Thank you for your participation in the Diagnosis program. Please note the following important items:

Module 1 and Module 2 are now available in a convenient online version.

Up to twelve (12) CE hours of training are available online, to cover the material from Module 1 and Module 2 of the program.

You may take these courses at any time prior to the 12/31/17 deadline.

Modules do not need to be taken in order.

Module 1 is course #DSM5577available now on website.

Module 2 consists of two parts

(part 1) is course # MMD8386available now on website.

(part 2) is course # SSD3377 available now on website.

If you wish to start one or more of these courses now,

Instructions on how to do this are noted on the “How to Use” link off the Home page.

1. Sign up as a user on

2. Then send an email once that registration process has been completed.


If you are already registered, simply send an email from the Contact Us link.

The email should contain the request for course(s) number (see course numbers above) be loaded into your Active Courses folder.

Please note the following - there are ethics sections in the live training version of module 1 and module 2 equal to 3 hours of ethics that are not contained in the online version of these modules. Ethics hours in Georgia will only count towards your CE requirements if they are taken in a live, face to face format. If you wish to utilize these ethics pieces towards your CE requirements, you will need to attend an additional short live ethics session directly following module 8 to cover some of that important material.

There will have other ethics hours in the other live in-person modules, but will not cover the same material with the same level of detail.

Need additional information? Please contact Charlie Safford, LCSW, President,, Inc.

“I am happy to provide additional information by phone at my toll-free number to help with these decisions.” Phone number is 888-247-1991.Best,Charlie Safford, LCSW, President,, Inc.

As you may know, the Licensing Board has not fully clarified the guidelines for the curriculum. Given the extensive delays by the Licensing Board in making a final determination, we have moved forward with course work that will qualify as best practices and based on the language in the law.