Annual Progress Review


School Travel Plan Champion:



a)Mode of Travel Survey– Staff No on roll

Walk / Cycle / Bus / Car / Car Share / Rail / Other

b)Mode of Travel Survey – Pupils No on Roll

Walk / Cycle / Bus / Car / Car Share / Rail / Other
1. Comment on how these results compare with baseline/previous year’s figures. Please give a reason for positive or negative trends:
2) Comment on any other changes occurring as a result of your travel plan (e.g. effect on pupils, situation at school gate, fewer complaints, etc.).
3) Comment on any changes to the school or local area which have affected travel to school (e.g. extended school provisions, new start/finish times, new housing or highways developments).
4) Comment on progress made against each of the targets in your school travel plan.
5) Please add any new targets you would like to commit to for the next upcoming year.
5) Comment on progress made against each of the actions in your school travel plan.
6) What new actions do you propose for the schools continue improvement?
7) Have you any suggestions on specific resources or support you would find it useful for the School Travel Plan team to provide?
8) Have you any comment on the service you have received from the School Travel Plan team?
Please note that this completed Annual Progress Review form will be made available online, along with your school travel plan, at.

Thank you for completing your annual progress review. Please retain a saved copy for your own records which can inform your next annual review. Your school is now eligible to apply for:

Safer Journeys to School Funding, toimprove the safety of the journey to and from school. Visit to find out how to go about applying for funding.

To find out more please go to: or visit