General pathology 2010

1. Which of the following is not correct regarding neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (hyaline membrane disease)?

a)the surfactant produced by type 2

b)inflammation of lungs is characteristic biological feature

c)more frequent in babies with c section

d)grossly, lungs resemble liver tissue

2. Hydropis (errythmas) fetalis includes all of the following conditions except:

a. ascites

b. hypoalbunemia

c. edema

d. nephrogenic rests

3. which is not correct regarding cystic fibrosis?

a. The sweat glands show fibrosis and cystic dilatation of the ducts

b. IN the airways there is increased absorbtion of Na form the lumen to the cells

c. biliary cirrhosis in small amt of cases


5)not correct about neuroblastoma

a)partial gain of distal long arm of chr 17 is assoc with good prognosis

b)presence of galgion cells represent differentiation

c)presence of n-myc oncogene amplification is associated with bad prognosis

d)neutropil represents primitive cytpolasmic process of neuroblasts

6. What is in the slide?

a.Homer-Simpson Rosettes

b. Hyaline Membranes

7. the most typical diagnostic sign of neurofibromatosis-1 is

a. lish nodules

b.plexiform neurofibroma pigmentations

d. acoustic neuroma

e. malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor

8. Turner's syndrome doesnt have:

a. low iq

b. webbed neck

c. primary hypogonadism

d. cardiac abnormalities

9. Findings of polyps in the colon, osteo---, fibrous --, indicate

A. Classic

B. Turkot

C. Attenuated

D. Gardner

E. One more that I do not remember

10. Which of the following is most sensative to radiation?

A. Heart

B. Brain

C. Ilium

D. Esophagus

11 Image 2: A 16 year old patient has splenomegaly and presents with the following pathology on biopsy of the spleen.

1. Neiman picks A

2. Neiman picks C

3. Gaucher

4. Tay Sacs

5. Glycogen Storage Disease

12. which substance accumulates in the cells of patient with tay-sachs disease?

A sphingomylin



d.glucocerebroside I put this one

e ganglioside

12. silayl lews x, selectins icam1 are involved in

a. Granuloma formation

b. Leukocyte rolling and adhesion to endothelial cells in arteries

c. Empyema formation

d. Leukocyte rolling and adhesion to endothelial cells in venules and capillaries

13. Which is correct concerning superoxidase formation during phagocytosis?

a. it is formed in the lysozyme

b.needs myloperoxidase

c.needs gluthatione peroxidase

d. needs NADPH perozidase

14. non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs will result in

a. inhibitions of formation of arachidonic acid

b.inhibition of formation of leukotrienes

c.inhibition of formation of Il1 and TNF

d.inhibition of formation of prostaglandins and thromboxanes

e. inhibidion of formation of cyclooxygenase

15. Accumulation of macrophages in the fallopian tube re;ates to which of the following?

a. acute salpingitis

b. chronic salpingitis

c. empyema of fallopian tube

d. Abcess of fallopian tube

e. necrosis of fallopian tube

16) what is correct regarding serum amyloid A

a) produced by macrophages

b) forms light-chain amyloid in patients with multiple myeloma

c) causes systemic fever in inflammation

d) overproduced in the liver in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever

17) what is the pathogenesis of the pathological process in Fig 3

a) associated with activated neutrophils

b) begins with activation of T-helper cells

c) begins with activation of B lymphocytes

d) associated with the action of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes

18) see slide no. 2 from the lung of a 50 year old woman. Which is the most probably association to the pathology shown in the slide

a) complication of deep vein thrombosus

b) fever and cough with purulent sputum

c) acid fast bacteria in the sputum

d) solitary founded mass on chest x-ray in asymptomatic patient

19. ras mutation in tumor cells will result in

a. Persistent ras gdp

b. Inhibition of the exchange of ras gdp by ras gtp

c. Enhanced hydrolysis of ras gtp to ras gdp

d. Resistance of ras gtp to degredation

22. Her2 (erb B2) receptor on breast cancer cells is:

a. a type of VEGF receptor

b.a type of transforming growth factor beta receptor

c. responsible for cell proliferation when activated by its ligand

23. cells in the blood smear (figure 4)

a)ige receptor

b)recruited by c5a, ltb4, and bacterial products

c)secrete gamma interferon

d)secrete tnf and il1

24. is a figure of a scar

A shows a high content of collagen 4

b. a high content of collagen 1

25. Where is a venous thrombosis most likely formed?

a. veins of the lower extremities

b. meninges

c. inferior vena cava

d. pulmonary vein

e. right atrium

26. very unusual for venous thrombi’s




d)pulm embolism

e)systemic embolism

27. all cause edema except

a)high hydrostatic intravascular pressure

b)sodium retention

c)high osmotic pressure

d)heart failure

e)obstruction of venous outflow

28. Frequent place of DVT?

a. Left ventricle cardiomyopathy

b. endocardium

c. portal vessels

d. deep veins of extremities

29. All of the following are risk factors of DVT except

A prolonged immobilization.

b.major surgery

c.chronic heart failure

d.advanced age I put this one but thought it may be e

e.LV hypertrophy

30/ at the autopsy of a 75 year old patient who died from disseminated gastric cancer there was a well circumscribed area in the lower lobe of the left lung. On cross section this area showed a pyramidal form with the base on the visceral pleura and was composed of dark red tissue. A thrombus in the deep femoralvein was also found.

Diagnosis of lung lesion?

a.Tumor metastasis

b. Pneumonia

c. Infarction

d. Abscess

e. Hemorrhage

32. Which of the following is not associated with the picture? (Picture of amyloid)

a. Drug Abuse

b. Tuberculosis

c. Berylliosis

d. FMF

33. which of the following findings is a late complication of radiation

A vasodilation.

b. diarrhea

c. leucopenia I put this one


e edema

34.which of the following is not related to asbestos fibers

a)pleural effusion



d)lung carcinoma


35. which is most radiosensitive?






37. amyloid protein is deposited in?



c)follicular lymphoma

d)chornic renal failure

e)old age

38. silicosis is characterized by?


b)collagen nodules

c)pleural effusion

d)honey combed lungs


39. what is most radiosensitive?




d)cell membrane

e) mitochondira

40. which of the following findings is characteristic to radiation damage?

a. chronic inglammation

b. granulomatoous inflammation

c.epidermal hypertrophy

d.lymphadenopathy I put this one

e vascular proliferation

41. Which of the following is a complication of Asbestosis?

a. laryngeal carcinoma

b. mesothelioma

c. pancreatic carcinoma

d. gastric carcinoma

e. carciroid

44. which of the following condition is associated with an icreased risk for carcinogenesis?

a. Gastric ulcer

b. Chronic atrophic gastritis

c. Choristoma

d. Hamartoma

e. Cardiac hypertrophy

45. CA-125 is a tumor marker for

a. breast cancer I put this one bc we were told we would not need to remember markers

b.stomach cancer

c.colon cancer

d.ovarian cancer

e pancreatic cancer

46. which of thefollowing HPV types constitiure a hirgh risk group?

a. 16 and 18

b. 31 + 33

e. 6 and 31

50. The Warburg effect in cancer cells refers to:

a. A shift in glucose metabolism to aerobic glycolysis

b. A shift in glucose metabolism to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation

c. A state of metabolic hibernation using autophagy due to oxygen deprivation

d. Increased apoptosis in the hypoxic tumor microenvironment

51. What type of diagnostics does the Warburg Effect help?

A. Flow cytometry

B. DNA Microarray

C. PET Scan

D.two other anwers that I do not remember...

51. Which of the following tumors stain positively to desmin?

a. basal cell carcinoma

b. follicular adenoma

c. leiomyoma

d. fibroadenoma

52. a thyroid cancer staining positive for calcitonin is called:

a. papillary carcinoma

c. medullary carcinoma I forgot to highlight the correct one but I think that it is this one

54. RasGTP mutation causes:

a. hyperactivity of RasGDP

b. hydrolysis of RasGTP

c. degradation of RasGTP

d. inhibition of exchange of RasGDP by RasGTP

57) FAS ligand expression in tumor cells is the mechanism underlying:

a) tumor recurrence

b) tumor migration

c) metastatic spread

d) evasion of immune mechanisms

58) mm23 in breast cancer is a:

a) anti-angiogenesis molecule

b) motility factor

c) metastasis suppressor gene

d) anti-apoptosis gene

e) DNA repair gene

59) APC plays a role in colon cancer - what is the result of its mutation or absence

a) increased degradation of β-catenin

b) β-catenin levels are unaltered

c) increased intracytoplasmic levels of β-catenin

d) blockage of nuclear translocation

e) defects in the cadherin-catenin axis

62. Reversible, heritable changes in gene expression that occur without mutation in cancer cells characterized by a global hypomethy ation and selective promoter-localized hypermethylation is referred to as

a. haploingostiysufficincy

b. epigenetic changes

c.loss of heterozygosity

d.cancer immunoeditiing

e. genemoic instability

64. chromosomal recombimnation and formation of hybrid fusion genes encode chimeric proteins thus activating proto-oncogenes in-

a. amplification


c. insertional mutagenesis

d. oncogene-induced senescence

e epethial to mensenchymal transition EMT I switched to this one

65. the following statements are true of Epithelial-to-mesenchymal (EMT) transition except

a. Formation of hybrid fusion genes encoding chimeric proteins

b. Favor development of promigratory phenotype in metastasis

d. Down regulation of e cadherin

e. up regulation vimentin

f. Emt has been documented in breast cancers

66. what is not true regarding BRACA 2?

Mutations in BRCA 2 will increase the risk of breast cancer in women only

67. What is on the slide?

a. Glandular hyperplasia

69. the executioners of apoptosis:

A)epidermal growth factor

b)serum glucagon

c)secretory immunoglobulin

d)cellular caspase

71. Unlike coagulative necrosis, caseous necrosis is:

a. Caused by ischemia

b. Caused by thrombo-emboli

c. Caused by mycobacteria

d. Caused by antibodies reacting with bacteria cell walls

73. activated oxygen species cause cellular injury by

a. inhibiting mitochondrial electorn transport and ATP production

b.damaging membranes , proteins and DNA

77. 50-year old patient with stomach cancer presents with crushing chest pain, dyspnea and malaise. He dies 3 days later, and an autopsy was performed. An abnormal, hemorrhagic, wedge-shaped section of this lung was found in addition to a deep vein thrombosis. According to figure 7, the likely diagnosis is:

a. metastasis

b. infarction

c. coagulative necrosis

d. hemorrhage

78. slide 7 anorexia fever + zeihl neilsen

a. foci of granulomatous inflammation composed of activated macrophages, giand cells and necrotic core

b. alveolar spaces filled with fibrino-purulent exudate

What is present the image?

1. Pesudogout

2. Gout

3. ..

4. …

question 1:

BRAC1 gene is involved (choose the incorrect answer)

a. in breast cancer

b. in ovarian cancer

c. in prostate cancer

d. in women only

e. in men and women

. the following phot was taken from a mass developing in a six month old baby wich of the following is your diagonosis

a. Teratoma

b. Neruoblastoma

c. Wilms tumor

d. Hemangioma

Hydropic swelling in an indicator of:

a. Acute, reversible cell injury

b. Apoptosis

d. Necrosis

e. symbiosis