JUST - Faculty of Dentistry.

Dent 751: Clinical Training 1/Oral Surgery

2nd Semester 2006 – 2007. Course Syllabus

Course Coordinator: Dr. Ma’amon Rawashdeh

Course Title: Clinical Training 1/Oral Surgery

Course Code:Dent 751

Prerequisite: None

Course Credits: 1 hour

Course description and Objective:

This course is offered by the Department of Oral medicine & Surgery and is one of the core courses of the Master program. Training program is set to cover the various aspects of oral surgery. Master students are required to attend outpatients’ clinics and operating theater at KingAbdullahUniversityHospital. Master students are introduced and guided to developed clinical skills under supervision of senior member of staff.

Assessment:There will be two intrasemester exams (Can be: Clinical, viva, written) credited 25 marks each and a comprehensive final examination (Can be: Clinical, viva, written) credited 50 marks.

Timing:According to time table below.

Knowledge and Understanding:

  1. Sound understanding of the dental management of the medically compromised patient
  2. Sound understanding of the principles of management of difficult extractions and impacted teeth
  3. Sound understanding of orofacial infections and their management
  4. Sound understanding of the management of orofacial cystic lesions
  5. Sound understanding of commonly used dugs in oral surgery and how to prescribe them
  6. Sound understanding of common complications following oral surgery and their management

JUST - Faculty of Dentistry.

Dent 751: Clinical Training 1/Oral Surgery

2nd Semester 2006 – 2007. Course Syllabus

Course Coordinator: Dr. Ma’amon Rawashdeh

1. OMFS out patient clinics at the Dental teaching Centre-Irbid

The clinical sessions will be the am and pm OMFS outpatients. The students will be divided into four groups (A, B, C D) and each group will be supervised and guidedby members of OMFS staff during performing surgical procedures. OMFS staff will rotate so that each group will benefit from the expertise of the different members of staff.

Group / Master Students
Group A / حمزة سمارة، يوليا اناتولي
Group B / سحر عبده عثمان، وائل احمد عبد الله
Group C / محمد محمود عليان، محمد عون خير
Group D / دعاء عبد الله الخطيب، عمر نزار يونس

Time table for outpatient clinics:

Day / 9-11 / 11-1 / 2:30-2:30
Sunday / Dent 701 / Group A / Dent 704
Monday / Dent 702 / Group B / Group B
Tuesday / Group A/B/C/D Alternating KAUH Operating Theater
Wednesday / Group A/B/C/D Alternating between KAUH Operating Theater and outpatients clinics HealthCenter
Thursday / Group C / Group D / Dent 755

Time table for Tuesday and WednesdayKAUH Operating Theater and outpatient’s clinics HealthCenter:

Tuesday / Group / Wednesday KAUH / Group / Wednesday Outpatient / Group
13/2/07 / A / 14/2/07 / A / 14/2/07 / B
20/2/07 / B / 21/2/07 / C / 21/2/07 / D
27/2/07 / C / 28/2/07 / B / 28/2/07 / A
6/3/07 / D / 7/3/07 / D / 7/3/07 / C
13/3/07 / A / 14/3/07 / A / 14/3/07 / B
20/3/07 / B / 21/3/07 / C / 21/3/07 / D
27/3/07 / C / 28/3/07 / B / 28/3/07 / A
3/4/07 / D / 4/4/07 / D / 4/4/07 / C
10/4/07 / A / 11/4/07 / A / 11/4/07 / B
17/4/07 / B / 18/4/07 / C / 18/4/07 / D
24/4/07 / C / 25/4/07 / B / 25/4/07 / A
1/5/07 / Holiday / 2/5/07 / D / 2/5/07 / C
8/5/07 / D / 9/5/07 / A / 9/5/07 / B
15/5/07 / A / 16/5/07 / C / 16/5/07 / D

جدول محاضرات كلية طب الاسنان لطلبةماجستير جراحةالفم و الفكينالسنة الثانية الفصل الاول 2006/2007

2.30-4.30 / 1.30-3 / 11-1 / Day
Current topics in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
مواضيع جارية في جراحة الفم والوجه والفكين
(القاعة الشرقية/مركز طب الاسنان التعليمي) / Sunday
Dent 706 Implants
علم غرس الاسنان
(القاعة الشرقية/مركز طب الاسنان التعليمي) / Sunday
Dent 756 Oral Maxillofacial Surgery جراحة الفم والوجه والفكين
( في القاعة الكبرى/ مركز طب الاسنان التعليمي) / Thursday
حسب الجدول المعد من قبل القسم / تدريب سريري / Dent 752

Clinical training II (Dent 752, Oral Surgery)

Dent 752Clinical Training:

Total / Final Exam(50) / Total
(50) / Exam2
P(25) / Exam1 P(25) / Exam2 V(25) / Exam1 V(25) / Name
74 / 41 / 33 / 15.25 / 19.5 / 12 / 19 / فؤاد ابو الجدايل
62 / 35 / 27.25 / 13.25 / 14.25 / 20 / 7 / اسحق طيطي
70 / 42 / 28 / 13.6 / 18.5 / 12 / 12 / طارق الدجاني
73 / 43 / 30 / 19.75 / 19.5 / 8 / 12 / جعفر عايش
80 / 42 / 38 / 17.75 / 15.75 / 20 / 22 / محمد الوتاري
78 / 42 / 36.25 / 18.75 / 17.75 / 16 / 20 / مروان شديد

Current Topic Marks

Mark / Name
79 / فؤاد ابو الجدايل
74 / اسحق طيطي
84 / طارق الدجاني

Advance Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Marks(5) / Name
4 / فؤاد ابو الجدايل
3 / اسحق طيطي
5 / طارق الدجاني
4 / جعفر عايش
4 / محمد الوتاري
4 / مروان شديد

Clinical Training II

Dent 752

Practical Assessment Timetable

First Practical Assessment

Day / Date / 9-11 / 11-1 / Examiner
Sunday / 10/12 / جعفر عايش / - / Prof. Bateineh & Dr. Nusair
Monday / 11/12 / اسحق طيطي / طارق الدجاني / Dr. Khateeb & Dr. Nusair
Wednesday / 13/12 / فؤاد ابو الجدايل / مروان شديد / Dr. Gharaiebeh & Dr. Rawashdeh
Thursday / 14/12 / محمد الوتاري / - / Dr. Khateeb &
Dr. Gharaiebeh

Second Practical Assessment

Day / Date / 9-11 / 11-1 / Examiner
Sunday / 17/12 / محمد الوتاري / - / Prof. Bateineh & Dr. Nusair
Monday / 18/12 / مروان شديد / فؤاد ابو الجدايل / Dr. Khateeb & Dr. Nusair
Wednesday / 20/12 / طارق الدجاني / - / Dr. Gharaiebeh & Dr. Rawashdeh
Thursday / 21/12 / جعفر عايش / اسحق طيطي / Dr. Khateeb &
Dr. Gharaiebeh


  1. Master students must make sure that their patients (already selected) show for exams at the dates shown.
  2. Master students not allowed to change the dates of their exams
  3. Radiographs and patients details to be available on the day of the exam.

Clinical training II

Dent 752

Assessment Sheet

Student Name:Date:


Examiner 1(10) / Examiner 2 (10) / Average (10)
Flap Design
Flap reflection
Bone removal/ Sectioning
Tooth delivery
Instrument Handling
Post Op Instructions
Total (100)


Examiner1 SignatureExaminer2 Signature

Dr. Ma’moon A. Rawashdeh BDS. MScD, FDSRCS (Eng.) Dent751