INSTRUCTOR: Sandra Sylvester, Business Department Teacher

PHONE: 922-1305, ext. 5431

E-mail Address:


Textbook: Century 21 Accounting 10e, 2014

Supplemental materials as needed

Speakers-approved according to district policy


Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

·  Students will preview power point presentation to build foundation for course presentation methods. Students will practice and participate in work together activities of guided practice.

·  Students will complete, compare and analyze problems using excel.

·  Students will compare and contrast documents.

·  Read and apply transaction theory to a scenario based problems, answer questions and participate in group discussions.

·  Students will journalize, demonstrate, explain, classify account assets, liabilities, owner equity by creating excel spreadsheet analysis.

·  Prepare and arrange accounts in a general Ledger form

·  Occupational Outlook Handbook to research accounting occupations. Prepare a report with projections and statistical information in the projection of accounting jobs of the future.

·  Complete comprehensive simulations related to real world events.

Each chapter is divided into 3-4 short accessible lessons that cover one or two concepts for maximum understanding. Each chapter section contains two “work together” problems and two “on your own” problems. Students are guided through each of the work together problems for every chapter, then they complete the “on your own” section in class. The work together problems require the teacher to demonstrate, monitor, observe and answer questions. Independent practice inspires students to practice applications on their own. Each section relates to previous lessons through suggested questions, examples, or group discussions.

Chapter Layout Summary: Required to complete for each lesson, there are 4 to 5 lessons per chapter.

1.  Work Together Chapter 1 - 24

2.  On Your Own Chapter 1 -24

3.  Reinforcement Chapter 1 - 24

4.  Chapter Mastery Problem 1 – 24

5.  Chapter Challenge Problem 1 - 24

6.  Chapter activities to highlight critical thinking, also to achieve a link to components taught from accounting practice and procedure.

a.  Accounting in the Real World – Real world applications of accounting practices and procedures.

b.  Ethics in Action – Diversity, decision making and personal character.

c.  Think Like an Accountant – Challenging problems that use higher order thinking skills.

d.  Global Awareness – Accounting in a global environment which reflects trends, concerns and issues in a global setting.

e.  Why Accounting – How is accounting applicable to a variety of situations.

f.  Financial Literacy – Guides students in the exploration of business and finance topics through engaging activities that require real life application skills.

g.  Forensic Accounting – Criminal investigations that allow students to apply knowledge and theory they learn in class.

h.  Careers in Accounting – Provides examples of how accounting skills are applicable to business situations.

i.  A look at Accounting Software – Commercial software used Peachtree, QuickBooks, and Excel.

j.  Explore Accounting – Encourages students to think about their future, features a broad range of accounting positons within the profession.

k.  21st Century Skills – Provides activities that cultivate mastery of essential skills such as problem solving, communication, and technology.

l.  Auditing for Errors – Students apply concepts learned to trace and find mistakes

Manual and automated simulations can also be used for hands on, real world, experiences in accounting practice.


Policy for letter grades, grades will be assigned as follows:

100 - 90 = A

89 - 80 = B

79 - 70 = C

69 - 60 = D

59 or below = F

Students will be assessed by tests, teacher observation, projects, and course standard completions. Students will be allowed


Students with excused absences should check with your teacher to schedule a make-up time. Students with unexcused absences will need to make up their work as assigned and complete additional time after school. Assignments for unexcused absences will be assigned at the teacher’s discretion. Unexcused absences may result in a ZERO grade for the class missed.


Students found to be cheating will receive a ZERO grade and district policy will be followed. See Parent/Student guidelines handbook and Student/Parent Technology use contract provided at the time of registration. Students using/sharing student data files or any computer generated files will receive a grade of ZERO and the district policy for cheating will be followed. Student may be removed from the classroom and receive no credit for that grading term.


·  No Food, drinks, candy, or GUM permitted in the computer lab

·  Students are not permitted to roam or surf the internet at their discretion. More information will be discussed with you by your instructor. District policy requires that each student and parent sign a TECHNOLOGY USE CONTRACT at the time of enrollment, please understand these rules will be enforced to the fullest extent of District policy, violators will be removed from this class immediately.

·  Students will treat teachers, staff, and other students with respect

·  Disruptive behavior will not be allowed

·  Students will treat other peoples property with respect

·  Remain at your workstation unless you are given permission to leave by your teacher

·  Obey the school dress code, violations will be addressed

·  Students will respect computer lab property at all times

·  Be responsible for your station- if for example your book is written in or you notice something is wrong with the computer report it immediately to your teacher so you are not blamed for the damages.

·  Read, understand and return the Acceptable Use Policy Business Department contract signed by a parent or guardian.

(August 2017)