Looking after the Elderly: Asia’s Immediate Big Challenge
UCL Grand Challenge of Human Wellbeing
Looking After the Elderly: Asia’s Immediate Big Challenge
· Up to £6,000 available for UCL researchers (postdoctoral level/equivalent or above) from different departments to form an impactful, cross-disciplinary, partnership with an Asianorganisation(s)
· Further details about this call
· Closing date: 9am, Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Part 1
· This completed form must be uploaded in Section 1 in the online submission form.
· We cannot accept emailed applications
· Read the financial requirements / conditions that will form part of an award
How to complete this form
1. When you “save” this document please name this file using this format: “First Applicant Family Name and Second Applicant Family Name”
2. With the exception of Question 7a &b, please answer all the questions (1 to 9b) in this form.
3. Please complete the questions in Arial font, size 12
4. When you have completed this form (Part 1), please delete the background details in pages 1 and 2 of this form so that just your responses to the application questions remain
5. Convert Part 1 into a PDF
5. Now go to the online submission form (Part 2) to upload Part 1 and register, and submit your application
The main features of this scheme
· Up to £6,000 available for UCL researchers to form an impactful, cross-disciplinary, partnership with an Asianorganisation(s) (academic or non-academic)
· Support for a wide range of activities
· Applications must be led by two UCL academic staff members (postdoctoral level/equivalent or above, or those with an honorary appointment). The Second Applicant may alternatively be a UCL Professional Services staff member.
· Applicants must come from different disciplines and be based in different departments (ideally, different faculties).
· Activities must be claimed and paid for by 31st July 2017
· Closing date: 9am, Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Please note these exclusions from our scheme:
X Extensions of previous small grants activities
X Studies in basic science or research that is exclusively lab-based
X Where the main purpose of the application is to attend an overseas
X Article processing charges (publication fees)
X HEFCE staff cost replacement or bench fees
X Activities that will incur costs after 31 July 2017. Use of awarded funds cannot be deferred to a later period
Nietzsche and Marx
1. In the box above please replace the sample text and enter the First Applicant’s Family Name and the Second Applicant’s Family Name.
Please type the family names as above in red, point size 22 and then delete these instructions and extra line spaces so that just the names remain in this box
This will make it easier for the Judging Panel to refer to your application.
Thank you.
2. Title of your proposed activities
3. First Applicant’s name, dept., faculty
· Applications must be led by two UCL academic staff members (postdoctoral level/equivalent or above, or those with an honorary appointment). The Second Applicant may alternatively be a UCL Professional Services staff member.
· Applicants must come from different disciplines and be based in different departments (ideally, different faculties).
4. Briefly describe the First Applicant’s disciplinary field(s)
5. Second Applicant’s name, dept., faculty
6. Briefly describe the Second Applicants disciplinary field(s)
7a. If relevant, detail any additional UCL collaborators and/or collaborations with external partners (either academic or non-academic). Do not detail your Asian partnership here. Please do this in question 8c below.
7b. If relevant, outline the contributions of your external collaborators either financial or logistical:
8. About your proposed activities
8a.) Requested amount : £
(You will be asked to provide an estimated budget in 9a.)
8b.) Name and location of your Asian partner organisation(s). If necessary, describe the type of partnering organisation.
8c.) Outline the role and contribution of your Asian partner organisation(s) to the proposed activities (about 100 words)
Wherever possible partnering Asian organisations are requested to contribute to the funding of their own participation.
8d.) Outline your activities (minimum 200 words; maximum 500 words)
8e.) What are the cross-disciplinary elements of your proposed activities? (about 200 words)
Your proposal must be genuinely cross-disciplinary in nature with clearly defined contributions from your Second Applicant collaborator.
8f.) Why are the proposed activities of societal and/or disciplinary relevance? (about 100 words)
8g.) Outline the expected outcomes of your proposed activity.
(about 100 words)
8h.) What are the pathways to impact of the outcomes described above? (about 100 words)
9. About schedules and budgets
9a.) Provide an estimated budget for the requested amount - broad headings (e.g. 'catering', ‘travel’, 'hotel accommodation' etc., will be sufficient. NB: All costs associated with your activity must be claimed and paid for by 31 July 2017
9b. Provide a time schedule for your proposed activity.
Before you upload your Part 1 to the Part 2 online form, please make sure that you have:
1. Deleted the background details in pages 1 and 2 so that just your responses to the applications questions remain in this document.
2. Saved and named this file using this format:
“First Applicant Family Name and Second Applicant Family Name”
3. Answered all the required questions in this form
4. Completed the questions in Arial font, size 12
5. Convert this document into a PDF
Upload your Part 1 Application
Now please go to the online submission form (Part 2) to upload this Part 1 application, register and then submit your complete application