available to assist students and guide students on their work when needed. Peer tutors may also be available to assist students with their homework. Homework Helper is not a place for students to “hangout” and talk.
Students are required to sign in and out.
Make-Up Assignments
As you know, getting your child’s assignments when he or she is ill is very important if you want them to keep up with the class. We realize this is important and we are willing to help in any way we can. For each day missed due to an excused absence, the normal expectation is to allow 2 days for each day missed to complete make-up work.
Opportunity Period and Homework
Students may have homework throughout the week. All students must use their agenda book on a daily basis to record their homework assignments. Please check your child’s agenda book and backpack regularly for the work. Any student having late work, missing work, or unsatisfactorywork will be assigned Opportunity Period after school that day between 3:25 pm – 4:00 pm. If a student is assigned Opportunity Period, he/she will attempt to contact parents, so the student can receive credit for the homework. If parent contact is not made or the student cannot stay that day, the student is expected to stay the next school day. While in Opportunity Period, students are expected to work quietly. Anyone with disrupting behavior may be asked to leave, get his/her conduct card marked, and/or receive detention the next day. If a student skips or “forgets” to go to Opportunity Period, that individual may receive a mark on his/her conduct card and/or receive detention the next day.
In the event of your child’s absence from school, please request homework by 11:00 a.m. School staff will attempt to have assignments ready for pickup between 3:00 and 3:30 p.m.
Holding a child at the same grade level for an additional year is generally the result of learning difficulties or not meeting required district outcomes. However, behavioral and emotional problems also may contribute to any retention decision.
Requests for retention may be initiated by the parents/guardians or by the school. Each case is regarded as having a unique set of circumstances, which must be carefully and objectively examined. Parental support for the school’s decision to retain a student is extremely important in helping a child adjust to the new situation. Final decision regarding retention rests with the building principal or IEP Team.
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be issued to any student receiving a “C” or lower. Parents are also encouraged to check their child’s progress on Powerschool, which is on the District’s Webpage (
School Library Media Center
The Library Media Center has books available to students for reading practice, information gathering and pleasure. Students learn responsibility as they take care of the books and return them on time. Each student may check out up to 3 books that are returned or renewed every 2 weeks. Overdue notices are sent to the homeroom teacher on the last day of each month to be distributed to students. When books are lost or damaged, the student will be charged the cost of the book so that a replacement copy may be purchased and placed on the shelf. A book that has been paid for and is later found is the property of the student. Money owed for lost or damaged books should be paid by the end of the year. Any costs not paid will be added to the student’s enrollment fees the following year.
USD 465 has designed a chain of suggested procedures to promote effective communication between students, parents and staff. USD 465 encourages all concerns regarding the district to be resolved at the closest level possible (Policy KN). If you have missed a step in this process, you may be asked to go back to the appropriate step. Start at Step 1. If your concern has not been resolved, move on to the next step.
Step 1 Visit with your child about their concern or problem.
Step 2 If age appropriate, encourage your child to visit with the staff member.
Step 3 Make arrangements to visit with the staff member.
Step 4 Talk to the principal or supervisor.
Step 5 Make an appointment to visit with the superintendent.
Step 6 Share your concern with a board member.
Helpful suggestions:
When your child has brought a concern to your attention…
- Pay close attention to your child’s comments, but keep an open mind. There are always two sides to a story.
- Keep in mind that criticizing a staff member in front of your child may cause more problems.
- Communication is most effective when approaching each step with respect for all persons involved.
- Coping constructively with problems will help your child learn to do the same.
Section 2: Attendance/Truancy Policy
- Personal illness and professional appointments.
- Serious illness or death of a member of the family.
- Emergencies requiring the student’s services or presence at home.
- Obligatory religious observances.
- Participation in a district-approved or school sponsored activity.
- Absences prearranged by parents and approved by the principals.
- Students of active duty personnel shall have additional excused absences at the discretion of the district for visitations relative to leave or deployment.
ABSENCES (Minimum Consequences)
- Fifth unexcused absence (or sooner) – letter to parents
- Tenth absence – parent must provide documentation (note from doctor/agency for student’s absence
- Third consecutive unexcused absence – report to SRS or Cowley county Attorney for truancy
- Fifth unexcused absence in a semester – may report to SRS or Cowley County Attorney for truancy
- Seventh unexcused absence in a year – may report to SRS or Cowley County Attorney for truancy
- Tenth absence may report to SRS or Cowley County Attorney for truancy
USD 465 Tardy and Early Exit Policy Summary
- Any arrival after 7:55 am is a tardy and the arrival time is documented.
- Any departure prior to 3:15 pm is an early exit, early departure time documented.
- If the principal approves or documentation is provided, any absence of less than two hours will be excused.
- 4th incident of unexcused tardy/early exit – the incident is documented as an unexcused absence. Principal or designee will contact the parent to explain attendance policy and referral for a Student Improvement Team meeting after 7th tardy/early exit.
- 7th unexcused tardy/early exit – Solutions Team Meeting that includes parent and student.
- 8th unexcused tardy/early exit – Documented as unexcused absence. Home visit by principal/designee/truancy officer providing parent with number of tardies/early exits and notice of referral to truancy program which may occur on the 11th tardy/early exit. A letter indicating this information will be hand delivered. If no answer on two attempted home visits, notice will be mailed.
- Every unexcused 4th tardy/early exit from the 4th on (8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, etc.) is documented as an unexcused absence. These unexcused absences may result in truancy if the truancy law applies:
- Three unexcused absences occur in three consecutive school days;
- Five unexcused absences occur in one semester; or
- Seven unexcused absences occur in a school year.
- 11th tardy/early exit – Referral to truancy program.
- Truancy program referral considered for 10 or more undocumented absences.
Prior to reporting any student to the Cowley County Truancy Program, a letter shall be sent to parents notifying them of the school’s intent.
The USD 465 Board of Education recognizes that regular attendance in school is the foundation for learning. The Board is committed to enforcing all state lawsand regulations, whichrelate to compulsory attendance, attendance accounting, and enforcement of compulsory attendance.
Students are expected to attend school every day it is in session. Arriving on time for school and regular attendance develops student responsibility, establishes good work habits, and ensures the continuity of education. A significant part of a school day for pre-K – 6th grades is defined as 120 minutes and for 7th-12th grades as four periods or two blocks.
Any absence from school, other than for illness, is discouraged. Parents/guardians are asked to notify the office with an explanation of their child’s absence either before the absence, before 9:00 a.m. the day of the absence or contact the school the following day with a call or note explaining the absence. When a student is absent from school, if a parent/guardian has not contacted the school on or before the day of the absence, an attempt will be made by the school to contact the parent/guardian to determine the reason for the absence. If an emergency exists or if the student is physically, emotionally or mentally unable to attend school, the parent/guardian will notify the administration within two days after the student returns to school in order for the absence to be excused. When unexcusedabsences become excessive ( 7 or more days per year), the school will request parents to provide documentation from a physician or other agency as needed, to the school, excusing the absences, or the absences will be considered unexcused.
Family events may be considered excused absences if they are pre-approved by the building principal. The building principal will determine whether absences are excused or not.
Continued failure of the child to attend school without a valid excuse will result in a report being filed with the Cowley County Truancy Program and/or the local office of the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services office as per Kansas law. Law enforcement officers may return an absent and/or truant student to the school where the student is enrolled, to the student’s parent/guardian, or to another location designated by the Board to address truancy issues. These include, but are not limited to: the Kansas Department of Social & Rehabilitation Services (SRS), Juvenile Intake, or the Police Department. If a child is returned to school by a law enforcement official, the building principal shall notify the parent/guardian of this occurrence.
According to the Kansas state law, a child is truant when such child has three consecutive unexcused absences, any five unexcused absences in a semester or seven unexcused absences in a school year, whichever comes first. School year means the period from July 1 to June 30 the following year. Prior to reporting truancy to either the local Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) office (if student is under 13) or Cowley County Attorney (if student is 13 or over), a letter shall be sent to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) notifying them that the student’s failure to attend school without a valid excuse shall result in the student being reported truant.
At a minimum, after the 5th unexcused absence in a school year, a letter shall be sent to parents/guardians informing them of the number of absences which their child has accumulated. This letter shall contain:
- The number of current absences;
- The district truancy policy;
- A statement indicating after the 7th unexcused absence, school personnel will request parents to provide a note from a physician or other agency as needed, to the school excusing the absences or the absences will be considered unexcused;
- A statement indicating a referral to the truancy officer may be made after the 7th unexcused absence or 10 total absences;
- A statement indicating that truancy will be filed with the appropriate community agency if the criteria for truancy is met at any time during the compilation of the 7th unexcused absence; and
- A copy of the attendance report shall be attached to this letter.
A report to the Cowley County Truancy Program may be made on the 5th unexcused absence in a semester (3rd unexcused absence if they are consecutive). A report to the Cowley County Truancy Program may be made on the 7th unexcused absence. A report to the Cowley County Truancy Program may be made on the 10th total absence or thereafter.
Section 3: Behavior
Please refer to the Winfield USD 465 Discipline Handbook for more information
on student behavior and discipline consequences.
Bullying/Respect Initiative
Bullying means any form of intimidation or harassment prohibited by the board of education of the school district in policies concerning bullying adopted pursuant to K.S.A. 72-8256 or subsection (e) of K.S.A. 72-8205, and amendments thereto. USD 465 will not tolerate these actions by students, staff, or parents.
Bullying can be defined as a specific type of aggression in which:
- The behavior is intended to harm or disturb another individual.
- The behavior occurs repeatedly over time (or is sufficiently damaging that only one event can trigger sanctions by administration).
- The action by the perpetrator is unwanted or unwelcome by the receiving individual.
Bullying can be physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, and/or non-verbal. Bullying may be direct, with one person acting against another person. It may also be indirect, with one person telling another person to bully someone else. Bullying may also utilize written or electronic means, such as text messaging, cell phones, emails, faxes, and other media.
Behavior becomes bullying when it is unwanted, intended to be intimidating, repeated or sufficiently brutal or damaging, as determined by a building administrator.
- Physical bullying includes, but is not limited to, punching, poking, hair pulling, beating, biting, kicking, tripping, pushing, scratching and other unwanted physical contact.
- Verbal bullying includes, but is not limited to, such acts as name-calling, threatening, teasing, taunting, and gossiping.
- Emotional bullying includes, but is not limited to, terrorizing, extorting, defaming, intentionally humiliating, blackmailing, and peer pressure that become threatening or intimidating.
- Sexual bullying includes, but is not limited to, many of the actions listed above, as well as exhibitionism, voyeurism, unwanted touching, sexual harassment, sexual propositioning, and abuse involving actual physical contact and sexual assault.
- Non-verbal bullying includes, but is not limited to, making gestures, movements, or messages that are threatening in nature.
Consequences for violation of the Respect Initiative can range from a verbal warning to out of school suspension at the discretion of the building administration.
School Wide Discipline Plan
The WIS discipline policy is based upon mutual respect among administrators, staff, teachers, students and parents. The purpose of this discipline policy is to promote a safe and orderly environment so that learning and teaching opportunities are maximized through well-defined policies and procedures that support a positive atmosphere. Students have the responsibility to respect other students and the adults on the school staff, to comply with school and classroom rules and policies, and be ready to accept the negative consequences of their actions if they violate these rules or policies.
Conduct System: A Tiered Level of Behavior
Each student will receive a conduct card which contains a tiered level of behavior. Examples of Tier 1 behaviors- Tardy to class, Talking, Not Prepared for class, Horseplay, etc. and examples of Tier 2 behaviors- Inappropriate Behavior, Inappropriate Language, Disrespect. (Behaviors listed are not an inclusive list and the building principal has discretion in applying consequences.)
Students must have the card at all times in the front of their agendas.
Students losing a conduct card will be moved to mark number 4 on each Tier.
Teachers will mark the card by explaining the infraction. Teachers will also initial and date the infraction.
Tier 1 Infractions: 1st mark- warning, 2nd mark -parent contact, 3rdmark-parent contact and a 30 minute detention, 4th mark- 30 minute detention and 5th-10th marks will be 60 minute detentions for each infraction.
Tiered 2 Infractions: 1 mark- warning, 2nd mark-parent contact-30 minute detention, 3rd mark-parent contact/30 minute detention, 4th mark-60 minute detention, 5th mark-60 minute detention, 6th mark-1/2 day ISS, 7th mark- full day ISS, 8th mark- full day ISS, 9th mark-1/2 day OSS, 10th mark-full day OSS.
Parents will be contacted either by a note sent home with a required signature, email or phone call to discuss student’s behavior. A parent/principal/student conference may be held at any time to evaluate a student’s behavior.
Teachers will contact parents on the 2nd and 3rd mark on Tier 1 and Tier 2 behaviors. Any student receiving a 4th mark on either Tier will be sent to the office to receive his / her consequence and contact parents.
Any behaviors determined by staff or administration as deserving more attention than a conduct mark will be sent to the principal and an appropriate consequence will be determined.
At the end of each quarter, students with 7 marks or less on Tier 1and 3 marks or less on Tier 2 may earn a reward that will be decided by students and staff. (The number of marks may change at each quarter in order for students to earn their reward….for example 4 marks or less on Tier 1 and 0 marks on Tier 2).
Students will receive a new conduct card at the beginning of each quarter.