Berrien Fire Chief’s Association


Meeting called to order by Chief Richcreek at 0845 hours.

ATTENDANCE: Lamb, D.Stover, LaBaBard, Divis, Maroney, Taylor, Koebel, Kennedy, Carteville, Sexton, Klug, Heyn, Jesswien, Gowen, Brovold, Knuth, Davidson, Maynard, Burkett, Richcreek, Styles.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Lamb reported no change with a balance of 1,553.17.

MINUTES – A motion and support was presented, with all in favor to approve the 9-17-08 minutes as issued.

COMMUNICATIONS / BILLS – Tim Jesswien will call other chiefs when it is time to have the Kenwood Radios template downloaded. He said that scanning would be an option with the new changes.



911 –. Roland reported that County Dispatch is still working on managing the new workload. They have added 2 additional dispatchers to accommodate the changes. The new SMCAS tower is on line for December and the new 800 tower located on the north end of the County is still moving forward. Finally, we have yet to receive a denial letter from our Fire Act Simulcast Grant which means we are still in the running.

DNR – None

Funeral Protocol –.No report

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT –. Resource Typing sheets have been handed out. Deputy Bush has already completed several area communities however there are still several that have yet to be completed. Chris recommends that Gerry Kableman and Deputy Bush work together to develop a county database with the data.

Chris Reported on the Hostile Action Drill held at Cook on October 1st of this year. He stated that over the next 6 years these drills will become a regular event. In the wake of the actual fire only weeks prior he reported that many of the barriers to joint actions of this type had diminished. Chris reminded the room that all departments would in some way be effected by an event at Cook. A brief discussion into the events that occurred with the actual emergency was discussed. MABAS was also discussed as a possible solution to an event of this type.

Richcreek, Brovold, Corteville, and Davidson have been working to complete the pager program with the delivery of the used pagers to the schools. Baroda, Benton twp, Buchanan Twp, New Buffalo Twp, St Joe City, Three Oaks, and Weesaw should contact one of the Chief’s listed above. Issues relating to final programming were also discussed. Chris recommended that the pagers be delivered with new batteries to avoid issues. A motion and Second were received to purchase 300 new batteries not to exceed $500 with all in favor. Documentation will be done to fulfill any future audit of the grant.

Chris discussed false trips with the new pagers. Chris has met with Gabe and a complaint has been generated. Chris has forwarded to a contact at Motorola who will look into the issue. Chief Richcreek reported sending a letter to Motorola and Telrad relating to these problems.

LEPC –. None


BCFFA - Next meeting at the Hagar Station

BCYF – None


TRAINING – Flashover Training Certificates were discussed. Chief Burkett will be going through each waiver to determine who will get a certificate of attendance. If your members who attended don’t receive a certificate please contact Ron.

OLD BUSINESS – Telrad will be handling template changes on the Motorola Radios.

NEW BUSINESS- .Dale discussed the goal of replacing the Squirt Van with a new truck. There is a matching grant with the St Joe – Benton Harbor Rotary for $10,000 right now if $15,000 can be raised.

Chris Corteville will be in charge of the Nominations Committee again this year.

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,

Larry Lamb